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Generic Name: Bactrim for Bacterial Infection (sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim)

Bactrim for Bacterial Infection Reviews

"I just wanted to share my experience for people like me that are anxious about trying new drugs and see all these bad reviews. Only people who had a bad experience/are allergic tend to write reviews. Probably 90% of people who took Bactrim had no side effects. On that note, I was prescribed this for a moderate bacterial infection. It was probably 50% healed overnight after starting antibiotics, with only VERY minor side effects. It made me pretty tired and gave me a teeny bit of heartburn but that’s it. Don’t worry, major side effects are rare. :)"

"No!!! Do not take this medicine. I was at the hospital a week ago for a severe UTI. They prescribed me Bactrim. They wanted me to take it twice daily for 10 days. I made it to day 6 and tonight I feel so bad. My legs are tingling, my tongue feels tingly, and my mouth is super dry. I’m having bad stomach cramps and my ears hurt. This is all from this medicine. I’ve been having severe headaches, nausea, and my anxiety is so bad. Please be very aware of taking this medicine."

"I had a staph infection, and I am also on Paxil for depression. I used Bactrim for eight days and became very sick. My depression was very severe with this drug. Cold sweats, very weak, mouth issues, nerve pain in legs, headache, insomnia, and what makes it worse is that you are on a roller coaster."

"I took Bactrim for 4 days. On the 4th day, I started having leg pain. The day after I quit the meds, I had all-over body aches, a low-grade temp off and on, and just a feeling of being sick. The next day, my aches went away but held on to the low-grade temp, headache, and weakness for two more days. During the course of the medication, I also had a pounding heart and no appetite. It did clear the infection though. I think I had a bad reaction and only wanted to report these so that others might know if they have the same thing happening to them. It took about 5 days from my last pill that I feel better."

"Took Bactrim for 10 days... felt okay... a week after completing the Bactrim, I felt like I had the flu. Major insomnia and feeling the sweats and increased heart rate. Would never take it again... hoping to feel normal again!... drinking a ton of water... but will never take it again..."

"There seems to be a lot of people who have had side effects. But seriously, Bactrim is a drug with not many side effects for most people. The people who mainly think to write comments are usually the few that have had the bad reactions. For me, it was fine."

"I have been on Bactrim for 4 days, and my incision is feeling much better. The infection is oozing out, and I’m feeling better. This medicine must be taken with food, and you must drink 6 to 8 bottles of water daily. Not drinking water will cause many side effects."

"I took Bactrim for a gum infection. It got rid of the infection, and I felt better fast, however, it gave me anxiety and a panic attack. If I had to take it, I would, but if there are other options, I would recommend going with one of those. I also had a pounding heart and leg pain."

"I had a breast infection and was prescribed this terrible medicine- it needs to be off the market. I felt real bad 2nd day taking it. It caused a fever, rash, headache, sharp pains through body, no appetite, shaky, dizzy, numbness I felt so out of it scared me so bad I stopped taking it the Bactrim medicine is too strong I definitely wouldn’t recommend!"

"This drug was almost the end of me. I had taken it several times before with no issues. However, this time I took three pills and ended up in the hospital with Stevens-Johnson syndrome, which is a serious severe reaction. It started with blisters covering the inside of my mouth. And then it spread all over my face and chest. I felt like I was literally ON FIRE!!! After very large doses of steroids and antihistamines, we were able to save my face. No scarring, thank God. But 2 months later, and I’m still struggling with the feeling of my face and chest getting really hot."

"My daughter was contaminated with stenotrophomonas maltophilia bacteria during a pleural drainage procedure and a year ago and for a year the bacteria has been treated with sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (TMPX), the bacteria became MDR after nine months of continuous treatment and my daughter developed acute renal failure after the overuse of this antibiotic."

"I am 30. I recently had a vasectomy which caused an infection while healing. Doctor prescribed Bactrim. I noticed after my nightly dosage, I would constantly wake up like I previously would when having an anxiety attack. I thought it was just due to outside stress but after reading this page I see it may have been increased by this medication. I wish I would have known sooner. Bactrim helped with my ailments but also made me use the last of my emergency Xanax in the process."

"This was not right for me. I had a severe reaction while taking this and had to go to the emergency room. Racing/irregular heartbeat, nausea, shaky legs felt weird, red blotches, slurring speech, red eyes, feverish, and generally felt very unwell."

"I took bactrim twice a day for 10 days after completing the script all the side effects started: dizziness, confusion, cramps in legs, swelling of glands one on the back of my head, two in my throat, my thyroid swollen too these are just the glands I can see. I also have problems urinating, burning from the kidneys down. Its been 7 days since my last dose I'm still having side effects when will this be over I wish I had never taken this medication."

