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Generic Name: Ciprofloxacin for Bacterial Infection (ciprofloxacin)

Ciprofloxacin for Bacterial Infection Reviews

Cipro (ciprofloxacin) "Without a CT or any proper diagnosis of diverticulitis, based on symptoms, I was prescribed Cipro twice a day for 10 days. On day 3, I woke in a panic early in the morning, thinking I was dying with the worst feeling of panic and terror I have ever felt. Day 4 was worse. I looked up the side effects after the 8th pill (evening day 4), and every single bizarre symptom I was having, including the panic attacks and psychiatric symptoms, neuropathy, major abdominal pain, and worsened diarrhea, were there. Terrified, I decided to stop the medication immediately. I had no idea that I had just been poisoned by a fluoroquinolone. 2 months later, I had a CT scan that said NO diverticulitis. Fluoroquinolones are extremely dangerous, as ear drops and as pills, and should be pulled off the market. Doctors who prescribe these pills that make us sick and destroy our lives don't take any responsibility or apologize or help with the multitude of side effects and permanent damage."

"I was petrified to use this medication with long-term and severe infections, until I got Pseudomonas in my lungs and this was the only drug that it was susceptible to. So, I was forced to take it after refusing it on other occasions, and it has saved my life. I'm on day 16 of 750mg twice a day, so high dose and long-term, and it is working on other infections that even hospital IVs did not. It is a very important drug and life-saving. Yes, it is a gamble, but my doctor said if you feel any tendon pain, stop the medication right away. I'm using straps on my ankles and knees as a preventative and taking it very easy, as I'm on the high dose Cipro for 28 days. Every medication has its risks, and not many people take the time to come and leave positive reviews. I read for days on Cipro, everything available, and it is scary as it comes! I'm so glad I took this medication, it has definitely saved my life and then some."

"Many times, people only write reviews when a medication doesn't work. Therefore, people doing research on side effects become terrified. I have used Cipro several times, it always worked great for me and never gave me any side effects. I only used it when I was sick and never longer than 10 days, but it is an antibiotic I trust. Medications work differently on everyone."

"I had a Staph aureus infection after a hip replacement, and having immune system problems, I had to take this medication (ciprofloxacin) + Rifampicin for 7 months. As I'd had an allergic reaction to the first two antibiotics [clindamycin and doxycycline], I had to stay on it. I felt so bad - didn't want to wake up. BUT I'M ALIVE. It was 7 months of hell, but when there isn't another antibiotic that can kill the infection and you're on the last of 3, you take it. One comment here that said it should be taken off the market, well if it had, I'd be dead. It was horrendous, but I'M ALIVE. Thank you to the guys that find these drugs, side effects or no side effects, without them I wouldn't be here. If you put it into perspective, 7 months is nothing. I would stare at the capsules twice a day, but I knew the alternative didn't bear thinking about. I hope these comments help others - take them, they killed my infection eventually, they saved my life, and hopefully they can do the same for you."

"Good experience. Definitely some side effects when I started, nauseous and a bit spaced out, but cleared up a serious sinus/ear infection fast. I do have to laugh at the bad reviews I read about Cipro. They list horrible things, but you know nothing else of the reviewers' lifestyle, food choices, other meds, etc. So I took it as directed and ignored all the other crap I read, and it worked well. Also, the folks who said they ate yogurt and felt better is just not true. Cipro kills everything, that includes the good bacteria in yogurt, so wait until you're finished, then add probiotics. Number 2, any dairy cancels the Cipro out, hence... don't eat yogurt... drink lots of water and only take these poisons when you need to :)"

Cipro (ciprofloxacin) "I have had bacterial and kidney infections for about 15 years, off and on, and docs have prescribed many different antibiotics to me, but Cipro is the only thing that ever worked for me and is strong enough to kill the bacteria. Cipro is my only hope once my infection starts!"

"I was suffering from diarrhea, chills, extreme sweating, but no fever. This was very scary because no one could figure out what was happening to me. It was decided that I probably had a bacterial infection. The PA decided that he would treat that and prescribed ciprofloxacin. I am allergic to a lot of things and was afraid that this would not work. I took this medication and within 2 days I felt so much better, with headaches being the only side effect."

