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Generic Name: Aubra (ethinyl-estradiol-levonorgestrel)

Aubra Reviews

For Birth Control "This was the first birth control I ever went on and it worked great. No side effects! No child! After a year (March19’) planned parenthood gave me Aubra EQ. If this happened to anyone else this I would like to know. I was unaware it was different and took it. Immediately I had symptoms such as mood swings, cramping and nausea. I got the worst cramping I’ve ever had. At the end of the month my period did not come. I have taken many test and they say I’m not pregnant but yet I have not gotten my period. PP says they do not carry Aubra anymore just Aunba EQ and according to them it’s the same. But obviously not."

For Birth Control "I have been on Aubra for one month, and I felt that I should give my experience since I was scared to death to take it based on the reviews online. So here it goes: I am a 33-year-old female who was not taking any form of BCP, and I wanted to get on the pill because I had been having really annoying acne lately (not sure why), and also my periods had become heavy and bothersome. Long story short, I decided to get on the pill, and Planned Parenthood prescribed me Aubra. One month later, my acne is completely cleared up, no new breakouts at all, my entire complexion even looks clearer, I have absolutely no side effects WHATSOEVER, and my period is even much lighter than usual! I don't know if I'm lucky or what, but try it out - I am glad I did."

For Birth Control "DO NOT TAKE THIS BIRTH CONTROL. A week into it I got horrible anxiety, and depression. I cried terribly for no reason and I always felt like I was gonna throw up when really it was a burp. I go to the gym almost everyday and I eat super healthy and I noticed WEIGHT GAIN. Nausea, headaches, sweating all the time. Do not I repeat DO NOT take this birth control. It will ruin you, I’ve been the most social person my entire life and this past week has been terrible and all I want to do is SLEEP and ignore my friends. Sure it helps with pregnancy but it is 0% worth the intense side effects. Don’t even bother getting it, trust me."

For Birth Control "I have taken this birth control long enough to know that I never wanna take it again , has majorly effected mentally and emotionally, compulsive emotions and horrible anxiety. I hadn’t read anything about this kind of birth control prior to taking it so I wasn’t aware that others experienced such negative effects , but now I know that quite a few other women have experienced similar side effects and I would not recommend this pill . Overall I have tried multiple times with this medication and each time it has MAJORLY interfered with my well being ."

For Birth Control "This made my skin look beautiful! Within 2 weeks, I had a noticeable improvement in my skin. Only issue was the severe mood swings it would give me (which is why I'm not on it). I would cry for no reason and would lash out at others). I noticed how upset I would get and did not like feeling that way."

For Birth Control "In the last 10 years I have literally tried almost every single method of BC. No matter what, I always end up coming back to Aubra. This was recommended to my by my Nurse Practitioner when I informed her I wanted a really low dosage of hormones so I wouldn't get high mood swings, weight gain, bad periods, etc. And she was right. Even on top of not getting any bad normal side effects with most BCs, this cleared my skin up AMAZING. My skin seriously glows when I'm on this, it's smooth and literally like baby skin. I hardly ever break out and when I do its around my end of cycle and its very mild. It did however make my boobs grow a cup - two cup bigger, which can be a good and bad thing depending on you :p Hope this helps! :)"

For Birth Control "I love it!!! I hated taking birth control pills due to all the horrible side effects! When I first was given Aubra I read the reviews and it really made me not want to take them!! So I figured why not I have too see if I will be victim too. I suffer from PMS sooooo bad and mood swings. With this pill it was totally opposite from me!!! I don't have PMS Its like I'm the calmest person ever I can think with a clear head and I'm so much more happier!! No weight gain nothing different with acne I feel normal and great!! Im almost done with my second month and I pray everything stays this way!"

For Birth Control "I have been taking Aubra for about 2 years now I got prescribed this birth control in planned Parenthood. The nurse never told me the side effects about this pill and let me tell you it gave me really bad side effects I have anxiety, gained weight, really bad mood swings, I feel nauseous, most of the time I am crying. I never thought this pill will make me loose my self. I have really bad depression where it has gotten to the point where I don't want to get out of bed and not even go out. I haven't gotten my period for the past 2 months. I don't recommend using Aubra."

