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Generic Name: Breo Ellipta (fluticasone-vilanterol)

Breo Ellipta Reviews

For Asthma "Pros: It reduces the need for bronchodilators... sort of. If you can get a full dose. Works better than most products, but the side effects are not worth it. Cons: Anxiety, high blood pressure, anxiety, afraid to leave the house alone anxiety, fast heart rate. I just do not feel well. Muscle and joint aches, restless legs. This drug needs to be reinvestigated by the FDA."

For Asthma "I started taking Breo for my asthma about two weeks ago. At first, I thought this was a wonder drug. The ability to breathe and have increased stamina was a definite win. However, the side effects quickly and drastically started to add up. Tightness in my throat, raspy voice, and you know that 'stamina' I was referring to? It gradually turned into insomnia and massive anxiety (the kind where you are afraid to leave the house and are teary), heart palpitations. I stopped taking the medication and it took 2-3 days before I felt 'normal' again."

For COPD "66 years old. Severe COPD (48% lungs). Went on Breo and Ventolin on 12-31-19. After a couple of weeks, I started to have bad neck pains, lots of muscle pains. I use a CPAP and started to have sleeping problems. Actually started using a cane because I fell a couple of times. I’m a Type 2 diabetic and my A1C went up from 6.5 to 8.7 in 7 weeks, but the worst was the depression. I constantly had really bad dark thoughts to the point of actually planning how to do it so it wouldn’t be as bad for my family. Went to my Pulmonary Doctor, who sent me to my regular Doctor, who wanted to Baker Act me. So I stopped my Breo cold turkey and was hoping that would kill me faster. To my amazement, within 5 days I’m back to my normal self before Breo. No suicidal thoughts, no mood problems, sleeping like a baby again, no cane. Still having breathing issues but Ventolin seems to help without side effects. These doctors never even thought Breo might be the problem. Breo is a very dangerous drug!"

For Asthma "I am a person who believes in natural medicines/homeopathic as much as possible. I was really struggling with asthma symptoms this past summer and felt horrible, so I went to an asthma specialist as a last resort after trying everything natural that I could. She put me on Breo, and I felt like I had found a miracle cure. However, about 6 weeks later and after tapering down from Breo to 100, I began experiencing extreme numbness in my limbs, tremors, bone pain, and muscle pain. I don't know if this is a coincidence or if there is something else going on, but I have notified my doctor and stopped taking Breo. I am very concerned about the side effects I am experiencing. When I spoke with my doctor about this, she said she has never heard of the limb issues or joint issues, but there are plenty of stories about it here."

For Asthma "I moved to the Midwest after living in the Southeast for twenty years. I have had asthma for the better part of 10 years. In the Southeast, I never had to use a bronchodilator. After moving to the Midwest, my asthma worsened and I was put on Breo. Things were great in the first couple of months. However, about a month and a half ago, I developed insomnia and a cough that I couldn't get rid of. From there, I caught a lung infection and then pneumonia. When recovering from pneumonia, I developed low potassium, severe bone and joint pain, and headaches that won't go away. I haven't had a dose in over 24 hours now, and I am already starting to feel better. I would rather use my rescue inhaler every day than to have these issues."

For Asthma "Breo did work for me, it was like a miracle drug, but unfortunately, I have had major adverse side effects from it. I have had flu-like symptoms, mood swings, and every time I breathe in, the right side of my ribs is in absolute agony. It's a horribly anxious-provoking situation. I can't drive because when I go over any bumps on the road, my side hurts terribly. I have also been getting a dry throat. I went to the doctors, had tests, and found out it has caused me to have pleurisy. I have now stopped taking it, the risk of side effects is not worth it, unfortunately. Beware of this drug, it is very dangerous for some."

For Asthma "Breo Ellipta is awful. I never had any issues besides asthma prior. It gave me headaches, bone pain (specifically hip pain), and also bone crunching. I had read that it can demineralize bone, so not ideal for women going through perimenopause. Due to such intense side effects, I have decided this drug is not worth it."

For Asthma, Maintenance "I have had moderate asthma since age 13, now age 41. I have participated in multiple full marathons, cycling, swimming, rowing, yoga, walking ALL with only Singulair and a Ventolin inhaler before high-intensity exercise. I was prescribed Breo because taking Ventolin before exercise multiple times a week is considered 'uncontrollable asthma.' It has been roughly 20 days and my voice is always raspy, I have a tremor in my hands, always hungry, dry scalp, insomnia at night, pain in my chest, skipping heartbeats, and weight gain. I try going for just a brisk walk, and my lungs are immediately tight and irritated. I then try my rescue inhaler, which was my go-to and it is useless, like I never even took it. I am discontinuing my use of this inhaler and going back to the unacceptable method where I could breathe just fine normally and used only for exercise. It's much better than these side effects."

