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Generic Name: Calquence (acalabrutinib)

Calquence Reviews

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "Have had CLL for 10 years. Joined early MD Anderson ACP196 trial for previously untreated 6 years ago, after having a great buildup of fluid around the lungs. All problems went away within a couple of months after starting treatment. Life is normal with no side effects. Have traveled the world since. Still a trial participant."

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "I was prescribed Calquence several months ago. Within 24-36 hours of taking the first dose, I began to have excruciating cramping in my upper thighs and buttocks. My doctor was not aware of such cramping as a result of Calquence, so I continued taking one pill per day rather than two. The cramps continued and left me screaming on the bed, with my husband using a massaging wand on the cramping areas. My primary care doctor prescribed me a muscle relaxant. Neither offered any relief. There was no decrease in the cramping, so I discontinued Calquence completely. The cramping subsided within several hours. After ~ ten days, I began taking one pill daily to see if the cramping would resume; it did not. After a few weeks, I introduced the second pill on alternate days, with no cramping. After another week I began taking the second pill daily and I've had no problem with cramping since. A pharmacist told my husband that cramping is a known side effect of this drug."

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "Calquence has worked extremely well for me. My CLL is now under control. I had headaches at first - I hadn't heard about coffee helping with the headaches. Easy to take - it's a tablet now. The dosage is 100mg twice a day. Overall, I'm extremely pleased."

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "It has been wonderful. I was really sick, and after they made the diagnosis and then determined I had CLL, they put me on Calquence. I gained most of my lost weight back. Blood work has been really good. Side effects: sore knees, bad muscle aches, but lymph nodes are back to normal size."

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "I was diagnosed with an 'accelerated' form of CLL/SLL several months ago that required immediate treatment intervention, including blood transfusions. Calquence has been taken for the past 3 months with no other medication included. Response has been excellent with leukocytes decreased from 150K to a normal range. I am still anemic with HgB at 9.0, but gradually improving. No side effects other than bruising without any severe bleeding. At this time, Calquence works extremely well and I have been able to resume my usual daily living activities."

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "I have been on Calquence for a little over two years (2021 - 2023). My starting WBC was about 100k. On a typical dosage (100 mg b.i.d.) the count has since dropped steadily to 12.78k as of 06/2023 (ref. range 3.8k - 10.8k / μL). My oncologist and I are pleased with these results. Although the condition persists, I should be less likely to endure large scale damage to my lymph system with these more manageable numbers. In addition, β2 Microglobulin and lactate dehydrogenase have maintained levels within their reference ranges. Fortunately, I have not yet experienced any of the commonly listed side effects – even the milder ones. Of course, I do take extreme precaution with sun exposure. With these results we feel confident about chronic usage of Calquence until CAR-T cell therapy (or whatever is next) becomes approved and widely available."

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "I started on this medication seven weeks ago. Within a week, my lymphocytosis went away. But I think I’ve had every side effect that was mentioned, and now after seven weeks, I feel better. My blood cancer is still high, but it’s going down. I’m tired a lot. But so far, it’s working well for me."

For Mantle Cell Lymphoma "My latest PET Scan showed that Calquence is working to reduce MCL activity. Side effects mostly occurred when I started the medication and they were brief. These included fatigue, tinnitus in my left ear, lower appetite and weight loss. My weight is now stable, although down about 13 pounds from when I started. But I’m ok with that, since it’s a better weight for me. I do have some rashes, which my oncologist says it’s due to the medication."

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "Very quickly brought my very high WBC down to within the normal range. RBC is still low, but platelets are good. I had a mild headache for a couple of days, but that went away and hasn't come back. It took maybe 3 or 4 months before I started feeling better overall with more energy. I have been taking Calquence for four years with no problems."

For Mantle Cell Lymphoma "So far, no major issues. I have been using it for about 4 months now, since Imbruvica was pulled for mantle cell lymphoma treatment. Bowels move a bit differently than with Imbruvica, but not enough so as to be a problem. My doctors seem to be well satisfied with the way it is working, holding the lymphoma in check if nothing else."

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "I have taken Calquence since March of 2023 and treatment has been successful in decreasing the spleen size and other nodes. I have not experienced side effects of any kind and, in general terms, tolerate the medication well. Very happy with the results thus far."

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "I feel this is a good medication for CLL. It has significantly lowered my WBC and Absolute Lymphocytes. Side effects I have: bruising, joint pain, swollen left ankle, blood thinning, I cut easily and my scabs are dark black, some tiredness, AFIB."

"I've been taking Calquence since Jan of 2022. A little over 2.5 years so far. With many of the side effects listed, but mild in my opinion. Another is it takes longer to move food through the digestive tract. I feel bloated at times, gassy, and some acid reflux. I'm glad I have it as an option to keep going."

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "I bruise more easily, and they last longer. It takes more effort to do things, and I am more easily tired, occasionally exhausted. Some dizziness occasionally. Blood does not immediately stop after a needle prick, unnoticed scratches from bushes or plants that send blood dripping from my hands, arms, legs!"

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "June 9th my father passed away from a brain bleed. He took that medicine for three years."

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "Have used Calquence for over a year, it has brought my white blood cell count back to an acceptable level. I had lost 40 lbs and have gained back 30. For me, this has truly been a Godsend."

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "Helped alleviate fatigue. No identifiable side effects. 100mg@12hrs"

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "A life saver! Lowered my white cell count and somehow radically improved my ulcerative colitis."

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "Severe dizziness developed approx. 5 months after starting treatment. Dry mouth. Sore on tongue."

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "Daily headaches most days, sometimes migraine. Sometimes skin feels sunburned, even though no visible signs of sunburn and haven't been outside for days."

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "Excellent. Minimal side effects. I was at stage 4 on the Rai scale at the start of treatment. Combined with 7 months of Gazyva, Hgb went from under 6 to low normal at 14."

For Mantle Cell Lymphoma "Minor side effects very manageable. I highly recommend trying Calquence!"

For Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia "Overall very good. Had to switch from Imbruvica due to the side effects."

More about Calquence (acalabrutinib)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: BTK inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Calquence drug information

Professional resources

  • Calquence prescribing information
  • Calquence Tablets (FDA)
  • Acalabrutinib (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
  • Mantle Cell Lymphoma