"This drug nearly destroyed my life and continues to haunt me daily. Don't say it can't happen to you. I was very athletic and had school records in wrestling never had any health issues until I took this stuff. Since taking it my muscles and tendons are damaged all over my body. I nearly went blind permanently. Severe Anxiety. Severe food allergies. Can't eat gluten anymore. Nearly destroyed my marriage. Could no longer play with my kids. I am now picking up the pieces of the damage this drug has done to my life 7 years later. My advice is never take CIPRO or LEVOQUIN or any drug in this family if antibiotics. There are 7 families of antibiotics they can give you another kind. Don't let them talk you into this garbage by telling you that this can't happen to you. It can and does very often happen. Read all of the other reviews. They are true. There are many support groups that you can talk to also for victims if this poison. You have been warned."

"This is my second day of taking the drug and I feel a whole new me. The itching and excessive heat within my body system has reduced drastically. I will come back with a better description of my experience after my full course but so far so good."

"I read the scary reviews on here and did not want to take these pills! My doctor told me those are rare side effects and to take them, that I would be fine. The main thing is to drink a lot of water! My only symptom was flank pain from my kidneys. I think this was because I was originally put on cefdinir which didn't work, then Cipro. The lengthy time on the antibiotics did a number on my kidneys. This was 3 months ago. It cleared up my bacterial infection within 3-4 days I was feeling better. Doing fine now :) If you are healthy with no major problems I think you will be okay."

Proquin XR (ciprofloxacin) "I was prescribed Elequin (also known as Proquin and Levaquin). They belong to a group of antibiotics called Fluoroquinolones. From day one of taking this medication, I started having severe pain in my legs, back and abdomen. I was on this antibiotic for seven days, twice a day. It's been months since I finished that course of antibiotics and I have multiple torn tendons, compressed urinary bladder, severe nerve damage, daily digestive issues, abdominal pain and severe anxiety. It was one of the worst decisions I have ever made in my life to follow that gynecologist instructions and take this medication. I've made it a priority of mine to warn others of the dangers involved in taking these very harmful and toxic antibiotic."

"Tremors, anxiety, panic attacks, brainfog, insomnia, intolerance towards many foods, medicines, vitamins and supplements, concentration issues, light sensitivity, heart palpitations, difficulty in reading and understanding, spells of severe depression, weakness, fatigue, delayed and slow reactions to situations and questions, spells of memory loss, - despite taking it 14 months ago! It has destroyed the abilities and the intelligence of a poet, an intellectual thinker, a guy known for witty replies and unmatched sense of humour and timing. This poison has changed the personality of a guy named Rawal Afzal - myself that is! I'll never ever take it again, or any drugs in the class of Fluoroquinolone or Quinolone, even as eye or ear drops."

Cipro (ciprofloxacin) "2017 FDA Black Box warning issued for Cipro and other fluoroquinolones for severe permanent tendon damage that can take months to show up! Cipro should ONLY be prescribed as a last resort drug but a lot of doctors are unaware! Beware! Read the professional prescribing info on this website for the black box warnings."

"Were can I start? I have been suffering back pains, joints pains, name it, only recently I felt I had some kidney infection due to taking some ulcer tablets. Omg. I love this medication. It is my 4th day and here are things that have vanished; back pain. knee pains joint pains, ulcers in my digestion, throat mucus, breathing, then, every half hour I used to sit down due to stomach pains, (maybe ulcer), that's stopped and walked 2 hours! Food digesting so much better, the pains have gone, and mostly, I feel like a clay! I could not move my back, joints, I mean only for one reason was this given to me, and here are so much I can say: Mouth teeth ulcers gone. discharge vaginal gone knee /bones pains gone. stomach digestion problem gone."

"Please don’t take this medication ciprofloxacin. After my 2nd dose, I immediately felt side effects without warning. I got dizzy and passed out twice and vomited and had diarrhea. Felt very fatigued after each dose-not like myself at all. This drug needs to be taken off of the market. I cannot imagine what wouldn’t happened had I continued taking it."

"I was prescribed this medicine and was so scared of taking it because I literally fear vomiting. It worked like a charm! Don't let comments discourage or scare you. It worked amazing, and my only side effect was being sleepy and slight body fatigue. Make sure you eat before taking and drink a whole glass of water along with the pill. I’m sure that’s what helped me not have side effects. No nausea, no vomiting, no stomach pain. Fixed my infection like a charm, feel brand new!!"

Cipro XR (ciprofloxacin) "The PA prescribed 1 week of Cipro by mouth for a quarter inch wide reddish laceration from my bike pedals six inches inches above my ankle. I questioned it. She said I should take it to "prevent the infection from going to my ankle". I took the cipro as prescribed. Its been 3 weeks since I took it. The cut is mostly healed now but I got multiple tendinitis at week 1 and still am having hip pain."

