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Generic Name: mening vac A,C,Y,W135 dip (PF)

Brand Name: Menactra (PF) intramuscular

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Have had 3 children who have had this immunization. Absolutely no side effects, and never had meningitis, even though they were inadvertantly exposed at school. I believe the benefits far out-weigh any risk.

My daughter received the Menactra vaccine in 2007 and developed a small lump on her skull about 6 weeks later. Within 2 months a four inch diameter section of her skull was eaten away and had to be surgically removed and replaced with a plastic cover. Her case was reviewed by a number of neuro-surgeons all who were stumped by this. The meninges lining of the brain is also affected and she now has to have regular scans.