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Generic Name: Avodart (dutasteride)

Avodart Reviews

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I am 69 and took Avodart for 13 years. Good news is that it helped shrink my prostate and relieved nighttime urinary symptoms. My PSA went from around 7 down to 1.5. However, lots of bad news. The drug brought on several sexual problems: difficulty getting erections, loss of libido, no ejaculation. Over time I also developed enlarged breasts. I stopped taking it six months ago and so far the urinary problems have not returned. My PSA is now up to 2.8. Some of the sexual side effects have improved. I've lost weight but the breasts remain. I've consulted a plastic surgeon who has recommended fairly extensive surgery that will cost me $9000 out of pocket! My urologist has referred me for another opinion. This drug really took a toll on my system. None of these side effects were discussed ahead of time. My urologist says they are rare, but it appears they are more common than reports show. Beware of this drug!"

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I am 65 years old and have been on Avodart for one year. My PSA had increased at a rapid rate to 3.6. Biopsy was benign. Frequent urination was of course an issue. My PSA dropped almost by 50% in the first 6 months. My sex drive is nonexistent and if I can get a partial erection I am able to have a small ejaculation. Cialis will sometimes work. The most dramatic side effect has been that I now have an almost full head of hair. Prior to the Avodart therapy, I was pretty bald on top and thinning on the sides. My barber has been amazed, as have I."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Been on Avodart for 3 months now. 0.5mg a day. Don't have to urinate as often. Have regrown almost a full head of hair. Libido and ejaculation are still in working order. Although I take an aromatase inhibitor to help combat having low DHT and high estrogen. For those who have libido issues, this may be the culprit as DHT is known to help regulate estrogen in men. Having little DHT will result in an increase of estrogen and low sex drive."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I've taken Avodart for several years. It sometimes worked better than other times. The side effects are terrible. Less than a month ago, I decided to try a natural formula and found many available. I decided to try Urinozinc Prostate Formula because of the high ratings. Within a week, I stopped taking Avodart. I'm back to normal...like I was years ago. I won't ever be taking Avodart again."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I've been on Avodart for about 3 years now. 57 years old, happily married to a woman. At first, it killed my sex drive and erections. My doctor said to just wait it out, that will change in time. She was right. My sex drive returned to near normal [the modest reduction was actually nice], and my erections returned to normal and then actually better than normal. Ejaculate is thin and watery when on just Avodart, but zero ejaculate when taking Rapaflo too. Together, the two drugs give a very satisfying dry orgasm that takes a while to achieve, so if you used to be a minute man, this is good news. Like many of us guys old enough to have BPH, my marriage is sexless [as much my 'fault' as it is hers], but masturbation is still an option. Just be patient - good things happen after being on it a few months."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I have been on this for 2 years. It has shrunk my enlarged prostate so I no longer have discomfort, and I urinate a little less often at night. Most importantly, I am able to postpone prostate reduction surgery. Sexual side effects same as others have noted. Now developing some breast tenderness. I take this with an alpha blocker as well."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I am 66 years old, have been on Avodart and Tamsulosin for about a year. I was on Cardura for several years, but following the second episode of kidney stones, my Urologist switched me to Avodart and Tamsulosin. I also take a blood pressure medication and calcium supplements for osteoporosis (probably the culprit generating the kidney stones). Avodart and/or Tamsulosin has destroyed my ability to achieve erections and almost eliminated semen ejaculation, though my libido is not significantly diminished. Cardura did not produce these negative side effects."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Urologist was hesitant to put me on this because of my young age. He did. First two months were rough. Decreased energy and sex drive. After this, my testosterone levels actually skyrocketed and I got muscular, lost body fat, and sex drive went into overdrive. Hair regrowth was minimal, but body hair was drastically decreased. Oh, and my prostate shrunk drastically, and my PSA is below 1 (0.9). I was put on this after Flomax didn't work to fully evacuate my bladder. My BPH was causing bladder void incompleteness, which caused a UTI. It took Avodart 2 months to stop this where many medications failed."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "In eight months, my PSA went from 11.2 to 5.0 to 3.8. I was taking it late in the evening and felt terrible muscle and joint pain throughout the night. If I take it around noon and drink plenty of coffee and water, the nighttime pain goes away. I really don't feel it during the day when I'm active. I guess that when I take it at night, it stays more concentrated and doesn't get out of my system. I'm noticing some thickening of hair at the back of my head, though not drastically thick. It definitely reduces your sex drive. Orgasms can still be felt but not as intense, with very little, if any, semen production. I also take Flomax twice a day. I'm sleeping much better now with far fewer trips to the bathroom."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I am 63 years old and have BPH which I controlled effectively for several years with Flomax and that family of medicines. However, about 8 months ago, I began to suffer severe vertigo. After several thousands of dollars of tests from a variety of specialists, I quit taking Doxazosin and that family of medicines and switched to Avodart. The vertigo went away within a few days. It took Avodart about a week to kick in, and it is not as effective at improving flow as the others, but I can sleep all night without getting up. However, as others have noted, my libido plummeted to zero and I am not on testosterone replacement. The two counteract each other, and I just need to find the right mix that I am willing to live with."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Been on it for a week and so far I really have seen improvement. Have middle lobe enlarged prostate. Have had symptoms for probably 20 years but mid-lobe diagnosis was not found out until a sonogram of the prostate. No side effects so far. Sex drive seems to be okay. Was worried about that one. Now instead of going to urinate 1-2 times an hour I now go about once every 4 hours! Huge improvement."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I am 68 and have been using Avodart and Tamsulosin together for about a month. A serious side effect suffered is extreme difficulty obtaining an erection and/or ejaculation. A minor side effect has been lightheadedness. At my age, the serious side effect does not really bother me, but being lightheaded is a concern in my employment as a transit driver. I believe the Tamsulosin is the lightheadedness culprit, but my doctor does not want me to continue it much longer."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I am 65 years old and have been taking Flomax for over a year. It works great for the flow of urine, but I had a few side effects so I switched to Avodart. My bad symptoms disappeared, but my flow of urine decreased, and after two weeks, I ended up with a Urinary Tract Infection. I see that some people take both Avodart and Flomax together for prostate problems."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Been on Avodart for 2 years now, have been on testosterone replacement for 15 years, have seen a gradual improvement with urinary tract symptoms (difficulty urinating, low flow, trouble starting). Continue to have prostatitis, pelvic pain, dribbling. Avodart symptoms: no libido, erectile dysfunction, loss of penile sensation, low semen flow, depression (when I first started medication). Used to have high libido but now have no libido. Thank goodness for understanding SO with a 'hands-on approach'. 60 years old."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I started Avodart about 3 weeks ago and my nocturnal urinations have dropped from about 3x to once nightly. Stream has never been a problem and hasn't changed. I sleep more soundly and have not had any of the common side effects."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I have been taking 0.5 mg of Avodart twice a day for 4 years. I have noticed no side effects, and lab results verify that nearly all testosterone conversion to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is blocked. Since prostate cancer growth is stimulated by DHT, and not testosterone, my PSA has remained low (below 1) with no tumor regrowth (after radiation therapy)."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "After 15 years of prostate problems and many biopsies, PSA 139 had acute urinary retention and catheterization (not getting catheter in, bleeding). I was put on Avodart with slight improvement, nocturnal frequency reduced from ten times to about 4 to 5 times, and I felt very dizzy."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I have been taking Avodart for a week now, and have noticed the definite benefit of not having to urinate as often, with a stronger flow. No side effects apart from some initial dizziness after getting up too quickly."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "My Urologist prescribed Dutasteride + Tamsulosyn to treat my enlarged prostate . I am taking this medicine for a month . It really works in decreasing my BPH symptoms . But I think my sex drive is also gradually decreasing . Please tell me how long does it take to develop erectile dysfunction and impotence..?"

