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Generic Name: Isentress (raltegravir)

Isentress Reviews

For HIV Infection "I've been taking Isentress for over 5yrs. I've been undetectable for approximately 3yrs. While my HIV seems to be under control, I'm finding some of the side effects are hindering my quality of life. I'm in pain every day. I've lost just about all of my body mass in the leg, arms and hip areas. I have extreme body fat in my stomach and abdominal region, also have an increase in fatty deposits in my uppermost back just below my neck. No matter how much weight I lose the stomach area remains the same. I'm a female who was once curvy and now I look deformed."

For HIV Infection "I have been POZ for 6 years. In the beginning nothing seemed to work and all the side effects destroyed my quality of life. Three years ago I argued with my doctor and told him I was tired of conventional therapy that only made me sick and allowed my viral load to slowly get worse. I had to somewhat stubbornly tell him I wanted Insentress along with Intelence and as a concession to him agreed to add Kaletra. My Viral load went undetectable in 90 days and has remained there all with zero sides."

For HIV Infection "I have taken Isentress & Truvada for 7 years now. I switched out the Truvada for Descovy 1 year ago. Never had any SEs. I also had HepC so I do have liver damage (cured 3 years ago). I am switching to Biktarvy next month as it is suppose to be a cleaner med and it is ONCE A DAY DOSING!!!! Isentress saved my life and now I am waiting on the cure. BTW, I am 62 years old and have been + since 1990. My CD4s didn't start dropping until 9 years ago, so my body did a good job fighting off the virus."

For HIV Infection "SAVED MY LIFE!! I have been on isentress going on 6 years along with Descovy in 4 months I was undetectable. I have had no side effects at all. I'm on 2 Isentress's a day a long with 1 Descovy a day. I haven't been on any other drugs since I was diagnosed with HIV. I was diagnosed with HIV when started a drug treatment program I'm on Methadone and no problems with the 3 . I recommend isentress 100% talk to your Dr about this drug. I was happy to be put on it.."

For HIV Infection " RO: isentress 1 × 2 cpr./zi Kivexa 1 × 1cpr./zi In ARV onset of onset. Headache, difficulty in breathing, feeling of "claw" in the heart area with diffuse stomach pain and reduced appetite. The presence of diffuse pain in the pulmonary area accompanied by difficulty in breathing and dyspnoea at rest. TA fluctuating values ​​between 160/80 max and 100/84 min. Urine discoloration, fat accumulation in the abdomen. Rare feeling of pronounced weakness and deterioration of concentration. Without laboratory specifications (second month of new patient treatment)"

For HIV Infection "I started Isentress twice a day along with Truvada once a day and my HIV Load was 28,000 and CD4% 31%. After 40 days my HIV load is <20 and CD 4% 32.7. Excellent improvement considering I have experienced ZERO side effects and all other lab work came out well. I am 49 yrs old and very active."

For HIV Infection "I had a horrible experience with Isentress. I felt lousy and developed fevers. Once the fevers started I began having trouble urinating. That progressed to not being able to urinate at all. I had to be seen in the ER to be catheterized. Once I stopped taking Isentress the fevers went away, the catheter was removed and I can urinate normally. "

For HIV Infection "Came off Atripla due to "slight" potential for resistance to the part that affects the CNS. So having resistance testing done can pay off..Plus I had real problems sleeping when taking Atripla. I was only on Atripla for about 5 weeks while awaiting resistance test results. then within 30 days on the new Isentress and Truvada my Viral Load went from 45,000 to 125 and my CD4 up from 670 to 1,000 plus. So Atripla helped get me there but the new treatment has no side effects on me. I now sleep so well. Bliss! While I get the medicine for about $40 per month in Australia I have to get BOTH Truvada and Isentress total $80. It is very expensive if I am caught short working on a project overseas, like $500..for a months supply."

For HIV Infection "Truvada/Issentress. Was diagnosed in June 2018 after a routine health MOT at the GP surgery. mortified but understandable due to partying hard in Thailand - I'm straight - so with the ladies. Within 1 month on Truvada/Issentress Iwas undetectable and CD4 count was getting better. I am experiencing all the side effects listed on the info sheet, but mainly dizziness, night sweats, muscle aches, insomnia, but worst is insane itching in the groin area that wont go away. I now am going to see the specialist to change the meds to a 1 day pill routine. Possibly Juluca (dolutegravir and rilpivirine) Still feel positive for the future though."

For HIV Infection "I am so happy today because I was pregnant and it was 50/50 either my baby can also have it. I'm on my seventh month but with the help of my therapy I took the medicine seriously and now I have my baby and he is negative and I look good too. If I don't tell you am sick with HIV you will never know."

For HIV Infection "So far, my experience has been a good one. This is my first time being on any medication and my biggest fear was the possible side effects. I have had a slight headache (once or twice), and dizzy a few times. I will take these side effects any day over some of the ones I've seen from other patients. Overall it has been a good experience!"

For HIV Infection "Great medication! Zero side effects so far, and it (along with Truvada) took me from a viral load of 65,000 to undetectable in just a month. This is a miracle drug for me."

For HIV Infection "Awesome. Very easy to tolerate and works great."

For HIV Infection "Fantastic so far. Relief of side effects almost immediate. Two smaller pills instead of four larger ones. Still waiting for first post-change blood test."

For HIV Infection "Works great. No problems."

For HIV Infection "Very easy for take, no side effects. Great anti-HIV medicine."

For HIV Infection "Was only on for 6 months. Side effects were not too bad but did nothing to increase T cells or to my viral load which seemed to be stuck at 100-150 level for a couple of years."

More about Isentress (raltegravir)

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: integrase strand transfer inhibitor
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Isentress drug information

Other brands

Isentress HD

Professional resources

  • Isentress prescribing information
  • Raltegravir Potassium (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Occupational Exposure
  • HIV Infection