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Generic Name: Clarithromycin for Tonsillitis/Pharyngitis (clarithromycin)

Clarithromycin for Tonsillitis/Pharyngitis Reviews

"I'm allergic to penicillin, so this is pretty much my best option. I'm terrified of the long list of side effects on most medicines, but I've had this 3 times before for various conditions, and it hasn't killed me. It works really well, but it's so important that you keep taking it for the full duration. It usually starts working in 2-3 days. As for side effects, I always get the metallic taste (I don't know why they list this as an uncommon side effect instead of common), as well as stomach pains and nausea. Never had diarrhea from it. My advice would be to take food with it or 30 mins before, and sit/stand for the next few hours. When you lie down, the symptoms are much worse, especially the nausea, cramps, and metallic taste."

"I'm not allergic to penicillin, but was given clarithromycin due to a very severe antibiotic-resistant bout of tonsillitis. I'd been suffering for weeks taking antibiotics that didn't work, but literally after the first tablet, I noticed a difference. Works very well. However, these are not particularly good tablets to take when you have swollen tonsils because they are huge tablets - I had to cut mine up and swallow them in four pieces. Also, I've noticed some side effects: I have diarrhea (not too badly, but it makes life a bit more difficult), wind, and the taste in my mouth is constantly bitter. But overall, a very good medicine!"

"I caught my Tonsillitis pretty soon thankfully. My doctor prescribed me clarithromycin 500mg 2x a day. When I read these reviews I was absolutely terrified!! I hardly seen anything good about these pills. Being a hypochondriac, I started them yesterday but I only took half a pill though I was supposed to take a full one- no side affects. Today, I took a full pill as directed & it has now been almost 7 hours and I still have absolutely no side affects! The only thing I’ve notified even the slightest is a very, very mild headache that doesn’t even last long. I see some people said it wasn’t bad until day 3 but we will see. Regardless, don’t believe the things you see until you try it for yourself! It is scary and you never know with new medicines but the benefit of the medicine is I’m sure far better than dealing with the pain of whatever you have going on. Take the medicine; GET BETTER. "

"I'm allergic to amoxicillin, penicillin, and erythromycin. This is pretty much the only antibiotic I can take. Works fast, works well. Only side effect is I get night sweats. It gets 10/10 because this is the only antibiotic that I can actually take without Bad Stuff (or death) happening."

"Have tonsillitus and mouth ulcers all over both sides inside my mouth. Previously this had turned into something worse so put straight on this antibiotic as I cant use penacillin. I'm on day 3 of taking it. Hasn't helped at all so far so wouldn't say its fast acting in my case. Paracetamol works on the pain but thats the only relief I get. I have been getting night sweats but not sure if thats a side effect or just that I'm fighting an infection. UK user prescribed on NHS."

"My GP always prescribes me Clarithromycin whenever I get an infection because my records state that I’m penicillin allergic… I’m not, I’ve had it from a nurse practitioner recently and am totally fine with it. I’ve tried telling my GP but they won’t listen so unfortunately I have to suffer the terrible side effects of this antibiotic. I get terrible abdominal cramping, nausea, diarrhea, and the most disgusting metallic taste in my mouth. Fortunately, I’m only prescribed it for 5 days as opposed to a 10-day prescription, however, I’m only on day 2 and don’t know how I’ll make it to the end of the course. The side effects are unpleasant, to say the least!"

"I was prescribed 14 tablets of clarithromycin for a painful tonsil infection/ tonsillitis. I'm on day 5 of takin the pills and my infection was cleared up on day 4. It was effective in destroying the bacterial agent but there are side effects. Bloating and gassyness, diarrhea, adrenaline rushes and insomnia. I've been hyperactive late on the night and barely slept the past 3 days."

"C larithromycin leaves a horrible taste in your mouth!! And other side effects. On day 5, and yes these tablets have helped the infection but left me with headaches, insomnia and worse this awful taste I can't even describe. I'm not talking about when you take the tablet itself this comes on a couple hours after and it is so sickening!!"

