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Generic Name: Maxalt-MLT (rizatriptan)

Maxalt-MLT Reviews

For Migraine "Migraine, the word can’t convey the impact on life. For me, a typical one lasted about 36 hours, followed by another 24 hours of “hangover.” Somewhere during the 36-hour duration, there would be 12 hours of hell. I’ve used Maxalt-MLT about 10-12 times over the last 6 months. It has worked every time; I take one when I sense a migraine is starting, and it just doesn’t “blossom.” I have no side effects, no nausea, and no drowsiness. Sometime in the next 20-30 minutes, I’ll realize the apprehension, tension, and other precursors to the migraine have just disappeared. Migraines took too much of my life, and at their worst, pushed depression to the edge of suicide; it’s good to have a normal life back."

For Migraine "Fantastic drug! Works every time within half an hour. Feel a little strange for around 30 minutes after taking it, but no other side effects. Highly recommend it as it's the only thing that works for my migraines"

For Migraine "This is an amazing medicine that I can not live without. No side effects and completely knocks put the pain. Only once or twice did I need a second dose. It's a life saver. My insurance still covers it so I am lucky."

For Migraine "This stuff is AWFUL. It doesn't work, and it literally makes me suicidal, even if I was fine when I took it. I am not exaggerating when I say I life became too much when I took it. I took some this morning, and it wasn't until I was writing out a suicide note that it clicked for me that this stuff makes me crazy."

For Migraine "I get very occasional migraines, sometimes out of the blue, sometimes exercise triggered. I always get a visual aura minimum, sometimes get pins and needles down one side. Untreated I will get the tropical crashing migraine but, thankfully, not for more than a day. I used to use Migraleve but often couldn't keep the tablets down. Maxalt Melt has been fantastic. If I can get one within 20 minutes to half an hour of the visual aura and get to bed it will knock my out for a few hours. I either escape the headache completely or have a fairly short lived one, say 2 hours. no sickness either. Superb drug."

For Migraine "This little wafer gave me life back ! I use to suffer every week ,at least one attack.Not only does this kill the feeling of my brain bursting through my skull but stops the vomiting . Saved my life ,I felt I couldn't continue my life with such a disabilitating condition."

For Migraine "I had a horrible migraine for 4 days. I was throwing up from pain in my head and neck, weak, dizzy, blurred vision and felt confused. I also couldn’t sleep. After taking maxalt within a couple hours I felt complete relief. I had some side affects of heavy limbs, trouble concentrating, and lethargy but I also felt really calm and relaxed for the first time in days. I highly recommend."

For Migraine "maxalt helped with my migraines however the after effects left me depressed with chest pains sore neck, achy all over, tired, and dizzy, I also found myself having to pee way more than normal and it made me feel like I was dying in a sense. I have a brain tumor and for sure thought it turned to cancer and spread through my body before realizing it was the meds. I haven't taken any in a few days and already feel so much better."

For Migraine "I have suffered from hormonal migraines since puberty and am now in my fifties. I tried every option the Doctor could offer but nothing helped until I found Maxalt Melt about ten years ago. I call them my magic pill as they can clear a migraine completely within an hour. Very occasionally I have to take a second dose. They work for me with minimal side effects and are worth every penny. I'm in the UK so can get them on prescription."

For Migraine "This medication really is a miracle drug for me. I've been taking it as needed for about 15 years now and it never lets me down. I try to take it at the first sign of a migraine, but even if I don't catch it early, I still usually get total relief within an hour. The only side effect I get is slight drowsiness, but it's not bad enough to prevent me from going to work or driving, which is a big plus. I honestly don't know what I'd do without this medication, as nothing OTC has helped me."

For Migraine "Maxalt MLT tablets do wonders for my migraines. It takes away the migraine very quickly, much quicker than Excedrin or Bayer, and sometimes they take multiple doses to work, if they do at all. The only negative is that when I take one, my neck and upper shoulder muscles tighten up--severely. This doesn't always happen, but it usually does to some degree. Today the migraine went away in perhaps 30 minutes, but the muscle tightness lasted for 1-2 hours, and this time it was so painful I wanted to cry. Still, it's worth it to get rid of the migraine quickly and before it can get too severe. Another thing: my neurologist gave me the tip of swallowing it to get it into your system in the fastest way possible; it's faster than by mouth."

For Migraine "I live in the UK so I get Maxalt free on NHS. I suffer from migraines a lot, and before I started taking Maxalt I would get minimum of 4 migraines a month sometimes more. These would last a whole 7 days with the first 24 hrs being hell! Its hard to explain to non-sufferers how painful these are. All of you will know what I am on about. Couldn't believe how amazing Maxalt was, didn't even reach the painful stage but it was totally gone. Works every time straight away for me. I take it along with codeine also prescribed. Tiny side effect, cramps in tummy but goes away within 30 mins. Worth it though!"

