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Generic Name: Cefdinir for Pneumonia (cefdinir)

Cefdinir for Pneumonia Reviews

"I was prescribed this medication for bacterial pneumonia in my left lung, 2x per day for 10 days. I have to say the reviews of this antibiotic are quite scary. I am extremely sensitive to medications of any kind, and I have had very minimal side effects with this medication. I am currently on day 7 of my prescription, and aside from a little stomach upset here and there, I have really had no other issues. My facial skin has been drier, more irritated, and a bit more blotchy than usual, which I guess I attribute to this prescription because nothing else in my day-to-day life has changed. It took about 3-4 days to notice the medication helping to any degree. Pneumonia does take time to heal, so I didn't expect a miracle from this drug. It had helped clear the infection with very minimal side effects. Don't let the dramatic reviews scare you as I did."

"I was prescribed the cefdinir antibiotic to treat pneumonia. Day 5 and no serious side effects whatsoever. Penicillin based antibiotics generally are super harsh on my stomach. Other than some gas, and mild constipation, I have had no issues. I’ve been taking with a probiotic daily."

"I’ve had an 11 month cough that evolved from mild at night to moderate day & night to severe day & night regurgitating clear mucus through my mouth & runny nose. I’ve seen 2 ENT’s, Pulmonologist, Gastrointestinal doc, Allergist & treated in ED for Acute Coughing Spasms. PPI’s, inhalers, Prednisone, Allergy Meds & 2 other antibiotics temporarily stopped it or didn’t help. Many tests given. Finally one week ago immunologist did blood tests which show low Pneumococcal 23 results. He RX’d Cefdinir and after 48-72 hours I feel a big difference. Doc said he feels I have a bacterial infection and wants me to take it for 20 days."

"I had bacterial pneumonia and was Rx'ed this and it worked wonders. Cured my pneumonia in 5 days. Zero side effects. I see many people have terrible experience with this drug but for me it was fantastic and worked wonders."

"10 days for pneumonia doctor prepared me for the side effects of yeast infection telling me to coat my stomach with yogurt or probiotics before I take this pill. I am on day 8 of taking this pill and I have no yeast infection. However my stool is dark and I don't care if I loose weight! My doctor prepared me for iron deficiency during the intake if this pill telling me to take an iron supplement during it's coarse."

"Prescribed cefdinir for possible pneumonia and so far so good. Yea a little gassy but other that that I can tell it is thinning the cough up yuk. On it for ten days, so please let this go away. I was told 3 weeks ago I had type a flu. Congestion wouldn't go away. So we are trying this medicine."

"I was diagnosed with a rare hereditary disease PI, (Primary Immunodeficiency Disease). Mine type is called Hypogammagobilema. The Immunologist I see prefers this antibiotic as a back up because of it's effectiveness and very low probability for side effects. I have been taking it since November of 2018. I also have to take a IGG drug that gives my body the ability to actually fight the many different bacteria's that cause all types of Pneumonia, most that are very deadly. This antibiotic works well."

Omnicef (cefdinir) "Let's talk about my sickness first. I was dipping my self into a freezing water pool for approximately 5 minutes a day. The next morning I felt the weather is so much colder so I knew its a fever. I'm very healthy person my body I make sure that my body is clean, I drink a lot of water and cleaning drinks so my stomach is always clean. The doctor prescriped me fevadol and omnicef. Omnicef experience were horrible. Very bad diarrhea every 15 minutes or so even if there is nothing in my body. I couldn't sleep for more than 24 hours with complete alertness and no feeling of exhaustion. eating it without food will make it worse. I used it for 2 days only. Dosage was 1 300mg twice a day. I got Dizziness, back pain, headache and diarrhea."

"Prescribed Cefdinir for my first bout with pneumonia at age 47. It did absolutely nothing and I nearly ended up hospitalized. I begged for an alternative knowing I would end up as an inpatient, by this time a fractured rib and torn intercostal muscles were causing significant issue. I was prescribed Levofloxacin and it worked well. Cefdinir didn't kill the bugs that I had."

Omnicef (cefdinir) "My sister’s pediatrician gave her this antibiotic to treat her FLU ... my sister is 15 years old but had has a Rare syndrome and she is still like a baby! She got very bad stomach pain, black stool and the worst part ! We almost lost her by a seizure! She haven't had a seizure in 10 years! Horrible experience ! Never recommending this!"

"In the ER I sas given cefdinir for pneumonia 300 mg 2x daily. It seemed to help my pneumonia after 2 days but I stopped taking it due to the severe cramps, nausea, diarrhea, and constipation. I haven't taken this medicine in 4 days and still have major symptoms. I looked online and it says side effects can last up to 3 weeks. Needless to say I won't be taking this medicine ever again"

"Nothing. 12 days in and 7 on this medication and getting worse. Other symptoms reduced such as the headache, so I think it helped with that and sinitus that was related, but would never recommend for pneumonia. Switching to Amoxicillin as the next step."

Omnicef (cefdinir) "Precribed 10 days for pneumonia. 7th day presented the worst yeast infection. 35 yo female, otherwise healthy. Discontinued medication and pneumonia has not returned after 21 days."

"Improvement noted after 2nd day. Side effects were minimal for me."

"I’ve been on this ten days, I can’t feel any change. I have the flu and pneumonia and I’m 72"

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: third generation cephalosporins
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Cefdinir drug information
  • Cefdinir Capsules
  • Cefdinir Suspension

Other brands

Omnicef, Omnicef Omni-Pac

Professional resources

  • Cefdinir monograph
  • Cefdinir (FDA)
  • Cefdinir Capsules (FDA)

Other brands


Related treatment guides

  • Bacterial Infection
  • Middle Ear Infections
  • Pneumonia
  • Bronchitis