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Generic Name: Cephalexin for Bacterial Infection (cephalexin)

Cephalexin for Bacterial Infection Reviews

"I've seen patient reviews where many terrible side effects of this drug were listed. After that, I was afraid to start taking Cephalexin! But my pharmacist said Keflex has been on the market for decades & most people have no problem with it. I'm happy to report that I am one of those people! The only side effect I am having is a lot of smelly gas & very smelly bowel movements (a result of the bad bacteria dying off, perhaps?). But that's a small price to pay to get rid of the infection in my ankle, so I'm quite satisfied. Word to the wise: I think that most of the patient reviews we see online are from unsatisfied patients. Most people that have no problem with a medicine probably don't take the time to post, so keep that in mind."

Keflex (cephalexin) "I was prescribed Keflex (Cephalexin) after having surgery to prevent infection, and wanted to add to the list of side effects. They do not mention acid reflux, which I had every time I took the capsule (4 times a day, for 10 days). Also women need to take a probiotic while on this medication as it decreases natural flora and you can get a yeast infection. I learned this the hard way by not eating enough yogurt while on this medication and not taking any probiotics. Just wanted to give a heads up and hopefully spare many women this highly uncomfortable experience."

"Just took the final dose. I am praying I will feel like myself again. I slept the first 4 days (15 hours at a time). Day 5: Mild to moderate to paralyzing anxiety and depression (I am on anti-anxiety medication, I take an antidepressant daily). By day 7, intense headache that didn’t respond to Acetaminophen. I am crying as I feel confused and have insomnia. I hope the person that simply posted insults here gets the help they need. Prayers for a person who enjoys being rude for a hobby. NO ONE has the right to shame all who post here. ONLY a very sad soul bullies those (including me) that post voluntarily and in a clear, concise manner here. Taking time and effort to post side effects and symptoms of an antibiotic can be a valuable tool for those who may not realize why they are feeling bad. We live in an era that knows “it’s in your head” is fodder for an ignorant person."

"I came down with a bad urinary tract infection 3 days ago, and I was put on Bactrim twice a day. I have had several UTIs before, and it has worked in the past. However, this time around, 2 days after the medicine, I wasn't seeing improvements, so I went back to the doctor and switched to cephalexin. Last night was my first dose, and I woke up this morning feeling completely normal again. I like to read these reviews, so I figured I'd post this to let everyone else know. Cephalexin works well."

"Prescribed cephalexin 500mg four times daily for seven days. On day three, the infection is almost completely gone and I feel 10 times better than I have in a month. No side effects whatsoever. Only wish I had started earlier."

Keflex (cephalexin) "I was prescribed 500mg (Keflex) four times a day, for ten days. This was for a boil that I've had for eight years. I thought it was a pimple, but when it got worse than ever, I saw a doctor who confirmed it as a boil. They then proceeded to try lancing and squeezing it. I almost became unconscious, this is how bad it had become. Anyways, you are here for the drug review. The only side effect that I noticed was a slight tired feeling. I have anxiety, so I didn't take the pills until around a week after being prescribed, for a fear of side effects. There is nothing to be worried about, trust that it will help you. Now, my boil is completely gone and I can relax."

Keflex (cephalexin) "My Endodontist put me on Keflex (Cephalexin) 500 mg per day, 4 times per day, for a bacterial infection for a root canal that had to be retreated. I was skeptical as I often cannot finish antibiotics due to the awful side effects. I am very sensitive to medicine. This one has had no side effects for me. With that being said, I do take a probiotic (Florajen) several hours before taking Keflex. The probiotic is taken 1 time per day while on antibiotics and is found in the pharmacy, as it has to be refrigerated. No prescription is required for probiotic."

Keflex (cephalexin) "I had an abscess on my upper gum resulting from terrible dentist work. I had also been prescribed amoxicillin 500mg, however, after a week of taking amoxicillin, the pain/swelling did not go away, it got noticeably worse. However, after taking my first full dose of Keflex, swelling reduced and gradually faded out by the time my dosage was complete. Would highly recommend Keflex."