"I'm currently 15 months out from taking 2 pills of Bactrim and it was the worst side effects of my life. It started with uncontrollable anxiety and depression. I didn't feel connected with reality and I felt very confused. By the second night I was unable to sleep and that is still plaguing me. I shook the anxiety and depression within a few weeks but my sleep didn't become bearable for about 7 months and then it was still terrible. To this day I have poor quality sleep, confusion and occasionally onset insomnia. Avoid this drug. I also had a similar reaction to Levoquin. It gets better just ridiculously slowly. Others recover within days."

"Day 9 out of 10 with this drug Bactrim and it works great clearing up my skin getting rid of acne and cyst, my only problem is that it is making me lazy not wanting to go out at all and not wanting to move around the house too much. I have been taking Florastor (probiotic) with it which is supposed to help with the side effects. Glad I'm done with this pill after tomorrow."

"I have only had this medicine twice. The first time was without reaction. The second time, however, I did experience trembling, weakness, especially in my legs, anxiety, and an itchy rash on my forearms. Not pleasant at all!"

"After 2 days my fever rose to 102.8, I had severe kidney pain, and a burning sensation under my skin. Diarrhea soon followed, and then I began throwing up. I went to a different doctor and she did a blood test and urine test. My red blood count was very high, but my white count was perfect. She told me to stop Bactrim immediately and to never take it again, I felt like I had been poisoned."

"I was on Bactrim for 10 days because of a Bartholin cyst that tested positive for MRSA. On the 7th day, I started experiencing back pain, intermittent low-grade fevers, chills, complete fatigue, and eyeball pain. An I.D. doctor wanted me to take it for another 7 days as a precaution, but I had to force him to listen to my symptoms, and he told me to stop taking the Bactrim. Also, don't know if it matters that I'm not of 'normal' weight for most women, at 5'5", I'm 109 lbs - the symptoms I experienced were also listed as possible 'overdose'... stopped Bactrim today - feel terrible."

"I've been fighting a frustrating cavitational infection in my palate for years. I've lost count how many different kinds of antibiotics I've taken that were useless. They ruined my gut, made me miserable and gave me headaches. I'm loving this stuff Bactrim!! Not one side effect!"

"Pain and swelling in the vicinity of my tailbone led to an emergency room visit where I had a pilonidal cyst drained. After the doctor incised and drained my cyst, he prescribed me Bactrim and Keflex. He explained that the Keflex was intended to treat the infection if it was MRSA while Bactrim would cover all other bases. A week into my 10 day course of antibiotics, I went to bed with a developing fever. In the morning, I awoke to discover that my entire body was covered in a red, splotchy rash. I immediately went to a medical professional who informed me that I was likely having a severe allergic reaction to Bactrim. I was informed that my fever and rash would persist for days to weeks and may progress to anaphylaxis."

"Was prescribed this almost 2 years ago for a skin infection but quit taking it after 3 days because of severe anxiety, indigestion, nausea, fatigue, dizzyness and who know what else. At the time I was dealing with panic attacks so when my current doctor prescribed it last week I decided, since I was feeling better, to give I one last effort. Days 1-2 were good. Skin was clearing and other than being tired I had no side effects. By day 3 I got a headache that was relentless, I was shakey, couldn't sleep at night but couldn't stay awake during the day, diarrhea started and I quit the medicine at my doctors advice. It's been over 48 hours since my last dose and i still feel like crap. My neck hurts, and I'm still feeling incredibly anxious."

"The reviews of this medication had me absolutely terrified but a few of the positive reviews gave me the courage to try it. So I felt obligated to share my review to help calm the fear of others. I took this medication twice a day for seven days. I took it with food and I also took one Florastor probiotic capsule with every Bactrim pill. I felt fine for the entire seven days. No side effects whatsoever. That being said, there is a long list of the types of people who should NOT take Bactrim. I recommend anyone taking this medication look up the warnings and contraindications and speak with a pharmacist if they have any questions. Best wishes everyone!"

"Some upset stomach using Bactrim, other then that not a problem. One month using this has finally cleared up sinus, inner ear and nasal infections lingering for months. Highly recommend this medicine also using with Rifampin."

"I was prescribed a 10-day course of Bactrim as a preventative measure after an injury. My wound healed well and no major problems other than nausea until Day 9, when I broke out in a rash. Started on my arms, quickly spread to trunk, legs, and face. The rash was painful, swollen, and hot to the touch. It felt similar to a bad sunburn. Started taking Benadryl every 4-6 hours until I could get to the dr, where I got a steroid shot. So far that seems to be helping a lot. Dr says I am allergic to sulfa drugs and make sure never to take it again or it could be even worse next time."

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  • Drug class: sulfonamides
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Septra, Co-trimoxazole, Sulfatrim

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