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Generic Name: Naproxen for Back Pain (naproxen)

Naproxen for Back Pain Reviews

"I had a herniated disc some 20 years ago and have never forgotten how effective Naproxen was at alleviating my condition. The results were astounding. Walked into a doctor's surgery bent over almost double with severe sciatica. Prescribed Naproxen and took it immediately. Within 60 minutes, I was walking like normal! I normally don't make comments on these kinds of things, but if it works even in a small number of people like it did for me, I am happy to share my experience. Try it, nothing to lose, no side effects I was aware of."

Aleve (naproxen) "Two days ago, I was getting out of my car. I slipped on the gravel, twisting and slipping the lower discs in my back. For two days, I haven't been able to move without excruciating pain. I have been crying for two days. I've taken Advil, Tylenol, Motrin, and muscle relaxers. Just a few hours ago, my friend comes over, hands me two Aleve and some warm water. Within 30 minutes, I'm not lying, the pain is gone. Thank you, Aleve, I promise to pass the word of your greatness."

Aleve (naproxen) "Male - 33 years old. Excruciating pain in lower SI region of my back following an aggressive 30-mile bike ride and a few days of surfing. Woke up the next morning with shooting pain in low back, which progressed to shooting pains running down my glutes and referred pain to the hip flexor region. For two weeks, this was extremely painful and did not subside even with ice applications and finally chiropractic visits - 5 total and lots of Advil. Per the suggestion of my wife, I tried Aleve (2 pills for the first dose and 1 pill each dose after that). After 2 pills, I noticed a HUGE difference and significantly reduced pain as well as better range of motion as inflammation had gone down. I highly recommend it for anyone with back pain as it really helped me!"

Aleve (naproxen) "I bent over and suddenly experienced severe pain. With either a pinched nerve or a pulled muscle, I could barely make it to a nearby chair. I took 2 Aleve and applied an ice pack for the entire afternoon. Within 45 minutes, I could slowly walk, and I continued to take Aleve as recommended on the bottle. The next day I resumed my life as usual, and in 3 or 4 days, I no longer needed Aleve. Wow, better than a chiropractor."

Aleve (naproxen) "Female, 20 years old - I recently started a new job as a cashier. I started to experience pain after having to pick up heavy packs of water bottles and other heavy items. The pain was all in my lower back. I went to visit my chiropractor, and that would alleviate the pain until I went back to work. I would rate my pain on a scale from 1 to 10; a 7. It was a sharp, stabbing, pulling pain in my lower back, and it even hurt to take a deep breath. Today was the first day I took Aleve when I went to work, and my back pain was almost completely gone. I was able to move around without being uncomfortable. I am extremely satisfied with the results."

"Naproxen really helped my lower back. I have no pain after taking this medicine. Just remember, everyone's body is different and will respond to medication differently. Naproxen seems to be working for a lot of people."

Aleve (naproxen) "Ibuprofen bothers my stomach, so I tried Aleve/naproxen some years back, and as of this day, it works better than anything else, over the counter, that I have taken. It may not take away all the pain, but it takes that evil edge off so the pain becomes less likely to make me vomit. I take Aleve in the morning to prevent the pains and again when I do get the pains."

"Absolutely amazing! I was suffering from severe back pain and a pulsating sciatica from some kind of disc injury (no idea, didn't have an MRI). The pain changed daily. On some days, I couldn't leave my bed, and on others, I could walk, but only for a short amount of time. I went to my family doctor, and she prescribed me some Naproxen 500 MG tablets. I took the dosage, and the pain was gone in absolutely no time. The dosage of 2 Naproxen tablets will last me 2-3 days before the effects wore off. However, I still had difficulty walking for a moderate to long amount of time before the sciatica came back, and my lower back felt weak. No side effects either, so that's a plus."

Naprosyn (naproxen) "I had been suffering with sciatica for a number of years when it suddenly worsened. I started getting shooting pains and severe weakness in both of my legs. After one dose of 500 mg, I was able to sit comfortably and walk without the worry of one of my legs giving out from under me."

Naprosyn (naproxen) "I've been using this medicine on and off for 25 years. I get muscle spasms every few years and virtually drop to the floor with pain. Two to three days with this stuff and I'm back swinging again. Better than Forte or Voltaren by a long shot."

"I've taken prescription 500mg Naproxen twice a day everyday for 4 years. If I miss a few days my back begins to hurt. On the 1-10 scale maybe 4. If I go a week then it's a 7-8 and I can't straighten up or walk with pain. If I take 500 mg twice a day I can go all day, work hard and do it everyday. I fear where I would be without Naproxen. A few stomach problems now and then but prilosec everyday takes care of that."

"I have been suffering from back pain for many years, mainly due to heavy contact sports and work-related lifting, and lately find it difficult to walk for long distances without being doubled over in pain. I would struggle to stand up from a sitting position. The pain would go down my legs and into my abdominal region, and I have been trying all different kinds of treatment, from gels to moderate painkillers, all with different degrees of success, but none that actually took the pain away completely and not for any length of time. I was eventually prescribed naproxen, and in less than a day, I felt a different person. The pain has gone completely from everywhere. It's a new lease on life and I can look forward to doing things again pain-free."

