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Generic Name: Chlorpromazine for Mania (chlorpromazine)

Chlorpromazine for Mania Reviews

Thorazine (chlorpromazine) "Landed in a number of mental health hospitals starting when I was about eight, ending when I was 17. On and off, months at a time, not constantly. 1970s medical thought was giving a boy child Ritalin would slow him down, I proved that not to always be the case as it made me bounce off of walls with hyperactivity which the psychiatrists would treat with ever increasing doses of Thorazine injected into a buttock with four-six orderlies holding me down and an RN following instructions by knocking me out with the Thorazine. I would fight the sleep but it always got me. When I was awoken between (I think) 8-12 hours later, I felt like death warmed over, could not eat, HUNGOVER, raised hell next day for it. Not cool at all to do to a child."

Thorazine (chlorpromazine) "Thorazine is the only medication that works for my mania (so far... and I've tried a lot of things!) The two side effects that are bothersome include some stiffness and hangover effect after sleeping. But... really, it works for me when other medicines have not."

"This medicine has helped me far better than any of the other concoctions, and doesn't have as much of the weight gain problem. I am on 400 mg. My insurance hates that I take it and charges me $133 for it...and it's worth every penny. It stops many urges that come along with mania, but it does flatten you out--those of you that are bipolar know what I'm talking about. This medicine helps me get into actual REM sleep and there are no nightmares; and it keeps me calm all day long. I love it."

"Helps some of the symptoms of mania and psychosis or hearing voices and such. Also helps with sleep which helps greatly when you are bipolar and in a manic and restless state. Overall I would have to say this medicine has helped the most of ALL the other medicines I have had to try so far."

Thorazine (chlorpromazine) "This first-generation old antipsychotic Thorazine is the best. Thorazine 25 mg tablet, twice daily, helps with mood severity and skewed thoughts. It stops me from verbal and physical altercations. I don’t have any side effects from Thorazine. I take Cogentin to prevent extrapyramidal symptoms, (EPS). Many doctors say newer second-generation antipsychotics have less side effects. However, I developed Tardive Dyskinesia, permanent, involuntary movements of my tongue from Latuda, a newer second-generation antipsychotic, in less than 6 months. Latuda gave me high Prolactin levels, stopping my menstruation and making my breasts enlarged, growing out of my bra, 2 sizes larger. My doctor put me on Vitamin B6, 200-250 mg, 3 times per day to bring my menstruation back. I failed Vraylar, which gave me anxiety, geodon, and drooling while awake. Abilify a 60 lbs weight gain; Fanapt, chest pain, Caplyta, is too sedating, and Invega, is ineffective. Thorazine and 2 mood stabilizers, Trileptal and Lamictal work."

"My son was put on thorazine 3 months ago and he says the only thing it does for him is help him sleep better. He has a very flat affect, is zombie-like, and has changed his whole personality. I am not comfortable with him taking this and his clinician is looking to change it."

Thorazine (chlorpromazine) "I take it for bipolar disorder. It helps through the mania. It helps sleep and then mania the next day."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: phenothiazine antiemetics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Chlorpromazine drug information
  • Chlorpromazine Tablets
  • Chlorpromazine Injection

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Professional resources

  • ChlorproMAZINE monograph
  • Chlorpromazine (FDA)
  • Chlorpromazine Oral Concentrate (FDA)
  • Chlorpromazine Tablets (FDA)

Related treatment guides

  • Hiccups
  • Mania
  • Light Sedation
  • Nausea/Vomiting