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Generic Name: Clarithromycin for Pertussis (clarithromycin)

Clarithromycin for Pertussis Reviews

"Awful! I was prescribed this antibiotic clarithromycin for whooping cough, even though by the time my pertussis was diagnosed I was past the infectious stage! I have never reacted to any antibiotic before in my life but this was hideous. And scary. After just 2 doses I woke in the night with the most vile taste in my mouth - almost like having a mouthful of aspartame. Made me feel as sick as a dog. All the next day I had terrible stomach cramps and felt very nauseous. The second night I feel so agitated and like I wasn’t in control of my own thoughts or movements. Went to bed and had the most disturbed night dreaming some very dark things which were terrifying. I felt very panicky and on edge. By this point I could not face taking any more so I gave up. I would never, ever recommend this drug to anyone let alone take it again. I dread to think what another 5 days would have done to me..."

"Am I the only one who thinks these tablets are AMAZING. I have had no side affects (apart from thinking about it now after reading these, fitful sleep and bizarre dreams) yes they taste vile when being swallowed (like when you leave paracetamol in your mouth for too long!) and they are the size of a small aircraft!! I'm on day 6 and found that it's the only thing that's worked for my severe chest infection/possible whooping cough!"

"Taking 500 mg twice a day for pertussis(whooping cough). While I do feel some relief from the pertussis, there are some nasty side effects to it. Firstly. Horrible GI symptoms. The medication causes a horrible taste for several hours after taking it, and it was causing abdominal pain and a feeling of too much acid in my stomache and an uncomfortable pressure only relieved by vomitting. The GI symptoms were unbearable, but I found eating cheese immediately before swallowing the pill helpped immensly. I also started a probiotic and prilosec for the stomache acid. Another issue was extreme muscle weakness (knees buckling) and loss of balance and coordination. I'm 21 with an athletic build and never had this issue before."

"I have only just started taking this tablet and feel a bit rubbish already, its 2am I have a vile horrid taste in my mouth, tried swilling my mouth with copius amounts of water, it does not work, stomach is making hideous gurgling noises and feel gassy but I do have a very sensitive stomach and I know this drug is going to cripple me. However my breathing seems a little itsy improved as docs say I have whooping cough! I am on this for 10 days yet- 19 more big horrid bulky tablets to suffer yet. "

"I have just finished a course of clarithromycin for pertussis. Still waiting on results. My phlegm production reduced to almost nothing within 2-3 days, still have the cough but much reduced. As for the taste, I loved it! Tastes like vanilla cream/cream soda. I am surprised to read about the horrible taste in the mouth after taking. I didn't seem to have any GI issues either. I have been feeling lethargic but put that down to the infection but maybe, it was the antibiotics!"

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: macrolides
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Clarithromycin drug information
  • Clarithromycin Extended-Release Tablets
  • Clarithromycin Tablets
  • Clarithromycin Oral Suspension

Other brands

Biaxin, Biaxin XL

Professional resources

  • Clarithromycin monograph
  • Clarithromycin (FDA)
  • Clarithromycin ER (FDA)
  • Clarithromycin Suspension (FDA)

Other brands


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