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Generic Name: Detrol (tolterodine)

Detrol Reviews

For Urinary Frequency "Being diagnosed with IC (Interstitial Cystitis) for the past three to four years after having urinary urgency and frequency, so much so that I was unable to spend quality time with my family - fast forward to the prescription of 'Detrol' one (1) week ago. I can finally plan that long-awaited overseas trip. This drug is a miracle in pill form, it gives individuals their lives back. 100% worth it."

For Urinary Frequency "This medicine did not work for me at all. I can honestly say that the day I took it was one of the worst days of my life. I still had a very strong urge to urinate but could not. I must have run to the bathroom twenty or thirty times that day, straining to push out a few drops without being able to. It was a horrible feeling."

For Urinary Frequency "Third day on Detrol, it’s working beautifully. I have slept through the night for the first time in years. I went out yesterday without wearing a pad. My initial copay was going to be $300 for a 90-day supply. I put in for a tier exception with my insurance co. and was approved for a copay of $5 for a 90-day supply. So I am thrilled. So far, the only side effect is slight dry mouth."

For Urinary Frequency "My insurance recently raised my cost for Detrol, so I switched to Oxybutynin. I am going back to Detrol as soon as possible, as it worked much better for me with no side effects. The Oxybutynin caused moderate to severe stomach pain, and I was spending much of my morning in the bathroom. I will gladly pay the $69.00, as the trade-off in cost was not worth the side effects of the less expensive medicine."

For Urinary Frequency "It worked beautifully, except severe memory problems developed. Have reduced by half to 20 mg. Memory is back, but I'm getting up at least 4 times per night. Before asking to change meds, will try ending beverages after 7-8 PM."

For Urinary Frequency "For several years, my BPH had me urinating several times a night, like every hour; not good for mental or physical health. After much complaining to my urologist, I finally got a resident that put me on Uroxatral and Detrol. I now get 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep, twilight morning enjoyment of the morning chorus, and a much improved outlook. Spring helps, too."

For Urinary Frequency "Before using Detrol, I was up 2-4 times a night to urinate, plus there was severe urgency. After taking Detrol for a little over a week, all of these conditions stopped. I do have some dry mouth, but it is more than acceptable considering not taking Detrol."

For Urinary Frequency "I love this medicine. It is so nice to not have that feeling of having to 'go' all the time...especially when you are traveling. The one downside is sometimes I can't even tell when I have to go and have to push on my lower stomach to see if I do."

For Urinary Frequency "I used to have some leakage and sudden urges to urinate. Detrol has fixed all of that, but I have noted a strange side effect, I think it delays my period sometimes. I will go a week thinking I'm going to start my period, and I wait. One night I forget Detrol, and I have my period. Other than that, Detrol is a wonderful pill!"

For Urinary Frequency "More affordable than Vesicare. Tried a few different ones. Am on month 2 on Detrol. Love it, got my life back!"

For Urinary Frequency "Detrol medicine is the best thing ever made, having frequent urination and leakage. It has helped me tremendously."

For Urinary Frequency "I think I would give up food before I would give up my Detrol. It has saved my social life. I was willing to pay $70 per month before I got better insurance."

For Urinary Frequency "I had Detrol and saw its effect in two days, but it gave me such an intense headache that I couldn't tolerate it."

For Urinary Incontinence "I just received the medication today. So far, so good. My pad is dry. I don't have severe dry mouth."

For Urinary Incontinence "Did nothing to lessen or correct the condition. Also, very expensive!"

For Urinary Frequency "I tried Detrol for overactive bladder, and it helped that problem. However, my headache increased, so my doctor changed me to Vesicare, which seems to be a little better."

For Urinary Frequency "I have used Detrol for two months and it fixed the problem but it gave me headaches everyday. I am switching to Vesicare to see if it works for me."

More about Detrol (tolterodine)

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  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: urinary antispasmodics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Detrol drug information

Professional resources

  • Detrol prescribing information
  • Tolterodine (AHFS Monograph)

Other formulations

  • Detrol LA

Related treatment guides

  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Urinary Frequency