For COPD "Used Symbicort for a few years and was very pleased with it, but then I tried the Breo Ellipta. I thought Symbicort was very good, but the Breo was outstanding. I felt like I did 20 years ago before all of this started. I could mow the yard and function without any moments of shortness of breath - it is a really great treatment. The Tudorza Pressair (aclidinium bromide) just doesn't work. I felt lightheaded a lot and had a difficult time concentrating - felt very tired with it, and it just isn't working. The Breo is so very expensive - wish there was a way to get it without deciding if you are going to buy food or your Breo medication."

For Asthma "The first couple days this felt like a miracle drug, like I never had asthma at all. The next few days, it only worked for about half the day, and now I can't tell if it's doing anything at all. I've also begun having frequent dizziness, low-grade headaches, constant hunger, sharp pain in my teeth, pain in my back, shoulders, and neck so severe that I sometimes can't even sit down, shooting pains in my legs and ankles, weakness, fatigue, constant stomach cramping, strange sensations in my eyes and vision issues (my eyeballs feel swollen inside and I keep thinking I see smoke), a welt on my lower face, and tiny spots of blood under my skin that look like I've been pricked with a needle all over my body. I was trying to wait it out until my next appointment, but I just can't stand it anymore, I'm quitting it today."

For Asthma "Started on Breo in May 2016 and loved the relief it provided. I'm currently off this med for 3 weeks (Dec 2016) in an effort to determine if Breo is responsible for my disabling joint and muscle pain which began 1 month into taking it. I used Breo from May to December during which time the pain intensified and migrated to points in all 4 extremities. I have consulted orthopedics and I am currently seeing a rheumatologist. I stopped Breo 21 days ago and have improved daily since. I'm convinced that Breo is the cause of my inflammation and pain and I will never take it again. It's unfortunate. It was truly effective but the side effects are absolutely unbearable."

For Asthma "I just went off this drug last week after being on it for 2 years. About a month after I started this medication, I had the first panic attack of my life, for a completely unthreatening stimulus (I was sitting in traffic). Over the next two years, I continued to have panic attacks over very silly stimuli and constant anxiety/tension in my chest/neck area. After cutting out Flonase, caffeine, alcohol, birth control, and still having anxiety issues, it finally occurred to me that perhaps it was this medication. It has been one week since I went off the medication, with only my rescue inhaler for my asthma when I need it. I do feel the occasional slight shortness of breath, but I feel I can much better live with that than I could the side effects of Breo. I have not had any moment where my anxiety felt like it was going into panic territory, and my general anxiety level has drastically decreased. I feel like I'm alive again, and I don't need to worry about every little thing."

For Asthma "I've been taking Breo for almost 6 months. It worked great, it worked so well that I would take it every other day instead of once per day. As of last week, I've been having blurred vision in my left eye, distorted colors, and large black spots. The eye is pretty much useless as of now. I went to an eye doctor and learned that I have central serous retinopathy, which is pretty much a fluid buildup behind the retina, apparently caused by steroids, which is one of the ingredients in Breo. Needless to say, I stopped taking Breo. I'm sure I'm a rare case, but I just wanted to share."

For Asthma, Maintenance "Started using Breo after a severe asthma exacerbation. At first, it controlled my asthma very well, I barely had to use my rescue inhaler. But over months, it stopped working and actually made it very hard for me to breathe. It made me extremely irritable, mood swings, aggressive, weight gain, heart palpitations, severe anxiety attacks, spasms of my intercostal muscles, and made my chest very tight. This medicine caused me to also develop depression and a lack of motivation. Two days off of it, and I can finally take a deep breath, and my brain finally has clarity. I finally feel like myself again."

For Asthma "Do the drug manufacturers even bother reading these? This drug, Breo Ellipta, does NOT last 24 hours. Fraudulent claims, it lasts 12 tops. A respiratory therapist told me that GSK knows it doesn't last that long. Good luck even getting it into your lungs. Worst possible delivery system. MAKE THIS DRUG IN A NEBULIZER FORM so we actually get the full benefit. Just shows how these drug companies are in it for the money. This is a great drug. Sad that most don't actually get to experience it to its entirety because of the crappy delivery system."

For Asthma "This medication destroyed my life. It should not be on the market. It caused me to develop burning mouth syndrome after a couple of doses, which is a severe and unremitting neuropathic pain in your mouth that has no treatment. I still have it a year later and have no quality of life left. This condition could well be lifelong."

For Asthma "I caught a cold, and it went from my head to my chest. Asthma flared up like crazy, and between prednisone, ProAir, nebulizer treatments, and Breo, I still couldn’t find relief. You are only supposed to use LABAs until your symptoms are controlled, then you should switch back to steroid/other preventer. I was hyperventilating and honestly scared for my life. I couldn’t control my breathing. I've been hospitalized once, but that was preventable (age 9). Prednisone helps. I think Breo is a dangerous drug and should only be used for a couple of months MAX. LABAs may reduce blood oxygen levels and cause adrenal suppression. Take vitamin D, calcium, and adrenal support. Breo worked wonderfully when my Advair (took from 9-23 years old) stopped working, but my gut is telling me this medication is dangerous long term. Also, I’ve noticed chest pains on this medication."