"Yes, this drug has side effects, and yes, they suck, BUT I will say it works amazingly. Just like all of you reading, I did the same and got scared, but overall I have a REALLY BAD infection on my foot, and it’s been about 3 days on the meds, and my foot has already stopped swelling, isn’t red anymore, and pain has gone down a lot. If you are prescribed this med, do not be scared, it works. And again, yes, side effects suck. I got bloating, gassy, and nauseous. But I’d rather deal with these side effects than losing my foot! Please take it if you need to, and I really hope this helps."

Keflex (cephalexin) "I had a really bad cold and viral bronchitis, and I ended up with nasal cellulitis of all things (infection in my nose and on my face). I took this medication, and on day three, it was clearing up nicely, and by day 5, the infection is gone. I had virtually no side effects other than sleepiness, but I think that's normal when you're fighting an infection. I took 500 mg x 4 times a day, and I had no stomach or intestinal issues at all. It was great."

"Basically, I got strep throat, and the first several days on cephalexin were fine, except for a bit of a stomach ache. Then, soon after, my body temperature dropped to 94.3, and I got extreme vertigo. Kept having worrying, empty life feelings. Cephalexin works a little too well, not only gets rid of the bacteria, but almost getting rid of the human in the process."

"I get impetigo in/on my nose practically every year for the past few years, which is odd because I am not a child, nor do I come into contact with any. I’ve taken cephalexin four or five times for this infection and never had any evident symptoms. I thought it worked great, actually. However, this past time, I suddenly got terrible anxiety that ruined my life for about a week. Shaking, racing thoughts, the whole deal. The worst I’ve ever had-I couldn’t even watch TV alone at home without having to fight it off. Something inside of me told me to look up reviews for the medication, and I actually teared up reading that other people experienced similar things and this wasn’t just my life now. I stopped taking the medication early and feel almost back to normal already. I hope this helps someone!"

Keflex (cephalexin) "Took it for 7 days for a tooth infection, took the pain away on the 3rd day, no adverse reactions. Had a reaction to Bactrim, so I was hesitant to take antibiotics, however, I'm confident in Keflex now. Stop stressing and take it."

"Cephalexin might be one of the best antibiotics I have ever taken. I was prescribed 500mg 3x a day for 7 days for an infected lymph node (? The doc didn't really explain, but the lymph node in my groin was swollen to the size of a grape and SO painful I could barely walk. He said it was abscessed) By the 5th dose, almost all of the pain had subsided, swelling was down and I had ZERO side effects. Usually I am very sensitive to antibiotics so I was sure to take the pills on a full stomach. I also get nervous taking any type of medication because of the potential stomach upsets, as I am absolutely terrified of throwing up. But, currently on day 4 - No complaints whatsoever. Very happy with how it is working so far :)"

Keflex (cephalexin) "I went to the emergency room for a tooth abscess, and they prescribed me Keflex 500 mg four times a day for 10 days. I have had zero side effects. It worked fast and took the infection right away. I had a little sore throat the whole 7 days, but I was sneezing before I took the Keflex, so it was probably a virus or allergies. My throat looks fine. But I highly recommend Keflex because there are barely any side effects."

Keflex (cephalexin) "Very effective antibiotic on two (2) separate events for oral abscess! Usually a straight Penicillin customer, I am & Doc prefers Amoxicillin (not efficacious for me). Compromise medicine: Keflex is the most foul-smelling thing I ever wanted to swallow because it works... so hold your breath!"

"I was prescribed 500mg of Cephalexin for a staph infection on my face. I took 4 pills a day for 2 weeks. I was surprised to come on this site and find some bad reviews and side effects because my experience with this medication has been phenomenal! My bacterial infection cleared up within days! I had no side effects, and I am not having any problems with diarrhea (though if you do have this problem, you can take something with the pill). The medication definitely smells bad, haha, but I learned that that is completely normal. It doesn't really 'taste' like anything because you just drink it with water and swallow it anyway. I definitely recommend Cephalexin."

Keflex (cephalexin) "I have used this medicine for years for many different conditions including bronchitis, boils, bladder infection, sinusitis among a few others. The problem though has become since I have used it so many times, I am almost resistant to it and need a larger dose or longer dosing schedule to clear up a more severe case of the ailment. When it works, it works well."