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I have been taking 0.5 mg daily for a year. The product works and has a bonus for me. I have always suffered from nosebleeds on an unpredictable basis. Since taking Avodart, I rarely experience a nosebleed. Several months ago, I went to using it every other day, and within two weeks, the nosebleeds returned. With a return to the daily dosage, I have had few, if any, nosebleeds."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "BPH since my late 50s. Used Avodart right away and had the usual sexual symptoms but mild and with good flow and sleep. Had TUNA surgery (not TURP). This surgery allowed me to feel young again and be drug-free for about three years. Then I could feel the flow gradually weakening. I have been back on daily Avodart for the last 8-10 years and with good flow and sleep. Now 70, once again I can slowly feel Avodart is losing the battle. My flow is weakening once again. I dread and suspect TURP will be my next step, unfortunately. (Never could take the Flomax type of meds due to lightheadedness symptoms.)"

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "It was a dreadful medication. I had previous bad reactions to both Hytrin and Flomax, and this was the last resort, or I would have dropped it . Both my penis and nipples went completely numb, and I had a 'brain-fog' that was terrible. I finally had a Holup laser reduction of my (admittedly huge, but non-cancerous) prostate. On the day of surgery I stopped Avodart, and was really pleased to be rid of this medication. It kept the urine flowing just enough, but the side effects were awful."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Been taking Flomax and Avodart together for about 18 months. They work very well (no more frequent urination unless I drink 2 large teas or coffees) and no side effects whatsoever so far (other than "reverse ejaculation" from the Flomax which is actually a bonus)."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "From everything I've read Avodart is supposed to shrink your prostate and/or lower PSA levels over a certain period of time. Been on a combo of Flomax and Avodart for almost 18 months now and my PSA level is still elevated (5-7, age 65). Also have low grade cancer 3+3 on Gleason score. Urinary issues have certainly improved however, and no serious side effects seen as yet. Will see how this plays out."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Age 70. Taking Avodart for 10 months. PSA now 1.8. I have an enlarged medium lobe. Doc said it will take a year before it works if it does. I waited too long and wish I had started Avodart five years ago. I have no side effects at all except for lower semen. It did not affect sexual performance at all. I'll stick with it for two years. Alternatives like surgery are so risky. Although prostate embolization is on my radar screen."

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  • Drug class: 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors
  • En español

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  • Avodart prescribing information
  • Dutasteride (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia