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Generic Name: Bydureon BCise (exenatide)

Bydureon BCise Reviews

For Diabetes, Type 2 "So far I cannot get this to inject. Three shots in and twice it deploys after I pull the needle out. Today's third try - same story. Needle goes in and meds stay in the pen. I am beyond frustrated. Why they discontinued the manual injection is beyond me. At least I could actually take the injection! Bydureon works great if you can actually take the injection. It gets one star from me because I simply cannot get BCise to work!"

For Diabetes, Type 2 "You’ll be lucky if the Bydureon pens work half the time. Just got done puncturing myself again and watching as the delivery device failed to move. Holding the pen, stuck in me, but none of the medicine moving. What to do? Pull it out, blood spurts out again, and medicine now fires out everywhere. Stop the bleeding, clean up the medicine. Total waste again. They need to redesign the pen!"

For Diabetes, Type 2 "On three occasions, the injection didn’t work and medicine spilled out after I had held the pen to my skin for 15 seconds. This is frustrating because there is no way to stop this once it has been engaged."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I get so frustrated with these pens I almost feel like crying at times! I'm trying so hard to work with my doctor and am fully willing to deal with some side effects with this med in order to give it a fair attempt. But I've gone through so many pens these past 3 months where I follow the instructions exactly as they provide...only for the dang pens to get stuck. The needle's injected, but the plunger does not budge. No (or very little) liquid gets injected. I move the pen around, tap on it, push it further into myself...nothing. And it's not like I can just take it out and re-inject myself. The moment I do so, the liquid then starts to shoot out of the needle and the dose is completely wasted. I feel so defeated! :( I once broke one of the pens apart to gain access to the liquid and tried using my own syringe...however the liquid is way too thick for my syringes and only clogged the needles rendering them useless. 3 months in and I've missed 4 or 5 weekly doses. :( :("

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I have used Bydureon BCise for 5 weeks and so far I have had 3 pins malfunction . Very annoying . I spend 30 minutes on the phone answering the same questions and then they send an envelope to put the pin in and mail back by fed x . I have to go to the nearest fed x to mail back and then to the pharmacy to pick up a new pack . This needs to be fixed"

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I wouldn't know if the medication works or not because after trying to use 4 different pens from two separate boxes, I have yet to get a pen to work. The medicine either comes out when I take the orange lid off, or it is all over my stomach when I remove the pen. The cost is too exorbitant to have this waste."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Love the medication when I can use it, I have had 6 pens malfunction in the last month. Four in the last week. I have been without my meds for two weeks. They keep replacing them but the new ones don't work either. Been injecting myself for years it's not operator error."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Started taking Bydureon BCise in February 2018, 7 months in and nothing short of miraculous and has changed my life in so many positive ways. A1C at the start was 8.0 after my first blood test it dropped to 5.9 and I've lost approx. 43 lbs. I take Metformin 500 mg twice a day, my fasting sugar varies, from low 80s-115. On two occasions I experienced lows at 70, and 80, it was a new experience for me but a chocolate candy bar and good to go. I like others have read scary reviews about side effects so apprehensive at first but after my 3rd month I noticed nothing bad and began to get comfortable with the injection part, I've found taking the pen out of the refrigerator 30 min prior to injection helps with mixing and comfort when injecting, and it works best if you inject into fatty tissue in your lower abdomen, and alternate weekly. Also it is my courage as I've changed my lifestyle to healthy eating, as the medication will punish you if you make a bad choice trust me on this one !"

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I did a review on 2019-09-02 under the same name (kathyonobx) and this is my update . Bydureon BCise was used for several months. I began to suspect that it had contributed to or caused a deep depression as well as daily migraine headaches which began almost immediately upon use. Update 09-02-2019: My last Bydureon BCise injection was Aug 5, 2019. My first Ozempic .25 mg injection was Aug 12, 2019. I was told it would take 2 weeks for the Bydureon to leave my system. At almost exactly the 2 week mark, my depression stopped and the migraines stopped! I still have an occasional headache, but not migraine strength and not daily."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Been using Bcise for 10 weeks, 3 times it has not fully injected so I only got a partial dose. Unlike the old bydureon, you can't move this to find a different spot or change needles to try again. Yes it's easier to work with, but I find it unreliable."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Just had a first malfunction of a BCISE pen. Took the pen out of the fridge, let it sit for 1/2 hour. I then unlocked the pen and shook it to mix the meds. Pressed the pen to my belly area and I heard the click indicating the injector is functioning. The orange indicator never displayed ! I waited a few minutes, then removed the pen and the medicine spewed out of the pen. This is very expensive medicine. One more failure like this and I will move on to an alternative."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "On my fourth week of Bydureon BCise, no side effects that I have noticed other than the injection site. All four sites have a hard lump under the skin, and burn and itch (mild irritation, I would say 3 on a scale of 1-10)."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I wanted to successfully use this medication to control my elevated blood glucose. Initially, it lowered my blood glucose but, with each weekly injection, a new side effect would present. Finally, after #9, vomiting started along with the other side effects. I asked my MD to please stop the medication. I wanted it to work but I couldn’t tolerate it any longer."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I hate this pen. Half of the solution leaks out. It makes me bleed a lot. The mechanism pushes back so it's like having to fight with it to do its job. I'm so tired of it. I can't wait to run out to get something different."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I got off Metformin as that caused a Lactic Acidosis reaction for me and went onto Bydureon Bcise at the recommendation of my Doctor and a Diabetes Education consultant. I have been on this medication for 9 months and the once a week shot is easy to use with only the small bump at the injection site being the only downside I have experienced. Have not had any upset stomach issues. My A1C went from 7.2 to 5.9 with no change in diet."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "This medication is backordered half of the time leaving me with no shot when it is time to take the weekly shot. This is NOT helpful to someone who relies on this medication to keep blood sugar in check. What is the point of taking it if it is backordered all the time!"