For Birth Control "I would advise to take caution when reading other people's comments. Like any doctor will mention to you, all medications affects others differently and they will have side effects. To give my short story: it was my first birth control and I have been taking it for 1.5 years. Pros: less to little acne, no headaches, less cramps, prevented pregnancy every time, lighter periods (this was a plus!) Cons: more emotional during period, 5lb weight gain (I am also in college, so that could be an aiding major factor), sometimes less sex drive EXCEPT around my period Again, just because some people had issues with it doesn't mean you'll have the same. Try it out for yourself if you're considering this bc brand and talk with your doctor!"

For Birth Control "I loved it at first as my skin cleared up and I was feeling great. Now that I have been on it for over 6 months, I have zero sex drive at all and I'm very moody, constantly hungry, my breasts decreased in size, and I get intense bouts of nausea."

For Birth Control "I am now starting my fourth pack of Aubra pills. I was honestly scared to go on birth control since I never been on it. I went to Planned Parenthood and got put on this birth control. I'm 19 and I'm very petite and I have had no bad symptoms from it. The only thing I did notice was my boobs did grow a bit which I was happy because I'm an A cup, but it didn't go up a cup size like other girls have said. Overall, this birth control has done it's job because I'm not pregnant and I really like how I haven't had any bad symptoms from it."

For Birth Control "I’ve been on Aubra and Aubra EQ for 1.5 years now. The first few months I experienced intense sadness but I’m not sure if that was an effect of the Aubra, a big emotional event that coincidentally happened as I was starting the drug, or if the drug magnified my feelings. My acne cleared up and I noticed I get especially flawless skin during my placebo week. My periods are now very rare and when they do happen it’s short and not heavy. My libido has decreased and I have been drier during sex in general but sometimes it’s not a problem. I have never experienced nausea or weight gain on this. I’ve been experiencing hair loss but have not confirmed that it’s related to Aubra."

For Birth Control "I’ve been on Aubra for a little over a year and I love it. It’s had no real big issues with it. I’ve missed a pill or so here and there but I always get my period so it’s doing it’s job pretty well. (: Only thing is I would not try to skip your period with these, the one time I did I spotted for two weeks straight."

For Birth Control "I've was taking Aubra for 2-3 years after I finished college, I always got my birth control from Planned Parenthood. I went to PP around the end of February 2019. As another reviewer mentioned, PP has switched from Aubra to Aubra EQ. I've been taking Aubra EQ for a little over a month now and my first period with it has skipped as well but I'm not pregnant. I also have not had acne this bad since middle school :( I'm 28 & my skin is usually flawless. I don't remember being told by PP that they don't carry Aubra at all now! I've seen other reviews and comments that it's the same but I REALLY don't think so. I'm thinking of just switching to the brand name Lutera and just paying for it...this is NOT worth the middle school acne. Aubra is great, Aubra EQ IS NOT."

For Birth Control "I’ve been on Aubra for about 2 years and I don’t love it or hate it. The good thing is that I’m not pregnant and I haven’t gained any weight. I don’t work out much and my diet is not that great so that’s good news. The negative is that I rarely want to have sex. I thought it was just me but after reading other reviews I can see it’s not just me. I’m in a 3 year relationship and I can tell my bf gets upset about my low libido. I hate birth control in general but I guess I gotta deal with it since I don’t want to get pregnant. (I only have unprotected sex, so it works!) What I’m sure of is I won’t go back to Depo, I HATED IT."

For Birth Control "I just started this pill this pass week and so far, I love It! I only was nauseous the first few days of taking it and then that disappeared. Right now my only complaint is my breast are really tender, but other then that I have more of a sex drive which my fiance and I aren't really complaining about lol so I really recommend this pill if nothing else has worked. I tried the depo shot and it was terrible, I was always moody and tired but with this pill I have so much energy it's unbelievable, hopefully it stays this way. I'll update you more if thing change. Good luck ladies!"

