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Generic Name: Clindamycin for Bacterial Infection (clindamycin)

Clindamycin for Bacterial Infection Reviews

"I have taken this antibiotic clindamycin twice and it has the same effect each time: it makes me feel incredibly weak and confused. It is like extreme brain fog. This last time I took a few days' worth, it also affected my vision and made everything appear blurred. This medication makes me feel like I am going crazy and on the verge of the insane asylum. I know that sounds extreme, but this does not agree with my body at all. Unfortunately, most doctors discount these symptoms as ludicrous. If you feel this way, though, know that you are not alone."

"Bad tooth infection spreading to sinuses. Was terrified to take after reading reviews - MY TIP - read the positive reviews first! Anyways, I’m allergic to most other antibiotics so no choice but to try or cry with pain. First few days really nauseous and tummy ache even following instructions (take with food, lots of water, probiotics, etc.). What fixed it FOR ME was to eat first, then wait 15 mins, then take tablet with 2 large glasses of water. Since then, absolutely zero problems! I don’t eat carbs but have relaxed to include some for taking tablets and allow food to get into the stomach before taking the tablet. Would definitely take again as infection improved within a day. I have 7 more days as I chose 3x daily dosage rather than 4x over 10 days (impractical to eat at 2 am and stay up for 40 minutes). Hope this helps."

"I was prescribed to take 300mg clindamycin every 6 hours for 7 days for a tooth infection. I had no problems whatsoever with this antibiotic. As soon as you pick up this drug, also pick up a probiotic with it. A probiotic is much needed when taking these. As well as pick up some yogurt that contains live and active cultures in it. I chose Yoplait, although there are many options, some better options even. Make sure you follow the instructions for this antibiotic very faithfully. Every single time I took a dosage, I drank well over 16 oz of water as well as I ate a good meal or a filling snack with it. It is super important to sit up for the 10 minutes they tell you to, and not lay down. I wanted to act safely and I sat up for at least 20 minutes each time. Because of all this, I experienced no side effects in the whole 7 days. This antibiotic worked wonders for my tooth infection and all the pain was gone so quickly. I would 100% take this antibiotic again if I had to. I hope this helps!"

"I've come to realize all antibiotics produce some side effects. I had a tooth infection (serious pain). Was prescribed this clindamycin for 7 days. It took 3 days to properly kick in and reduce the pain. After the week, no pain. Tips: Water, big glass with the pill, and try to drink water throughout the day. I don't do fizzy or sweet drinks. I suspect this is where people have trouble. Food seemed to help. I would take on an empty stomach in the morning, go for a walk with the dog for a couple of hours, then eat. Then later in the day take before eating. Food seemed to help settle the nausea. Nausea - yeah all the time. Metallic taste - yep, all the time. Stand up - don't take lying down, and wash down with a full glass of water (as per instructions) - else it can cause esophagus burns. I didn’t have stomach cramps etc. Just felt a bit sick and bloated. Nowhere near all the ‘terrible’ reviews you will see here. Just be sensible with your diet and follow the instructions! Water, water, water. Bland food."

"While dealing with a gum infection and root canal, I was prescribed clindamycin. I read reviews online and was terrified by what people were saying, but I ended up taking them anyway. Take these with a meal (not water) to avoid aftertaste. Some people complained about diarrhea, but other than going to the bathroom more often, I didn't have much of an issue. I took probiotics, drank kombucha, lots of water, and yogurt to keep my flora healthy and mitigate the side effects. In the morning before breakfast, my mouth did taste awful, but the taste went away after eating. Again, this is one of those antibiotics where extra care is needed to avoid intense side effects. If you are reading this, do try what I did, and perhaps you'll be able to feel better with minimal side effects."

"I have a terrible tooth infection which had spread to my cheek causing lots of swelling and debilitating pain. I am usually wary of antibiotic side effects, but I was in so much pain that I didn't even care. Took the first one before I got home. I was prescribed 3 pills a day for 10 days. I am on day 5 and finally feeling better. It took 4 days, but this stuff works. Just keep taking it. I have had very few side effects so far; the occasional flash of nausea that doesn't last very long, I usually get a mild headache about an hour after I take it, which also doesn't last long, and my appetite has been not so great. Way better than a gum abscess though. I drink a ton of water with it and also throughout the day, and I never take it on an empty stomach. I know there are a lot of scary reviews on here, but I just want people to know that not everyone reacts badly to it. Usually people only think to review when they are having a hard time. Good luck!"

"I haven't felt the same after taking clindamycin. I had to take it four times a day for 8 days. I was told to stop early because it was causing diarrhea. I was taking it as I developed an infection twice, after my wisdom teeth removal. First I took amoxicillin when it was done, then when I got the first infection I took that again. Then, it came back and I was prescribed clindamycin. I think my brain was affected. I don't feel mentally okay. I'm easily stressed and I easily cry. I have major anxiety and I get really sad. I can't do anything without feeling crazy. I don't feel like myself."