"I'd been fighting a terrible UTI for the last week. Tried several natural methods of D-Mannose, 90 billion CFUs of probiotics, AZO 'maximum strength' pills, and too many glasses to count of 100% cranberry juice from Trader Joe's. Nothing helped my UTI. I finally broke down and called my doctor and was prescribed 500 mg of Keflex to be taken every 12 hours for 7 days. Approximately 6 hours after taking my first dose, I started to feel great relief from that excruciatingly wicked pain. I'm now on my second day and the relief is continuing to improve with no bad side effects. I'm also continuing my probiotics to prevent yeast infections associated with antibiotics. I can only say for myself that I am incredibly happy I made that phone call to my doc. He is a doctor that believes in natural, holistic healing, but in this case, antibiotics were absolutely necessary, and I'm so thankful it's working very well."

Keflex (cephalexin) "I was prescribed Keflex for an infection that occurred after root canal went bad. Evidently, the previous dentist had not been able to successfully remove all of the nerve and pulp, and over time an infection resulted. Keflex was well tolerated by me and helped to reduce the swelling within the gum until I was able to have a root canal retreatment in order to remove the rest of the nerve and pulp. The rating that I provided is due to the fact that this medication required 4 doses daily, which I felt there must have been some other medication available that required less commitment. Still, it did work and I would take it again if prescribed."

Keflex (cephalexin) "Diagnosed with Diverticulitis prescribed Keflex a dose of 500mg three times per day. Infection cleared but I am left with side effects of pains in legs, hands, thighs, toes, fingers and really sore shoulders into spine and ribs. Didn’t have these pains prior to taking this drug. Jaw started clicking as well. Never again."

Keflex (cephalexin) "Suffered from osteomyelitis in the femur from age 16 (now aged 80). The osteomyelitis became chronic 10 years ago, and now take 2 Keflex 500 a day full time. Not conscious of any side effects, and infection kept under control."

"I’ve been on this drug multiple times before for UTI's and had manageable side effects, usually headache and fatigue. This time I was put on it for a suspected bacterial infection. I took it for 3.5 days and increasingly had severe headache, unbearable anxiety and tachycardia requiring beta blocker usage. I don’t even know if anxiety is the right word, I literally feel like I’m on a hallucinogen or something, and sleeping has been impossible because of this feeling and the racing heart, it feels like a constant adrenaline surge I have no control over. Very weak as well, last night I felt like I couldn’t move my legs and almost went to the er. I’ve been off of it for a couple days now and finally slept last night but still don’t feel right in my head. Will never take this again, I feel like I’m in hell."

"5 weeks 3 days pregnant, prescribed this medicine for a UTI I didn't even know I had on Friday. I had no symptoms, no issues but apparently, they found some bacteria in my urine. I started taking it as prescribed, trusting my doctor. Monday, I started spotting. Tuesday night, it picked up and resembled a period. Wednesday after some blood work, it shows my HCG is declining. I understand how these things can just happen, but I really can't help but wonder how an otherwise healthy pregnancy can just randomly end. Especially so soon after starting a medication I question whether or not I actually needed. Be cautious when taking this during early pregnancy."

"I went to ER 5 weeks after giving birth cause my husband thought I had infection. Everything was fine but the ER doctor gave me thais cephalexin to "get ahead" of my "infection". I have to take it for 10 days, twice a day. I got side effects of vaginal and anal itching and vaginal discharge. It has been a month and no doctor can help me. I feel like dying. At night time, I can feel that something is poking my genital area like needles. I can't take care of my newborn properly because I'm so tired. This medicine doesn't let me sleep. I CURSE THIS MEDICINE! I feel like I'm being tortured. The itch is the worst. The surface of my vagina is swelling. Im crying at night. I don't know what to do anymore. I went to my Ob doctor and he just gave me a steriod cream. It helped with swelling but made my skin super thin it hurts. I used an over the counter cream, it helps for a few minutes. Im taking benadryl. I took 2 packs of benadryl already. I'm trying to find an allergist that can help me."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: first generation cephalosporins
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Cephalexin drug information
  • Cephalexin Capsules and Tablets
  • Cephalexin Suspension

Other brands

Keflex, Biocef

Professional resources

  • Cephalexin monograph
  • Cephalexin (FDA)
  • Cephalexin Suspension (FDA)
  • Cephalexin Tablets (FDA)

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  • Bacterial Infection
  • Bladder Infection
  • Bacterial Endocarditis Prevention
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