"Allergic to penicillin so was given Clarithromycin 500mg for tonsillitis, I was given 5 day course. After first couple of tabs throat eased and I never slept as much. Horrible taste in my mouth which nothing would get rid of, I was very windy, diarrhea, feeling hungry even after eating a meal, feeling hot a lot and headache at the back of my head. However the last day of taking these and I couldn't get to sleep. The pain I was in with the tonsillitis was unbearable so the side effects are a small price to pay. Hopefully the bad taste won't take long to go away"

"Had tonsillitis for at least 4 months now, given amoxicillin didn't work then erythromycin which I took a reaction too, so doc put me on clarithromycin as a last resort antibiotic. On day 4 and the Pain has eased a bit but not significantly, tonsils are still really red and swollen and there is still white dots on them. Horrible horrible metallic taste in mouth that wakes me up feeling nauseous every hour or two so sleep is disrupted, diarrhoea and moderate stomach pains (nothing like the erythromycin), extremely itchy to the point I break the skin, but no signs of a rash, tongue is very sore and is really red white loads of red dots all over the top and sides."

"Had a nasty case of tonsillitis that I was given penicillin for initially. After two days my symptoms had worstened and Dr gave me clarithromycin. After just one tablet I began to feel better quickly. That evening I was able to manage a bowl of soup, that morning I was struggling with sips of water. Horrendous wind two days into week course, like a chemical smell. Then third and fifth day quite a bad case of diarrhoea with same chemical odour. No stomach pains and liveable with due to being effective as an antibiotic! Pain completely gone now upon swallowing. Yawning and sneezing still very painful and can still feel lump when swallowing. Ears, glands and neck still sore but still have two days still to take. Have a nasty taste in mouth."

"The doctor I saw couldn't identify what was causing the excruciating pain in my throat when I swallowed but told me it was either Tonsillitis or Pharyngitis. The doctor gave me a 5 day course of Clarithromycin and It hasn't helped at all so far. I'm on day 3 of the course and the only time the pain goes away is when I take paracetamol. After an hour or two the pain of swallowing just comes but and I'm also getting a really stiff neck and a very dizzy head. This prescription isn't helping me at all."

"On day 3 of taking this! Throat still sore and have got an Absolutely vile vile vile taste in my mouth which I cannot get rid of! Can't deside which is worse the tonsillitis or this sickening taste! Also feeling hungrier than normal but then food tastes gross because of this acidic metal taste "

"Started with a chest infection, was on amoxicillin for a week and half. Then got a uti and was put on alprim. Also had vaginal thrush and currently treating it with over the counter stuff. Went back to the doctors as bad cough and sore chest got put on clarithromycin. So night of day 1. Took 2 tablets in the am With lunch and took 2 after dinner. It's been 5 hours since I've woken up 3 times with a horrible metallic/druggy taste in my mouth. So so so bad. Even had some toast and juice and water to try and make it go away. But nothing even brushed my teeth again. Still taste bad. Any one have any suggestions. I'll buy a probiotic Tomorrow.I've been on many antibiotics in the past but nothing compares to this bad on taste in mouth."

"Terrible throat for over a week - really ill, and believe me I've had plenty sore throats but none like this. Doc said thinks bacterial infection. Took tablet, within 24 hours started to make amazing rapid recovery! No side effects apart from vivid dreams every night but this might be a coincidence."

"The first 2 days on clarithromycin were a breeze and I started to feel better, although I would advise taking this with food as I didn’t once and nearly threw up everywhere. I did experience the metallic taste after each dose and I would wake up feeling lethargic the first few days. However, after day 3 I started getting bad heart palpitations that would keep me up at night - I didn’t sleep for 2 days! Day 4 I was a mess, my anxiety sky rocketed and I was very and paranoid and still had the heart palpitations. After calling 111 I was advised to stop taking the drug and to never take it again. I visited an OOH Dr the next day and I was put on 2 different antibiotics. Dr said my tonsils and glands were still so swollen and irritated despite being on Clarithromcyin for 4 days. The side effects wore off 1-2 days after stopping Clarithromcyin. Please speak to a doctor ASAP if you have any sort of bad reaction to this drug as it is a very strong and harsh antibiotic. I would not recommend."

"I first took this drug 4 and a half years ago for tonsillitis and it was the worst thing I've ever had. Metallic taste in mouth, lack of sleep not to mention the horrific stomach cramps and the fact that I couldn't eat for nearly 2 weeks. Chewing food made me throw up. I lost loads of weight and all the doctors did was give me anti sickness tablets to take along side it. Since then I have had nothing but problems with my gut. I've been on antacids for 2 years now and been suffering with my bowels since taking it. I can't eat pasta without having cramps. I've had a few endoscopies and waiting for a further one. It has taken this time for anyone to take me seriously. I will never take this again!"