"Got prescribed this after already having been on another antibiotic for 10 days previous. They prescribed it as I was having bad ear & jaw pain still and it was starting to cause vertigo, and the pain wasn’t getting better on the old antibiotic. I’ve taken this several times before, but this time my stools have been pretty normal - soft but not diarrhea. I take it with whatever drink I’ve got with me at that time of the day (today it’s a Monster Energy) and it hasn’t been upsetting my stomach. I will say this time around my appetite has increased tenfold, and my brain does seem kinda foggy here and there. I do remember the first day or two on it, my joints were sore, but that’s a small price to pay for getting rid of whatever is causing the pain in the first place. I’ve normally got a very sensitive gut, but this medication hasn’t really done any harm since I started it a few days ago. Just relax and remember your body isn’t the same as anyone else’s."

"Do not take this. I took it for a tooth abscess, and it got worse, and I had to go to the ER to get actual IV antibiotics pumped into me. I had horrible chest pains, felt sick, and my heart rate was very scary. Please be careful taking this medication."

"I was prescribed Clindamycin for a severe tooth infection. I’ve been taking it for 7 days, every 8 hours. Almost done. It has cleared up my infection. I didn’t find it hard on my stomach, but it did give me diarrhea. One night, I did take it and it caused severe heartburn, but only that one time. I’m glad it took away my pain, but my family doctor told me it is very, very strong and causes abdominal issues. So be careful! It’s not for everyone."

"I used the 150mg capsule for a severe tooth abscess/infection that was painful and extremely inflamed. After only 36 hours of treatment, the infection began to subside and the pain level dropped drastically. This medicine performed very well and I would suggest it to someone else."

"I went to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned. The dentist said I had an abscess and prescribed clindamycin. Two days later I was driving when my vision went to double vision. I barely made it home. The next day I spent in the ER at a local hospital. After a CT scan, they told me to keep taking the poison. I took it for two more days, and my vision was so bad I looked at side effects online and could not believe that anyone in their right mind would take this stuff. My eye doctor said it will take three months to go away. I am so mad. I would love to sue someone over this. Do not take this poison. It can kill you."

"PLEASE READ (VERY HELPFUL TIPS FOR HEARTBURN/STOMACH PAIN). The second day I started taking the pill, I had horrible stomach pain and heartburn. I tried to get off the medicine, but the doctor said I needed these. Anyways, here's the help: before taking your pill, eat a big meal (for breakfast I have a bowl of cereal, a couple slices of bread, and some yogurt). MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOGURT BEFORE TAKING THE PILL. It helps A LOT. I am now 6 days in and only have slight heartburn. I suggest 2 servings of yogurt, 2-3 pieces of bread, and something on the side. I take these pills 3 times a day, so I have a big meal in the morning, at 3 pm, and at 11 pm. Trust me, the yogurt really works!"

"This antibiotic at 300 mg every 8 hours for 7 days was very effective for my tooth abscess, with absolutely no side effects. I did not eat yogurt or drink extra water or anything, and I had no problems whatsoever."

"I was prescribed this for a tooth infection and the reviews completely freaked me out. So I did what was recommended, had a pill with food and water, didn't lay down, and ate some yogurt 2 hours after the pill. I was on the pill for a little over a week and have been off them for a week and didn't experience a single side effect. Just remember, most people complain about the bad and don't feel the need to review if the pill works fine."

"Dr. H in Fredericton drained my abscess, and did a good job. But, I was prescribed Clindamycin for my throat infection on January 1 from Dr. Mi. And 3 day's later I was in the hospital with a numb leg and a swollen knee. The same day my muscles ware weak and I could feel my bones being eaten away! My teeth dried out and discolored in a browny color. My knee (joint) is extremely painful., The moral of the story is! I go inside the hospital with a throat abscess and I come back out in a wheelchair LIKE A HANDYCAPPED PERSON it destroyed my knee joint, the side effect of the drug Clindamycin is much worse than it describes itself. I can't work because I'm crippled !!!! I've visited many government doctors who all say I have osteoarthritis, but I say it was the clindamycin. I am an escaped prey knows who his Predator was, what am I supposed to do now??"

"I had a tooth infection, my face was swollen a lot. After two to three days, the swelling went away! It is an effective medicine, but it also leaves a terrible taste in my mouth after every pill I took. I also had a lack of appetite, and I lost a few kilos due to it."

"I had an abscess that was underneath the tooth. The dentist did a root canal without treating it first. The next day, my cheek was totally swollen, and the abscess had blown up. I went back, and they prescribed clindamycin, 4 doses a day. The first day was horrible - bad taste in my mouth and generally feeling like crap. Every dose became easier and easier. So the best advice I can give is to take a good probiotic and lots of water. If you are a female, to avoid a yeast infection, do not take within 2 hours of the antibiotic. Also, I got a very bitter taste in my mouth every time I took the medicine. It wasn't until the 3rd day that the bitterness finally subsided. I had no heartburn like others did. Stick with this medicine, and you will see results."