For Birth Control "I started Aubra because I had severe cramps. The first few months had been really great and pain free. My period became gradually more painful as I continued to take it. I had also gained over 35 pounds even though I worked out and ate well. My sex drive disappeared completely and my period was so light it was barely there but it was still really painful. My depression and anxiety had gotten so bad I had to leave my job because I was so anxious I could not work efficiently anymore. I felt like I wasn’t myself anymore and it got to the point where I could no longer look in the mirror at my body anymore because of the weight gain. I’ve been off of it for two days and I hope my life returns to normal."

For Birth Control "Aubra was the first and only birth control pill I have ever tried, and I love it! I've been on it for about three years now, and have not experienced any problems with it at all. It improved my acne significantly, pretty much got rid of many of the symptoms I have when I get my period (cramps, breast tenderness), and I have shorter periods when on this pill. I haven't really noticed any change in sex drive or mood swings. I haven't really gained weight on this pill either. This pill has worked beautifully for me, but every person's experience might be different."

For Birth Control "Before taking Aubra, my doctor had me on Gildess Fe 1/20 and that was probably the worst pill I could have ever taken. At first, gildess cleared my acne but it gave me severe mood swings along with constant headaches. I also had some spotting in between periods and I gained some weight as well. After the 2nd month, my acne got worse and that was the last straw for me to go and switch pills. I've been taking Aubra for about a little over a month and I absolutely love it. The constant headaches are gone, my period lasts about 4 days, no mood swings whatsoever, and my acne is fairly mild. Plus in addition to all that, I haven't gained weight since I've been on it!"

For Birth Control " I am fully aware that every body reacts differently to the same medication so take any birth control review with a grain of salt. I am currently on my third pack and it has been better than expected. It was my first brand of birth control that I had ever used, and I was very nervous. I tried to do plenty of research to find the best option, and I am very glad I selected this one. Here's a brief run down of what happened to me. Back acne went away, face acne still remains but was not worsened, moody for the first pack and now I'm back to my regular self, period became incredibly light about two-three days of light bleeding, and most importantly - I'm not pregnant!"

For Birth Control "I’ve been using Aubra for a little over a year now. I switched from a terrible depo experience that made me gain a lot of weight and made me lose a lot of confidence in myself. As much as I HATE taking pills everyday it’s a great BC and very reliable. No weight gain, mood swings, or depression. I don’t even feel any side effects but I know everyone is different. Glad I gave this a try! Btw doctor said it’s more effective if you don’t take period pills so I switch off about every other month or when I just feel like getting a period."

For Birth Control "Aubra was my every first birth control and I loved it ! My 1st week of taking Aubra I experienced some cramping and it made me cry. But after about 2 weeks everything was normal. My periods were normal. It helped with acne. No bad symptoms or anything. I am currently on Lutera and I hate it. I will be talking to my doctor about switching me back to Aubra."

For Birth Control "First time taking birth control pills. Not even a week I lasted. I read reviews online to see what the side effects consisted of. I was convinced that you know "Everyone reacts differently" so I went ahead and gave it a shot. Within the week of taking these pills my side effects were: -Knee pain on both sides -Acne (another main reason why I wanted to get on it is so my acne would ease down) -Migraines -Depression -Body aches -Allergic reaction (I began to see large itchy red patches around my body) Overall I couldn't bare it any longer and immediately had to see a doctor. I never write horrible reviews on anything but I think it's fair to share my experience for other first timers too."

For Birth Control "First birth control type I got from Planned Parenthood, I talked to the nurse as I was afraid of bad side effects. I'm on my 8th month taking this and have seen no side effects throughout the year other than clearer skin. I am so happy with the results."

For Birth Control "This is the first birth control I've taken and it's been a over a year by now. My experience has been pretty good especially compared to a lot of the other reviews. The first thing I noticed is that my periods are now way lighter. They usually last about 5-7 days when they previously lasted about 4-5 but that's not really a problem at all since it's mostly spotting here and there when I used to have a really heavy flow and painful cramps. My acne went away completely. No weight gain. The only cons I can think of is breast tenderness and my hair has a gotten a little thinner and greasier but you're advised to take vitamins with bc so I think that's why."

More about Aubra (ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel)

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  • Drug class: contraceptives
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