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Generic Name: Asacol for Ulcerative Colitis (mesalamine)

Asacol for Ulcerative Colitis Reviews

"I have had colitis for 20 years. I was prescribed steroids but did not want to take them. I had gas, bloating loose watery foul smelling bowel movements. Up to 20 a day. I started on Asacol 800mg. I took 6 tabs a day. Two in the morning, 2 mid day and 2 at bedtime. I saw no results and was even passing whole tablets...as I know it is common. I almost threw in the towel. At the 3 month mark I had formed stools, and minimal gas and bloating. You have to be patient. Our bowels did not get sick overnight...so you are not going to be cured overnight. 20 years of issues took about 3 months on Asacol. Now I am down to 2 x 800mg tabs maintenance dose. 1 tab in the morning and 1 tab at night. I still have the odd loose bowel movement if I eat greasy food or drink too much coffee. But all and all..well worth it."

"Had severe bloody diarrhea for a couple of months, went away for two years, then came back worse. I was then diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. My doctor started me on 6 pills a day of Asacol. Within two weeks, I was having completely normal bowel movements again with no pain. I then began decreasing my dosage (doctor's orders) and now I am currently on 2 pills a day of 800g. My life is completely back to normal. The only side effect I have is slight dizziness during more stressful times. I have had a couple of minor flares. I do miss my dosage once in a while, but it never seems to affect me as long as I take my next dose. Would recommend Asacol in a heartbeat!"

"I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in April of 2011. After numerous visits with my doctor and exploratory scopes, my gastroenterologist prescribed Asacol last September (2012) and he gave me a discount card to use when I initially filled my prescription for Asacol, so the monthly prescriptions have been FREE! Since taking Asacol on a regular basis, my last scope revealed that ALL of my ulcerations have healed! Thank you, Asacol! You've changed my life!"

"I was diagnosed 6 months ago with Colitis. I started taking Asacol 400mg 3x a day. I felt great immediately after the 3rd pill. No diarrhea for 2 whole days! Last night my stomach started that weird rumbling noise. About an hour later, I had a severe headache! One of the worst I have ever had! I was on my 10th pill. One of the side effects of this medication. Be careful, always call your Dr. if you have any side effects with this medication. I stopped taking this medicine, did not work for me."

"This medicine didn’t even help me find remission. It’s not a good choice in my opinion for anyone with colitis that extends throughout the entire colon and rectum. Might be good for people with sigmoid but not pancolotis"

"Sadly I was one of the 8% of users who are allergic to Asacol, and I got very ill before the nurses suggested it may be the drug making my condition worse. Within a week of using Asacol my C-reactive protein (CRP) blood test readings started to rise steadily from an already high score of 16 until at six weeks of still taking the drug they reached 100 , I was using the bathroom 5 times in an hour some nights and dropped weight rapidly. As soon they thought I may have an allergy I was told to stop taking them and went onto a decreasing dosage of steroids instead. By the time I finished the steroids my CRP tests were normal."

"Great, the only medicine that got me under control, no more bathroom mapping while leaving the house."

"Hair loss, bloating, headache, night sweats, stretch marks on inner thighs and increased frequency on bowel motion."

"Worked really well at the beginning."

"First placed on this medication in 2012 with no improvement in condition."

"No side effects in conjunction with other medication. When started taking on its own, experienced constipation."

More about Asacol (mesalamine)

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  • Reviews (61)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: 5-aminosalicylates
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

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Professional resources

  • Asacol prescribing information
  • Mesalamine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Pentasa, Lialda, Apriso, Delzicol, ... +3 more

Other formulations

  • Asacol HD

Related treatment guides

  • Ulcerative Colitis, Maintenance
  • Crohn's Disease, Maintenance
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Ulcerative Proctitis
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis, Active