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Generic Name: Aygestin (norethindrone)

Aygestin Reviews

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I was put on Norethindrone 5 mg up to three times a day. I take it twice a day right now. I've been on it for almost three months now. This is my last option or I have a hysterectomy. I'm 32, I am trying to put that off. TBH, this works for me. Here are the side effects I have had. I do get night sweats, I do get occasional cramping, but only at night, and yes, they are like period cramps, but nothing like I was having. I can't even have one glass of any type of alcohol without getting sick, and I cannot skip a dose to drink, so that's all off the table. I do get random spotting, and it lasts maybe a couple of days. It's not too bad. I cannot go without eating on this, or I get really ill. I have gained some weight, which birth controls are notorious for doing to women, so it's a common one. 7. Sometimes you do get mood swings, but any hormone, including regular birth controls, can cause this. It's something you just need to work on, realizing it’s happening and then trying to manage the situation."

For Endometriosis "I had 3 surgeries in 3 years for endometriosis. Tried several different birth control pills and Lupron. I missed over 80 days of school each year for two years and then was homebound for several months the third year due to the chronic pain of endometriosis. After about 6 months on Aygestin and several doses, I was back to 'normal.' Since then, I have only had one surgery in 6 years. I have taken the medicine daily for 7 years, without it, I don't know where I would be."

For Endometriosis "I have had excessive bleeding, blood clots and bad cramps since 2016. This medicine Aygestin is my last resort, I've been trying to avoid surgery. This medicine has helped with my symptoms, however, I have experienced some side effects from Aygestin, 1. Allergy symtoms: runny nose and sneezing (daily). 2. Acid reflex (daily). 3. nervousness (occasional). 4. Mood swings, feeling uptight (daily). 5. Feeling hot (daily). 6. Trouble sleeping (occasional). 7. Frequent urge to urinate. 8. Weight gain. Although I had these side effect symptoms it is still better than what I had previously experienced, I am considering surgery. I just want to feel somewhat normal again."

For Endometriosis "Having no periods every month is wonderful, and all my pain from endometriosis has subsided. I feel wonderful, but I did experience quite a bit of weight gain with this medication, but in the long run, it is worth it."

For Endometriosis "For years I had been experiencing on-and-off excruciating period cycles. Suspected endo for a while, ended up going to the ER for an appendectomy; lo and behold, as they're working on that, they call in an OBGYN to take a look at some weirdness who ended up diagnosing me with endo via biopsy. Apparently was Stage 3. Started me on 0.35mg Errin which helped at first with preventing pain and digestive issues. Not many side effects but it did make my cycle shorter (30 days to 20) and lighter. The effectiveness started to wane after around 7 months. Didn't have the worst of my old cramps, but still worse than average and seemingly heavier from before I was on medication, so he switched me over to 5mg Aygestin. Very obvious side effects to start - headaches, hot flashes, some insomnia, definitely plenty of moodiness - but these went away completely after the first month or so. No periods or breakthrough bleeding at all, absolutely no pain. Optimistic for this one working long-term!"

For Endometriosis "The doctor placed me on this when I came off the birth control patch and had magnified symptoms such as excruciating cramps and extended bleeding. While these were both suppressed by the norethindrone, this medicine brought on a whole host of new side effects: hot flashes, night sweats, oily skin and hair, acne, water retention, breast tenderness, and - holy heck - the MOOD SWINGS! I feel like I'm yelling at everyone! I have PMDD and this medicine has made it 10x worse where I cannot stand to be around anyone and vice versa. I decided to tell my doctor about it this week and he wanted to give me the Minivelle Dot to see if that would help, but I felt even worse after wearing it for 5 hours. I decided to go back on Xulane because at least that controls all the symptoms even if I do have spotting for most of the month. I'd rather deal with that than feeling like this!"

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "Aygestin immediately stopped my 3-month-long period, and I have not had any while on it. It's been great with manageable side effects like hot flashes and increased hunger. I have had a weird thing happen twice while on it. I get super severe cramping with a little spotting; it usually happens at night, and ibuprofen/Tylenol does not help. It goes away after a few days though."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "Started May 8 and two weeks later had full blown period with bad cramping lots of blood clots and heavy bleeding. Prior to taking this medicine I had extremely light spotting once every4 to 6 weeks. According to the FDA I should not have been taking this since I was post menopausal"

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "Stopped the bleeding but had dizziness and mood swings. Even one out burst of anger. Also abdominal cramps. But for one week so far 100 times better then the last 2 months of bleeding. I am 58 and use an estrogen patch. Also prometrium but not enough to balance the unopposed estrogen which caused a thickening of the lining."

For Endometriosis "I was put on this after laparoscopic excision surgery for endo . I have Adenomyosis. I ended up with excruciating cluster headaches which are more painful than migraines. Felt like I had sharp pain in the eye for hours. I was also having fogginess with my vision like it was harder to ready close up. It was bizarre . I really didn't like it."

"Had uterine polyps thought to be from my ovaries producing excess estrogen. MD Rx 5mg daily to thin uterine wall and try to "re-set" my ovaries. Gained 5 lbs in two weeks, very moody and irritable, some hot flashes."

For Endometriosis "Got put on this after lap for endometrioma and finding out that I had "a war zone" of endometriosis (direct quote from my doctor). I was started on 5mg daily and 10mg when bleeding, but I started having more depression symptoms than usual, so I dropped it to 2.5mg and 5mg when bleeding. Bleeding decreased a LOT and I had very little pain. Now I'm out and just waiting to see my doctor again to get another supply!"

"I take this to suppress my period. I have increased to a 10mg dosage because recently I've had some spotting. I've found that I've had SERIOUS weight gain and changes in my labs because of it. It works but these side effects are a lil funky. I've only recently started losing weight and that's when the spotting started. For the past 2 years, it's done what it's supposed to and stopped my period but I'm still concerned that I might not be able to lose weight with this medication."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I supposedly was to take this for 30 days to stop spotting that I was having after menopause. Took it for 15 days and got a full blown period with cramps and all!"

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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  • Aygestin drug information

Other brands

Errin, Jencycla, Camila, Incassia, ... +11 more

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  • Aygestin prescribing information
  • Norethindrone (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Errin, Jencycla, Camila, Incassia, ... +12 more

Related treatment guides

  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
  • Endometriosis
  • Amenorrhea