Cleocin HCl (clindamycin) "With every medicine, there will be negative reviews, and I understand that every antibiotic works differently for everyone. I was nervous to take this because I had a bad experience with Bactrim (a different class of antibiotics) before. But I had absolutely zero side effects with this antibiotic. I took probiotics 2 hours after every dose (a general probiotic and also S. Boulardii, which prevents C Diff), and I never had any issues or any diarrhea. Heck, I never even had any type of heartburn or fatigue. This cleared my skin infection up in 3-4 days. I then tapered the dose down from what I was prescribed because 3 pills 3 times a day was a lot to take. I just wanted to be an encouragement to those nervous to take this medicine. Just start with one capsule and see how you feel, then work your way up. It could save your life depending on your condition. But remember to take probiotics between doses because like any antibiotic, this will wipe your gut!"

"I cannot yet tell you if this works or not for my tooth infection. However, what I can tell you is to never lay down after taking this medicine for at least 30 minutes. I did last night, and thought I was having a heart attack. I had major chest pains. Worst heartburn I have ever experienced!"

"This is the second time I've been prescribed this for tooth infections. The first time I had very little side effects and it cleared up a very bad tooth infection, but this time after the first couple of days taking it, I all of a sudden got horrible pains in my chest. It would hurt to breathe in or even to swallow. I was considering going to the hospital, but now I have read that this has happened to others on this medication. It does work on getting rid of bad infections, but the chest pains are very hard. Definitely drink lots of water with and after taking it, and also eating something right before or after helps as well."

"I've had a recurring tooth infection from a chipped tooth. What started out as the usual throbbing pain and swelling in my gums against my tongue turned into my face and neck puffing up until my eye started closing. This occurred about 36 hours after the throbbing had started. I went to a walk-in clinic and was given the typical Amoxicillin 500 mg every 8 hours for 14 days. After 8 days, in excruciating pain, I went back to the walk-in and got Clindamycin 300 mg every 6 hours for 14 days... after 2 doses, the abscess burst and drained, swelling and pain went down immediately and I was allowed to heal. The dentist was able to do a root canal, and I have been problem-free for 3 years now."

"I was prescribed clindamycin 4 days ago for a gum/nerve infection due to an abscessed tooth. I started to get pretty nervous about the heartburn I was experiencing. Worst of my life! Water is key, and so far so good. My swelling and pain went away after 2 days. I also noticed taking it every 6 hours EXACTLY (or however long you're prescribed to) helps a bunch too. Oh, and water, not laying down for about 30 minutes after, and more water."

"I was prescribed clindamycin 300 mg 3 x per day for an abscess after a root canal. I have a history of acid reflux and heartburn as well as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). I normally tolerate antibiotics well. After reading these reviews, I was scared to death to take this medication. When I take it, I eat a piece of bread first, drink a small amount of water, and then take the capsule followed by 16 oz of water. I've not had one of the side effects mentioned by others, and the drug is clearing this infection very quickly. Taken with food and plenty of water, along with not lying down for 30 minutes after taking it, has proven to be a good experience. I'm not basing my decision to take a medication on reviews. This one gets a bad rap here, in my opinion."

"I didn't notice the heartburn until the second day of taking the medicine, and it wasn't really too bad until the fourth... that's when I decided to read the label. Here's the thing with this one, I think the main problem is the capsule and our tendency to take medicine just before going to bed - with this one that is very bad! I can take pretty much any pill without water (I wasn't doing that). I almost never get heartburn, and it took me a while to figure out what was going on. Reading the pill container label, it specifically tells you - do not lie down for at least 10 minutes after taking this. That should be your first warning that this one doesn't go down easily. So drink plenty of water with it and be prepared for the burn."

More about clindamycin

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  • Reviews (804)
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  • Patient tips
  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: lincomycin derivatives
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Clindamycin drug information
  • Clindamycin (Intramuscular, Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Clindamycin and sodium chloride (Advanced Reading)
  • Clindamycin Capsules
  • Clindamycin Injection
  • Clindamycin Oral Solution

Other brands

Cleocin, Cleocin Pediatric, Cleocin Phosphate, Cleocin HCl

Professional resources

  • Clindamycin monograph
  • Clindamycin Capsules (FDA)
  • Clindamycin Injection (FDA)
  • Clindamycin Injection Concentrate (FDA)
  • Clindamycin Palmitate Hydrochloride Granules (FDA)
  • Clindamycin in Dextrose Injection (FDA)

Other brands

Cleocin, Cleocin Pediatric, Cleocin Phosphate

Related treatment guides

  • Bacterial Endocarditis Prevention
  • Aspiration Pneumonia
  • Babesiosis
  • Bacteremia