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Generic Name: Clobetasol topical for Eczema (clobetasol-topical)

Clobetasol topical for Eczema Reviews

"Clobetasol cleared my skin in 4 days. This medication is a miracle for me. I have dyshidrotic eczema and atopic dermatitis. The only places I break out are on my hands severely and my feet mildly. As you can guess, keeping my hands medicated and moisturized has always been a challenge. I manage a restaurant so my poor hands suffer. I have tried numerous steroids with no luck. Within 3 days, my hands go from normal to swollen, dry, cracked skin with bumpy fluid-filled itchy blisters that break open, bleed, and cause the itch to intensify. I wake in the night itching so bad, I cry. I know this is TMI, but the reason I'm describing what I have so well is in case anyone with my symptoms can relate and possibly find a solution. All healed over here!"

Clobex (clobetasol) "As most other users comment, I call Clobex Spray my wonder drug. At its worst, my eczema results in the skin on my hands/fingers being covered in open, weeping sores so that I have to wear cotton gloves constantly. Clobex Spray clears this condition in 2 or 3 days. But the main point of my review: last time I bought Clobex, it cost me $600 a bottle. This means I could rarely afford to use it. I went to a different dermatologist, he prescribed Clobex for supply through a specific mail-order pharmacy. The cost with no insurance coverage was $50! I don't imagine I can name the pharmacy here, but PLEASE, if this stuff works for you, get your dermatologist to do his job to find you a pharmacy where you can actually afford to buy it."

"After being on a journey for what felt like forever, of trying to calm my severe eczema, I was given this cream. The cream was awful. I was literally starting to think that I was just going to have to live the rest of my life with this extreme itch/burn/tingling/pain. I tried everything down to a bleach bath (which, surprisingly works the best out of anything that I have tried), and went 20+ doctors and therapists and holistic centers…. Etc. So, I was prescribed this, clobetasol propionate, picked it up from the pharmacy, went home and applied it to my hands. About 10 minutes later, I was in the fetal position on the floor, wanting so badly to cry and scream, but the pain had me paralyzed. My skin has felt like water… slick and thin, ever since. Now, even water touching me makes my skin throb. I’m sure this isn’t a reaction that happens to many people, or at least I hope. I have decided to try to learn to cope and adjust to a new life of just being in eczema pain."

"It's worked well on my nummular eczema. I know I can only use it for 2 weeks, but how long do I have to wait before I can use it again? Also, this drug is expensive but my pharmacist suggested a smaller tube which saved me money. I mean if you can only use it for a short time, why buy a lot?"

Temovate (clobetasol) "Awful. I have eczema but my hands are very sensitive. My hands usually bleed and are scaly. Well this just made everything worse. I cried because the pain was so bad. I switched to Opzelura and my eczema is barely noticeable!!! STAY AWAY"

"The cream works great on my eczema. However, this past year has been a little taxing on my budget, as I have had 6 tubes of clobetasol go bad before opening. I have had them turn to goo, unable to use. The co-pays are getting out of control, as I have to pay for a new one and not get it replaced."

"It worked okay at first and yes, it can help take the edge off when you are suffering from eczema. However, my symptoms are now worse because of this medication and I would recommend anyone with eczema to avoid this toxic medication."

"This product, from what I've seen, does clear dark spots from the skin condition. Regular use, as noted, is not recommended as it will thin the skin. Do not use on open sores. It works almost like a fading ointment that clears dark spots after the healing has begun."

"This medication has had little or no effect on the rash that was diagnosed as eczema. The itch worsened right after applying it."

"Have dyshydriotic eczema and has not worked for me at all, no stop for the last 8 months"

Clobex (clobetasol) "Clobex spray has helped a lot but it is now out of stock and I desperately need it. Please bring back the product, my eczema is dependant on the spray and it being out of stock is driving me insane"

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  • Drug class: topical steroids
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  • Clobetasol Topical drug information
  • Clobetasol Shampoo

Other brands

Temovate, Clobex, Impoyz, Olux, ... +11 more

Professional resources

  • Clobetasol monograph
  • Clobetasol (FDA)
  • Clobetasol Cream (FDA)
  • Clobetasol Cream Emulsion (FDA)
  • Clobetasol Cream,Ointment (FDA)

Other brands

Temovate, Clobex, Impoyz, Olux, ... +4 more

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  • Anal Itching
  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma
  • Dermatitis