Aleve (naproxen) "I have been taking Norco 5 mg a day for bad lower back pain, and of course, this really did remove all pain. But many countries don't have this drug, so my pharmacy said to try Aleve. I was so surprised that I still can't believe that it took 95% of my pain away. I travel with Aleve and won't have problems in bringing drugs into other countries."

Aleve (naproxen) "Two Aleve a day helped my back pain, but over time it affected my stomach. My gastroenterologist knew immediately what my problem was, and I've stopped Aleve entirely. I had almost a year of constant nausea and pain until I quit taking Aleve."

"I have been suffering acute pain (on a scale of 1-10, it stays between 7-10) due to a fibrolipoma in my lower lumbar. Seems likely I have something called Tethered Cord Syndrome. Was put on naproxen by one doctor, and after taking it for a few years, I was sick of the way it made me feel, so I stopped taking it. Noticed that when not taking it, I felt just as much pain as when I was taking it, so it was not helping at all. Everyone needs to know that naproxen only works for pain caused by inflammation, it will do nothing for nerve damage, in my experience."

"Last November I was prescribed naproxen for lower back pain. After 4 days I ended up in the back of an ambulance on route to A&E. It all started with my back pain increasing, it spread up my back and across my chest. I could hardly breathe, had sharp shooting pains in my central chest area. I was discharged from A&E that afternoon and after that things got steadily worse. I ended up with serious heart palpitations, tinnitus and confusion. Have had the all clear regarding blocked arteries, no problem there. The doctors that dealt with me refuse to accept that naproxen might have been responsible, I'm now a regular attendee at the Royal London hospital, the heart failure clinic. If YOUR doctor prescribes you naproxen, remember this post."

Aleve (naproxen) "I don't know what I did, but whenever I jumped on the trampoline with my kids, I was experiencing some weird pain in my upper back. I put some A535 on my back. That didn't help. The next day it still hurt! Then I took two Aleve pills, and the next morning I was okay. And I continued this way for a few days, and my back was all better! Thanks, Aleve!"

"I'm 17. I've been having back pains for three years on and off. One day I feel my spine, and it's curved. Got an appointment, recently got X-rays. Till the results, I'm prescribed naproxen. It works. It's very helpful, I can sleep better."

"Would only recommend taking naproxen if you’re in extreme pain. It works for that very well. But I had a horrific experience with the side effects of Naproxen (OTC). An hour after taking it I felt stranger than I have in my entire life: dizzy, sweating PROFUSELY, lightheaded and sort of as if the room was spinning, felt the need to run to bathroom but nothing happened. Spent that night feeling chilled and bizarre with a pounding heart and SEVERE anxiety. Exactly a week later and I still feel very anxious and lightheaded at times. It took several days for most of the side effects to go away. Can still feel it seven days later. Worked well for my mom’s shoulder pain but gave her strange side effects too."

"I love naproxen. I am 73 and plagued with lower back and neck pain. After two days, my pain was GONE! I have been taking it twice a day. I am afraid to stop because I don't want my pain back! Now I have a script from my doctor. Medicare pays for it. I pay $2.65. Love it."

Aleve (naproxen) "I had real lower back muscle pain for two weeks. Dr gave me Cyclbenzaprine-- not good. Saw an Aleve commercial on TV, it was a back pain reliever. Within 15 minutes of taking it sharp pain was reduced dramatically. That's all I can tell you. I still am on it and have no bad comments."

Aleve (naproxen) "I've worked hard all my life. I've had disk problems in my back for 4 years now. My doctors given me this and that...but nothing really worked. I've been using Aleve now and it really takes the edge off!!!"

"I have been taking these for last few days for back pain and had no effect on the pain. However, I have had dreadful nausea and felt strange and depressed all week. I never feel like this and just decided to stop taking the tablets this morning to see if that made any difference. I have been totally fine since I stopped taking these tablets. I think people need to be careful taking these tablets as the side effects can really wreck your head and stomach."

"Been taking Naproxen for 4 years, always helps me with my herniated disc when it bulges.I have a history of taking codeine, vicodins, tamadol and etc all those pills do is take away your senses of pain that goes to your brain instead of actually healing it. I have a broken leg with 30 screws and my shoulder too, take my advice in what helps - naproxen takes time but will heal whatever you have plus it's a non narcotic will pass any drug test. I've been working for 8 years in a plant operating all sorts of stuff with out this medication I would be in bed collecting disability...Naproxen is the best"

"Told my doctor Naproxen does not work for me. He said yes it will.......pain before was 7-8 out of 10 now after taking it pain still 7-8 out of 10. I have been up for heading towards 48 hours without sleep due to excessive pain and discomfort. Disappointment cannot begin to describe..... This medication was useless the past two time it was prescribed to me and here I am again with a useless prescription and no pain relief. I may need to find a doctor that listens to their patients."

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Naproxen drug information
  • Naproxen Modified-Release Tablets
  • Naproxen Suspension
  • Naproxen Tablets and Capsules

Other brands

Aleve, Naprosyn, Anaprox, Flanax Pain Reliever, ... +6 more

Professional resources

  • Naproxen monograph
  • Naproxen (FDA)
  • Naproxen CR Tablets (FDA)
  • Naproxen Capsules (FDA)
  • Naproxen Delayed Release (FDA)
  • Naproxen Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Aleve, Naprosyn, Naprelan, All Day Pain Relief, All Day Relief

Related treatment guides

  • Back Pain
  • Bursitis
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Aseptic Necrosis