"Was sick for almost 2 months, had swollen lymph nodes , fevers every night for over a month... Diarrhea for 10 days and had lost 22 pounds in one month. I was so weak I could barely walk.. I even broke out in a rash all over my body for like 3 days. I felt like I lost hope. I went to the doctors and they found a stomach bacteria. (After almost 2 months) The gave me two bags of saline solution because I was severely dehydrated and prescribed Cyprofloaxin. I've been on cyprofloaxin for about 4 days and it has helped me out tremendously. After that I can eat normally and drink normally and even walk and go out and enjoy time with my girlfriend. This antibiotic is like magic. I don't know what I would do without it. I highly recommend"

Cipro (ciprofloxacin) "The severe side effect after only 2nd pill of cramps in calves, legs and shoulders were not worth the medications use. Very scary. No one told me the damage could be permanent, not dr or pharmacy- this should be advised up front. Will never use again."

Cipro (ciprofloxacin) "I was diagnosed with an abdominal infection after stool testing. I took ONE pill and ended up in the ER. Within minutes of swallowing Cipro, my lips started to swell—then my eyes and whole face followed. My throat started getting scratchy so I went to the ER because I was scared my throat would swell to the point that I couldn't breathe. After this incident, I thoroughly researched Cipro and along with other drugs in its class—I will never take any of them. They are so scary. Yes, it's true that any drug can cause harm, but these drugs carry a much greater risk. Much greater."

Cipro (ciprofloxacin) "Warnings on this drug should include avoiding fluorescent lights (as well as sunlight.) Exposure - in doctor's exam room, gave me horribly uncomfortable, itchy, unsightly rash that won't go away two weeks later."

"This drug should be a last resort drug for any application. Please read the FDA Black Box warnings!! I took this drug 7 years ago and it lead to permanent and disabling connective tissue issues, peripheral neuropathy, and exhaustion. At 52 years old and at the peak of my career, I had to quit my job to manage my symptoms. I'm still struggling to put my life back together from the devastating side effects of this drug. I've spent thousands of dollars with many medical and holistic practitioners and not one has been able to help me get better. Do not take this drug!!!!"

Cipro (ciprofloxacin) "been taking antibiotics for almost 3 month now, cipro for 6 weeks for an apparently antibiotic resistant infection. started on merropenem i.v. (dont know why if its antibiotic resistant) i think doctors do whatever they can with the knowledge they have been given by these companies. which most dont even now of the side effects and say dont believe everything you read on google. but i had diarrhea straight away after the first pill (500mg) i have also had tennis elbow. yet never played any tennis or golf.i have muscular pain in my shoulder and it felt like it popped out or something almost a week ago. and only now i re read the symptoms and the reviews i see others having this problem. i dont trust pharma companies i want to stop taking now"

"I took Cipro the first day a prescribed, by the next morning I was uncontrollably itching from head to toe, red as a horrible sunburn, heart was racing a mile a second. I went back to doctor and spent 4 hours on IV and a couple injections later I went home with a horrible headache."

"I was prescribed Cipro to treat bacterial overgrowth syndrome in my intestines. The first time I took it, it worked wonders! It without a doubt changed my life. Apparently, bacterial overgrowth is recurring so I'm on my second round of it now - 2 pills, twice daily, for 14 days - and am experience much worse side effects than the first time around. The nausea/dizziness/upset stomach passes after about an hour, though, so I don't mind putting up with it to get the desired results, because it really does work phenomenally well for me!"

More about ciprofloxacin

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  • Reviews (928)
  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • Patient tips
  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: quinolones and fluoroquinolones
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Ciprofloxacin drug information
  • Ciprofloxacin injection
  • Ciprofloxacin Extended-Release Tablets
  • Ciprofloxacin Tablets
  • Ciprofloxacin Oral Suspension

Other brands

Cipro, Proquin XR, Cipro I.V.

Professional resources

  • Ciprofloxacin monograph
  • Cipro IV (FDA)
  • Ciprofloxacin (FDA)
  • Ciprofloxacin Extended Release Tablets (FDA)
  • Ciprofloxacin Injection (FDA)

Other brands

Cipro, Cipro XR

Related treatment guides

  • Bacterial Infection
  • Bacteremia
  • Anthrax
  • Anthrax Prophylaxis