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Terrible product design. I’ve been in practice 30 years and struggle to get this injector to dispense the product correctly. The company needs to start over and simplify. It’s expensive for patients and heartbreaking when they can’t get a dose administered."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Using Bydureon BCise for 6 months without any issues. It appears to have only kept my type 2 Diabetes with very small change at this time. I did have 2 pens that malfunction by jamming and unable to get the pen to depress and inject the dosage , even with hard pressure against the skin. I'm in the process of getting a replacement for these Bydureon BCise faulty or defective pens since they're very costly."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I had been on Victoza for a couple years with great results but switched to Bydurion Bcise on the advice of a drug rep. I have been using it for 5 months. My A1C went from 6 to 12.6 and my fasting glucose was 442. I am now back on Victoza and will be starting a few other pills tomorrow. I hadn't been checking my blood sugars because Victoza had kept it so regulated but now have to to make sure it doesn't get too low. My Dr told me this morning that it is a wonder I wasn't in a diabetic coma with an insulin drip. Needless to say, from this day forward this girl is checking her bloodsugars."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I started taking Bydureon 15 weeks ago with an A1C of 9. Today it is 6.1. The beginning side effects were mild and tolerable, the injections are not painful, at all. Those are the positive things. Unfortunately this past week I have had extreme headaches, lethargy, abdominal pain and nausea/vomiting. All of lab tests are perfectly normal, my doctor wants me to continue the medication. My pharmacist wants me to stop. I cannot directly correlate how I feel with the medication, but I have no other logical explanation. If anyone has any information or suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated. Good luck to everyone!!"

For Diabetes, Type 2 "This stuff is worthless. I managed 1 successful injection out of 4 in the box. My sugars are in high 300s now.. THE PEN DOES NOT INJECT. Spent 41 minutes on phone. They replaced with a new box today so I read instructions 4 more times and tried again. NOPE. 4 sticks later I am pressing on green part and it works, all over my hand!!!! I opened another pen. 6 sticks with no results. I moved to my thigh and tried again. I had to press HARD against my thigh and manipulate the green piece at same time to get successful injection. 6 auto injection pens used to accomplish 2 successful injections. I am beyond FED UP. This is utter rubbish."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "When I first began using Bydureon bcise, it worked great. I didn't have any side effects until after taking it for several months. Sometimes the nausea was mild, and other times it made me feel like I was near death, but after I began eating Greek yogurt before my injections, it definitely helped with the nausea. My biggest complaint is, after using Bydureon bcise over a year, I began having problems with just about every injection. I dealt with faulty injections for several months, and finally decided to have my doctor switch me to something else."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Drug works very well for me. Low readings and no side effects. Like many I have been getting injection pen failures where the plunger fails to activate until the needle is pulled out. It was maybe a once or twice per year occurrence. Now it is one in every 4 pack of pens. Asking my Doctor for a different prescription."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "The frequency of faulty pens is getting worse. I’ve been using the Bybureon BCise 2mg pen 1x per week for several years and know how to use it. Used to get a bad pen about once every 6 months. Have had 3 faulty pens in the last 6 months plus 2 today. Same problem with all: needle goes in but will not dispense medication. I pinch the skin while the needle is in and move it around trying to get it to work but without success. When I remove the pen from my skin the medication ejects into the air. They do replace the pens and ask that I return the bad pens in an envelope they will provide but they never send the envelopes. Seems to be a common issue experienced by others. This is not a new issue and has been going on for many years. Can’t believe they haven’t figured this out. Makes one wonder if they are making any effort to address this issue."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Even though I follow the instructions for use carefully, and have learned to leave the needle in for at least two minutes (longer than directed) after the medicine has completed the injection, it still too often squirts back out everywhere. This is an expensive product failure. Never had trouble with the previous Bydureon injection system, and am strongly considering looking at alternatives."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: Incretin Mimetics (GLP-1 Agonists)
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • BYDUREON BCise advanced reading
  • Bydureon BCise

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Bydureon BCise prescribing information
  • Exenatide (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

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Related treatment guides

  • Diabetes, Type 2