For Asthma "How I wish I could use Breo regularly! Nothing I’ve tried is more effective for breathing; however, as I type this, I’m experiencing nausea, occasional flushing with cold sweats, increased heart rate, increased HBP and blood sugar, anxiety, depressed mood. I’ve entered the ER twice in the past trying this drug (never knew one could develop flu condition from a drug!). I had bronchitis two months ago (took antibiotic and prednisone) and have just not fully recovered. Wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing. I resumed Breo one puff every 5-6 days for relief. I knew better than to repeat a dose earlier. I keep Breo on hand for severe asthma flare-ups - I know - stupid. Amazing what those of us with asthma will risk to breathe! It will take around three days for the side effects to vanish. I’ll swear I’ll never use it again. I hope Breo doesn’t become the next Vioxx! Its side effects can be severe."

For Asthma, Maintenance "After not having a flare-up all year and having my first one due to chemical exposure, I was in a full-blown flare-up and desperate to breathe well. Took the Breo as well as my nebulizer treatments for about 6 days, 5 of which I had more severe anxiety each day that I took it very quickly after I took it, so I know it was the inhaler. Before my flare-up, I needed nothing at all, was free and clear of all meds, which was amazing. I stopped the Breo due to the severity of the anxiety and decided to go to the hospital, where I received prednisone and a steroid pack to wean down from. Still taking my albuterol nebulizer every day, about 2-3 times until I clear up, but I was not a fan of the Breo at all. Coming from someone who had severe asthma to getting myself off of all meds for over a year, to trying Breo, that was terrible. The prednisone helped the first day. Hopefully, I can clear up and get back to no meds through diet and exercise, fingers crossed."

For Asthma "I found Breo Ellipta good to start with. I hardly had to use a rescue puffer. However, months on, I am finding Breo ineffective. I am having to rely on rescue puffers to control my asthma and mucus production."

For COPD "My dad was put on Breo for his COPD, however, he had asthma as well. The Breo made him worse, and the doctor told him it needed to get into his system for it to work properly. Well, after being on it for three weeks, he died!"

For Asthma "I took Breo for 5 months, and it worked. I did not have to take my fast-acting inhaler while on it and felt like I could breathe better than ever, which made me so happy, for I have had asthma for most of my life. However, the side effects were terrible. I didn't notice until they got worse. I would randomly get terrible headaches, joint pain, a runny nose, a sore/raspy throat. I also had crazy mood changes and didn't feel like myself. So many more side effects. I'm off it now, and my lungs feel like garbage now, and I'm having more severe back pain. Honestly, if medicine can cause this... how is it good?"

"I have a chronic cough due to a vocal cord injury, and this injury also causes me to not be able to clear my lungs well. Then I got sick. I was coughing for hours straight without stopping. My doctor just put me on Breo. I took my first dose yesterday evening. It was awesome!!! I stopped coughing and could tell it was quieting the inflammation in my airways. I was so relieved! Then I woke up this morning with aching calves, and as the day progressed, it got worse and spread to foot pain. My legs feel ‘squirrelly’ too, even at rest. I am sad to say I can see where this is headed - to bad side effects for me. I’m afraid to take a second dose, as I’m sure it’ll get worse. I just threw $300 away. Very disappointing."

For COPD "I have been taking Breo for approx 3 weeks, previously using Atrovent. I have severe COPD. Aged 67. The first day or two it felt excellent, was able to breathe easier, but then the side effects started. Tolerated the headaches, bone aches, red eyes, slightly blurred vision sometimes, confusion to start with, severe sinus (was regularly blowing blood from nose), feeling lethargic and depressed, getting cold sweats at night, thirsty, ringing ears, runny nose, but when my face started to swell up, that scared me, so I stopped use, all adverse reactions now stopped after 36 hours. It is great for helping with the breathing, unfortunately, side effects are too much. Funny thing, breathing has continued to be good after stopping taking."

For Asthma "For me, the medication doesn't last me the whole day, so having it once a day is not great. The biggest negative side effect for me, to the point I'm now seeking a different asthma med, is that no matter how much I rinse my mouth or gargle or saltwater rinse and gargle, I'm left with a buildup of white, thick, and pasty residue on the back of my throat where it feels like I constantly have hair sitting in the back of my mouth like a big fur ball... It's not thrush, as I have been back to my GP... horrible."

More about Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: bronchodilator combinations
  • En español

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Related treatment guides

  • COPD, Maintenance
  • Asthma, Maintenance
  • COPD
  • Asthma