"Took generic Biaxin (500mg 2x a day) / clarythromicin and it quickly made my illness go away but at the expense of crummy side effects. Never had medicine make me have such bad digestive effects (diarrhea) plus severe headaches and spells of dizzyness. After three days called the doctor and he immediately changed my medicine. I do not recommend this medicine at all."

"Was prescribed Clarithomycin after Penicillin failed to get rid of a severe bout of tonsillitus. I was given the liquid form of two 5ml doses a day. After just two days I can swallow pain free, breathe and my tonsills and swelling have significantly reduced. Which is amazing considering I was hospitalised just two days before! My body feels completely fine. The only side effects I get are the horrible after taste (which kinda taste like you filled a metal bath with bleach and deodorant, washed it out with dish washer soap then licked the whole bath rim) - which only lasts around half an hour max, which I always mask with a fruity ice pop (not sure why it just seems to work!) I've also vomited a few times but that could also be down to the phlegm which makes me gag ( . I also gave up smoking so double as phlegmy these days) and force feeding myself. Overall do not feel nauseous though. Would recommend if you have severe tonsillitis that's not clearing up and want quick results."

"I'm allergic to penicillin so was given clarithromycin as an alternative. I had severe suspected tonsillitis (despite having my tonsils removed 16 years ago) and had taken loads of medication like paracetemol and an antibiotic lozenge which did nothing; I felt better immediately after taken clarithromycin tablets but have been experiencing a number of strange and uncomfortable side effects. Firsty the horrible metallic taste in the mouth as everyone seems to get, also terrible flatulence as well as (more concerningly) vaginal discharge which turned into vaginal bleeding a couple days later (definitely not menstruation related). Also had dizziness, nausea, frequent hunger, and ringing ears. Annoying side effects but felt so much better !!"

"Took a tablet less than 24hours ago ,The taste in my mouth was so bad eventually I bought it back up. I stopped taking it and few hours later started , phenoxymethyl- However , I managed to get the taste out my mouth by brushing my teeth, doing a warm water salt mouth wash and very regularly sipping squash so there's constantly another taste in my mouth. If I don't drink for a little too long It starts to come back and to me the taste is unbareable. Hope this helps"

"Penicillin started making me sick, so I switched to Clarithromycin. I was worried after reading a couple of horror story reviews because I have had mental and physical health issues that I didn't want to worsen. However, I have had a really easy experience with it. The only real side effect is a metallic taste in my mouth, but chewing gum helps. I initially experienced nausea, but taking it with food fixed that. It started working on my tonsillitis really quickly, and within 2 hours, my throat was a lot less red and inflamed."

"I will avoid ever having to take this clarithromycin antibiotic again. I gave up taking it after 3 days as I decided I'd rather put up with the tonsillitis. The constant foul taste in my mouth and insomnia were just too much to take. Never again"

"Been taking this medicine for 3 days, so I have taken 6 tablets. Don't know what anyone means by bad taste in their mouth. I only have this in the morning... never throughout the day. Today I had to go to the toilet as it gave me slight diarrhea (if that is how you spell it). My swelling has reduced in size and pain dramatically."

"I have been taking this drug for 1 day now for reoccurring tonsillitis/ pharyngitis/ cough and associated lower respiratory problems such as trouble breathing because of phlegm and what not. I am suffering very bad side affects from this drug, however It is very effective. I am suffering extreme nausea almost straight away from taking it (I'm on it twice a day for a week.) , increased heart rate (120 at resting) palpations, very bad shakes, extreme fatigue, however no muscle pain like other symptoms and will see if I get the nightmares like everyone else also. Very hard on the system but if it gets rid of this infection I will be delighted, will consider coming off the drug if side effects worsen like they are known to."

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  • Drug class: macrolides
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Patient resources

  • Clarithromycin drug information
  • Clarithromycin Extended-Release Tablets
  • Clarithromycin Tablets
  • Clarithromycin Oral Suspension

Other brands

Biaxin, Biaxin XL

Professional resources

  • Clarithromycin monograph
  • Clarithromycin (FDA)
  • Clarithromycin ER (FDA)
  • Clarithromycin Suspension (FDA)

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