For Migraine "The Maxalt-MLT self-dissolving tab worked wonders for me. At a time when my doctor was trying to determine the most-effective treatment form my migraine headaches, this medicine was a God-send. My doc gave me samples of various triptan meds and I was to try one out at the onset of every migraine. Of the 5-6 different samples I was given, Maxalt-MLT worked the fastest & had the least amount of side-effects. I was amazed. Unfortunately, my insurance would not cover it and I had to settle with sumatriptan. Sumatriptan worked, but it took about an hour and I just remember feeling really weird after taking it. Anyway, if/when my migraines start again- Maxalt is what I want."

For Migraine "43 yr old male.For me this is close to a miracle cure, it has given my life back. I have had stomach and esophagus lesions due to way too much aspirin/ ibuprofen/digesics/codeine trying to halt an attack. No more screaming in E.R rooms waiting for pethidine/morphine. No more thoughts off grabbing a drill to stop the throbbing pain. I actually have a life after 26 yrs of suffering 2-4 attacks a week each last up to 36 hrs each. Numerous preventive medicines didn%u2019t work. I am truly in debt to the manufacturers and the on call doctor who gave me to Maxalt. Takes about 40-90 minutes to work with a second dosage sometimes needed. My fear is the more i take it the less effective it will become as lately I need the second wafer."

For Migraine "Works nearly every time on one dose. The second dose will make you fell washed out for the next 24 hours. Life is normal with this drug as it works in about an hour. I am in the UK so NHS covers the costs of the drug."

For Migraine "Maxalt-MLT has been the only migraine medication that didn't give me most of the common side effects. My migraines don't often come with warning signs, like the "auras." My left temple just starts to throb, and I know I have about an hour before the pain has me hiding in the dark, wishing my skull would just go ahead and split open. Maxalt works within the hour (at least to head off the really awful pain - sometimes I need to take another one in a few hours to completely erase the headache), and I can get on with my day. The only side effect I've ever noticed is if I take one and then lie down, I'll sleep for a couple hours. But if I'm up and around or out and about, I can keep going just fine. But I can say the same thing about Benadryl."

For Migraine "To me, this is the ONE medicine I can not live without. I have had to try others due to insurance, and none comes even close! Within 15-30 even the strongest, wanting to smash my head-in migraine will be totally gone! No side effects for me either. Never makes me tired, groggy or the medicated feeling. Taken on empty stomach while in college class and had no problems finishing the class and going home to play with the kids and not the mom who was hiding in a dark room with no noise allowed in the house."

For Migraine "Yesterday was my first time when I took Maxalt-MLT to cure my migraine. My doctor prescribed this drug six months ago but all those months I had no incidence of a migraine. Yesterday was again after my weight lifting workout. I only get migraines after a workout the last years. I always get aura for about 20 minutes before a headache begin. That is good the doctor said because I can take Maxalt faster before the pain begins. My first impression is that the aura lasted about 15 minutes and the pain was bearable in a scale of ten I would say 6.5 compared to other times that reaches 9 -10. The first 10 minutes, I was feeling a little bit weird and little dizzy. After 90 minutes the migraine got away, I think it needs about 90 minutes to act"

For Migraine "This is a miracle drug! I've tried all sorts of medicines over the past 30 some years and this drug is the only one that has ever stopped my migraines. If you are like me and have migraines often, then you got to try this drug, of course not all people have the same experience with medicines, but it is well worth trying."

For Migraine "Maxalt has really changed how I felt about my migraines. Before I was prescribed Maxalt, I would suffer terribly, taking only OTC medications which "never" helped much. Now when I feel those tell-tale signs of a migraine coming on (I do not experience any "aura"), I take a Maxalt (and sometimes some ibuprofen, too) and I know my migraine will be gone within the hour! And I'm not sleepy."

For Migraine "One Maxalt-MLT usually gets rid of the migraine in an hour or less. Occasionally, I need another one 2 hours later to really get rid of it for good. Rarely, even the second one did not quite do it for me. But this is still the most effective medicine that's worked for me, after trying 8-10 other medicines (over-the-counter and prescription)."

For Migraine "Next to Frova (which is, to me, the miracle drug), Maxalt-MLT has been by far the most helpful triptan migraine medication. And it's also quite convenient, as it dissolves in your mouth (without having a horrible taste, even)."

For Migraine "1 Maxalt malt usually starts working in 30 to 45 minutes for me. Within an hour I'm able to continue my day. I have very frequent migraines and have used Maxalt for many years. No real side effects except a bit of drowsiness. And it is very expensive. Insurance does not cover the whole cost."

For Migraine "Found these Maxalt MLT are the only things that work for my migraines. I try not to take too much as worried about the rebound headaches and often go two days Of pain before taking. These work in about 30 minutes. "

For Migraine "Maxalt saved my life! It is the only medicine that works for me when have a migraine attack, I swear by it and carry it with me always just in case. It literally gave me back my life, I was ill for days that ran into weeks that went into months. It was shocking, I felt suicidal with having no life and one day was sitting in my doctors room sobbing begging him to help me, and he prescribed me rizatriptan (maxalt). I love it!!"

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: antimigraine agents
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Maxalt-MLT drug information
  • Maxalt-MLT (Advanced Reading)

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Professional resources

  • Rizatriptan monograph
  • Rizatriptan Tablets (FDA)

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Other formulations

  • Maxalt

Related treatment guides

  • Migraine