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Generic Name: Cefdinir for Tonsillitis/Pharyngitis (cefdinir)

Cefdinir for Tonsillitis/Pharyngitis Reviews

"Prescribed this drug because of history of MONO with tonsillitis. I was very reluctant to take it, but went ahead anyway. Besides the pill smelling like death, 4 days into it I was better, and expedited extremely bad cramps / diarrhea and bloating. I mistakenly took another dosage and was filled with hives all over. Still dealing with the second day of hives, the ER gave me 5 days of steroids. I’ve been on tons of antibiotic for recurring strep/tonsillitis and have NEVER experienced something like this."

Omnicef (cefdinir) "I get tonsilitis every year and recently I decided to go to the doctor to get some antibiotics. He prescribed me cefdinir and It worked great my tonsils cleared up but there is only problem. The side effects. I decided to not go the full 10 days and stopped using it after a week. I developed horrible vaginal itching as well as diarrhea which lead to blood in my stool. This medication did the job but I don't think I would ever take it again. Hopefully since I stopped this medication these side effects will go away soon."

"After 3 days of taking this medication I was suffering from constant gastrointestinal issues, which is something I have never experienced on antibiotics before even with probiotics. On day 4 I began with severe itching, burning, and hives and returned to the doctor. This antibiotic also seemed to have little affect on my original illness. I am now on a Z pack and feel much better. Now I have to be on a long course of Prednisone for my allergic reaction which has yet to subside. This by far has been the worst antibiotic I have ever taken in my life. Never ever again!"

"I had a nasty throat infection and was prescribed this. It cleared my condition up in a few days but it gave me horrible anxiety/anger episodes. Plus I could only sleep 3-4 hours a night. If you have anxiety issues and are allergic to penicillin, please try another antibiotic. This one is pretty rough. It also made my legs itch and gave me weird pains in my legs."

"Side affect still lasting after 10 days off med. Itchy rash, swollen neck, chest, face, tongue, headache, fatigue, on and off diarrhea. Increased urination. Feel terrible for weeks. Took 2 a day for 10 days. Don't recommend this at all"

"I'll give it credit that it did make me feel better - but the cost was a very upset stomach. I've never had issues with antibiotics upsetting my stomach before, but this medicine gave me really bad diarrhea one day after starting it. Still not over the diarrhea after almost a week off the medicine. Obviously everyone reacts different, but I won't be using this medicine again."

"I regret allowing this to be prescribed for my 17 year old son. He normally takes Zithromax for respiratory infections, but he was seeing a new/different provider. She wanted to give him this. After a total of 4 doses, he was NO better, not even slightly. I understand drugs need time to work, but I almost think he worsened a bit on this. And then, after the 4th dose, he developed diarrhea. This is hard for a busy high school student. I had been carefully giving him probiotics also but that did not help. The dr's office is switching him back to Zithromax."

"I’m taking it for tonsillitis and my symptoms have began to improve after 3 doses, but boy did it come with a cost. To be fair, I was also prescribed prednisone so that is probably also helping. After I took the second dose, I felt nauseous and ended up vomiting. It also gave me a migraine that lasted all night. I’ve been told by doctors before that I have an “iron stomach” as I’ve been on long doses of antibiotics before such as clindamycin without any side effects, but the second dose of cefdinir took me out! I was even taking probiotics too. Be warned!"

"I’ve had strep throat many times. I have always been prescribed amoxicillin or Augmentin. When I got this medicine from the pharmacy, I was kind of confused because I have never heard the name before. I took five doses and I was getting worse. My throat pain was unbearable and I called the urgent care, and they told me I needed to go to the emergency room. I ended up having an abscess in my throat from the strep throat, and the doctor was very confused as to why they prescribed Cefdinir for strep throat when it is the least effective method for strep, and I do not have any allergies to penicillin. I do not recommend this drug to anyone!"

"Our 12 year old was given this for his tonsillitis and he has seen no reprieve whatsoever. He has actually gotten worse. He was checked for strep and two strains of the flu so I'm assuming the doctor gave him the right medicine however he was not checked for the third strain of flu that is going around.Feeling sad to see my boy feeling worse. Probably need to go back to the Doc."

Omnicef (cefdinir) "My son had strep throat and scarlet fever, and in 24 hours, just like his doctor said, he was so much better."

Omnicef (cefdinir) "Good experience with this antibiotic no diarrhea, or any other side effects unlike amoxicillin and others. It is also working excellently on clearing my tonsils."

"Removed pharanghaitis but induced very heavy cough."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: third generation cephalosporins
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Cefdinir drug information
  • Cefdinir Capsules
  • Cefdinir Suspension

Other brands

Omnicef, Omnicef Omni-Pac

Professional resources

  • Cefdinir monograph
  • Cefdinir (FDA)
  • Cefdinir Capsules (FDA)

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  • Bacterial Infection
  • Middle Ear Infections
  • Pneumonia
  • Bronchitis