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Generic Name: Azathioprine for Ulcerative Colitis (azathioprine)

Azathioprine for Ulcerative Colitis Reviews

Imuran (azathioprine) "Have had ulcerative colitis for 26 years. Started Imuran after a flare up and within 1 week I thought it was a miracle and still am going to the bathroom 2x a day and sleep all night. I worry about the side effects but I have a life again for now. Thanks to Imuran."

"I was extremely sick for over 2 years and refused to take this medication due to how scared I was of the side effects. I decided it was worth the risk and started taking it. I was tired a lot the first month but after one month I felt so good! I have been on it now for about 6 months and I am doing wonderful. I think we hear a lot of the bad things online because the people who these drugs work for are out enjoying life. I hope I give some of you peace of mind."

Imuran (azathioprine) "Have been using for over two years after several episodes of prednisone. Have been almost completely free of symptoms and have no obvious side effects. I only use the bathroom once a day and stools are generally well-formed. No diarrhea at all. Can eat and drink normally (including roughage) but did have some pain after eating too much corn on the cob."

Imuran (azathioprine) "I have been on Imuran for over 10 years now. I am now going through my first flare-up. I still take it along with a diarrhea med. The Imuran has been a lifesaver for me. Fatigue is normal, have not had to stop any activity. We ride 4-wheelers, drag race, etc. I love the medicine."

Imuran (azathioprine) "Wonderful medicine. I was extremely sick, went 20 times to the bathroom in 8 to 9 hours, was really sick, and finally gave in to start this medicine with the rest I had been taking. Within 5 hours, everything slowed down. I felt like a new person. But, sadly to say, it was short-lived. I started reacting 2 to 3 days in, and the reactions got worse. I had to stop taking it."

Imuran (azathioprine) "It is a miracle drug! After about 2 months, my stools were becoming well-formed, but not back to the usual stool! I only go once a day, and it really is amazing! Although the risks seem huge, I just look at it as though without Imuran, I could be a lot worse!"

Imuran (azathioprine) "Azathioprine worked well to reduce my ulcerative colitis symptoms and had zero noticeable side effects. The required frequent blood tests were a hassle, and it did lower my white count significantly. In the end, the medicine was not sufficient to manage my condition, and we added an anti-TNF to it. Once that was ramped up, I discontinued azathioprine since it added nothing to the anti-TNF."

Imuran (azathioprine) "Imuran seemed to help for a few months, but after prolonged use, it weakened my immune system too much. I started getting colds about every three weeks, which made me feel run down and tired more so than just having colitis alone, but it did at least calm my symptoms for a while."

Imuran (azathioprine) "Have been on Imuran for 6 years, and it has helped some off and on. In the beginning, I went to the bathroom about 10 to 12 times a day, thus losing a lot of weight, which I didn't expect. Now I go about 3 to 4 times a day, and I do have a flare-up every now and then. Was finally weaned off of prednisone. Have gained some weight back. Overall, the medication has helped, though my immune system has been weakened."

"Been taking it for 7 months. Prior to this, had really bad flares, nothing worked. Steroids wouldn't control. Had UC for 19 years and had spread further up my colon. Was offered azathioprine, so thought, why not? Best thing I have ever done, I have my life back. My regular bloods are all normal. Not taking anything else for UC. Toilet once a day. Have joint pain, but that's a small price to pay. Don't have to worry about being near a toilet."

"I've had UC since 1999, and began taking AZA in 2004 after mediocre results from prednisone and aminosylicates. It has successfully kept me in remission going on 17 years, and I am very grateful. I've had no noticeable side effects, and am very active."

"My colitis had been in remission for about 10 years without any drugs. 2 years ago it flared and we could not control it with Colazal as we had done last time. I was using prednisone with other meds that did not work. I was bleeding constantly and losing weight. Finally he prescribed azathioprine. It took several months to build up in my system but I am in full remission. I also take azacol HD with it. My daily pill intake is 9. All my blood tests have been normal and we are now slowly reducing usage. As far as side effects go its difficult to identify them vs aging (57). I do have strange joint pain at times but I had multiple sport injuries when I was younger. Cancer runs in my family so I want to get off this asap. I would use it again"

Imuran (azathioprine) "I have been taking this drug for 11 years. I was 82 lbs and almost dead from collagenous colitis. I was going to the bathroom 17 times a day. This gave me my life back! I didn’t have any side effects at all. Now. I have lupus. This doesn’t seem to be helping with that. I’m worried what will happen if I have to switch immune surpressants."

"Have had UC since 1991 and been on Prednisolone and Asacol which became ineffective. Severe attack October 2016 - spent 10 days in hospital. IV steroids and then sent home on reducing steroids - symptoms began to return. Azathioprine prescribed. Certainly helped reduce and eventually stop UC bleeding. Trips to the toilet reduced to around 3 or 4 occasions . Initially caused liver function problems which improved. However the drug has shattered my immune system - have taken any cold, cough or flu that crops up. Makes me fatigued after around 40 minutes exertion. Cannot now play golf, take hill walks or do heavy garden work etc. I guess it is good for some patients and not so good for others. Seeing consultant soon and will discuss options."

"Azathioprine was prescribed for my daughter as maintenance treatment for her UC. I can't tell anything about if it was working for her symptoms, because her flare symptoms were controlled by other temporary meds such as Ucerus, Cortifoam before she started taking it.. After 2 weeks she's started having hair loss, very rapid, developed pancytopenia, stopped taking it. This is the long story. I don't want to scare anyone, it's great that this drug helps some people."

"I was given Azathioprine for about 3 weeks for my Ulcerative colitis. First two weeks were great, start of 3 week I had excruciating pains in my stomach that they initially thought could be Crohn's disease. Caused severe pancreatitis that I meant I was hospitalized for two weeks. Needless to say, never again."

"This medicine seemed to work at first, the negatives ultimately were worse than the positives. It did put me down to about 4 bowel motions a day but it was at the cost of horrendous acne, terrible headaches, joint pain and fatigue. Doctor still has me on it for another autoimmune disease but keeps me at a minimum."

"Have been on Azathioprine for about 4 years after asacol quit working. Started with 4 pills per day for first month then cut back to 2 pills which have worked fine, but I now have been experiencing bruising on my hands mostly. Will cut back to 1 pill per day until my next blood-work."

Imuran (azathioprine) "I started Imuran after yet another dose of steroids, and now I have got my confidence back. I will only use the bathroom four times a day on a normal day, but I am careful with my diet, no fiber."

Imuran (azathioprine) "As a UC sufferer Azathioprine caused Pancreatitis after three months - I had to stop using it immediately."

Imuran (azathioprine) "With Imuran, I had no quality of life. Daily fatigue and nausea/vomitting. Things are better on Entyvio."

Imuran (azathioprine) "Worked well for me. Hated the constant blood monitoring. Eventually was able to wean off it and continue only mesalamine."

"I have been taking it for 5 months it seems to be working for u.c., just having joint pain which makes hard to workout some days. Would like to know what would help the joint pain."

"Tried azathioprine for Ulcerative Colitis (UC) on two separate occasions with same results, rash, vomiting, and general loss of energy"

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: antirheumatics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Azathioprine drug information
  • Azathioprine (Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Azathioprine (Oral) (Advanced Reading)
  • Azathioprine Tablets
  • Azathioprine Injection

Other brands

Imuran, Azasan

Professional resources

  • Azathioprine monograph
  • Azathioprine (FDA)
  • Azathioprine Injection (FDA)

Other brands

Imuran, Azasan

Related treatment guides

  • Autoimmune Hepatitis
  • Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy
  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Behcet's Disease