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Generic Name: Sumavel DosePro (sumatriptan)

Sumavel DosePro Reviews

For Migraine "Best migraine medicine I have ever used. The injection does hurt for a few seconds but the pain is gone as fast as it came. Within a few minutes I can feel the medicine rushing through my head. It feels very heavy and leaves me with a dizzy sensation. I usually need about an hour of sleep and then the migraine is gone completely. I suffer about three migraines a week and only need a second dose about once a month. Pretty effective if you ask me! I have noticed that if I am feeling nauseous already, the medicine intensifies this. I found that taking a sublingual anti nausea medicine a few minutes before the injection greatly reduces this side effect."

For Migraine "Had migraines since I was 13. Thirty years later and they are worse. Have tried Maxalt, Treximet, butalbital, Excedrin migraine, and Zomig, to name the ones I remember. Tried a sample of Sumavel DosePro this month. It is the only medication that stopped the pain 100%. Took 10 minutes to stop a bad migraine (8 on a 10 scale) and another 10 minutes to be back to functional. Was a bit disoriented and dizzy for that first 20 minutes. Relpax is my typical drug of choice nowadays but it doesn't stop the bad ones. It only stops the ones that I catch right away. But this Sumavel is my new knight in shining armor. I don't know how expensive it is yet but I'm headed back to the doctor this week to find out."

For Migraine "This is a miracle for migraines. Works within 5 minutes and migraine GONE. You will have energy and get on with your day. I am 43 yrs old and have suffered with migraines since teen. RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN TO YOUR DR AND ASK FOR THIS MEDICINE. SUFFER NO MORE."

For Migraine "The injection feels like a rubber band snapped on your skin. I recommend the abdomen over the thigh, much more comfortable. I only bleed slightly, and the site only bruised once. The triptan effect is fast and intense, you feel that rush of the migraine about to go away. It makes me sleepy, as sumatriptan always has, and I nap for less than 1/2 hour, then I am PAIN FREE. The nice thing is the triptan effect goes away as rapidly as it comes on, which is far better than the lingering "yuck" feeling with oral triptans. Not just pain reduction, not a lessening of the migraine - it is gone. It has reduced my sick and late days due to migraine from 9 days in 2012 to ZERO so far in 2013. Will never go without it again."

For Migraine "I won't lie it hurts like being snapped with a wet towel tail, but not as much as my light sensitive migraines do. My daughter also suffers from migraines, and she's a big baby about pain but will take a dose. Before this my migraines would ruin my day. I would have to lay in the dark with a bucket and suffer, praying I could keep my oral medication down. Now I DosePro lay down for 30 minutes and I am back to normal. It literally has changed my life, anyone who suffers from migraines knows the feeling of a migraine building knowing that pain is coming and trying to head it off with oral Meds and then failing to stop it. The endless hours of horrific pain. Luckily my insurance covers it, but I'd buy it whatever the cost."

For Cluster Headaches "Followed the instructions. Two (2) of the shots were defective (Out of 6). One was harmless and did not fire which only cost me $100 for the non performing shot. The other did nothing until it fired accidentally into my eye. Seeking regulatory and legal help."

For Migraine "Doctor gave me a sample and a prescription of this to try. I have used Treximet with great results, but it took too long for the medicine to into my system to counter the migraine. The Sumavel works GREAT, HOWEVER it does hurt. The initial injection is painful. I was left with a welt and a tender spot for hours afterwards. The injection pain is well worth the relief. I do get the burning sensation at the bottom of my brain stem 30 seconds after the injection and feel very weak. This is all normal as I got the same feeling when I start Treximet. Luckily my insurance company covers it."

For Migraine "Took my husband to doctor while suffering a severe migraine with vomiting which he has suffered from his whole life(1-2 a month to the point of vomiting). After not being able to keep down pills this was his only hope of relief. Had first injection at doctor's office and within 15 minutes he had relief and was even able to go in to work the same day. I am so happy there is something that cures his pain. He said the shot hurt but it was worth it. The cost is high but also worth it when he is in that much pain. We paid $200 with discount card for 6 injections. You can find the discount card on their website. HIGHLY RECOMMEND when nothing else has helped."

For Migraine "I've been using Sumavel Dosepro and Sumavel pill form for over 3 years. The Dosepro has relieved/erased my migraine in less than 7 minutes 100% of the time. It's liquid gold in my opinion. The pill form is less effective 80% and takes up to 1hr."

For Cluster Headaches "It worked to abort a cluster headache. Just as effective, but not any more so, than the needle version of Imitrex/sumatriptan. The injection stung quite a bit and left a fairly nasty welt similar to a wasp sting, and it bled a little bit, but it worked as advertised."

For Migraine "I've been suffering from headache for over 10 years. Headache could last up to a week, it was horrible. Took so many pain medicines and it didn't work. I ended up with craniotomy last year and metal plates on my skull bone. I was fine for few months-no headache. Few months ago the headaches came back again. Now I'm miserable again when the headache come...I got this injection Sumavel DosePro....after the injection my head feels like it explodes and I fell asleep right away....after an hour-two the headache is gone...it's great medicine....it's working right away.....through the skin and blood vessels. "

For Migraine "It works well when you can get to inject. This prescription with out insurance is over $900.00. I have had numerous instances where it did not inject. I have 3 out of 6 in my last prescription that failed. I just got satisfaction on a failed injector from January 2016. I now take the same prescription and it only is a $10 co pay where Suma Vel is &150 co pay. Robbery and the Endo pharmasuticals shood be ashamed"

For Migraine "I have had migraines since I was 16 but they've been getting worse and worse and I decided it was time to go to a doctor. I went in and they gave me Sumavel DosePro to see if the medicine was effective. The initial "injection" was awful. It hurt as bad as my migraines did, only in my thigh. Then I felt extremely dizzy, and my whole body was sore and I had trouble breathing. They let me rest for about 20 minutes before sending me home with a sample of Treximet. I got home and took a nap for about 30 minutes. When I woke up, I felt better than I had in months. Finally my head felt clear and I had energy back! As much as the initial pain and discomfort was, it only lasted about an hour, in comparison to the 3 day migraines I was getting before."

For Migraine "It's quick acting but painful and it made me bruise and bleed a bit. It makes me feel nauseated and I vomited once, a few minutes after use. It also made me feel sleepy like my other migraine pills. This just acts quicker and makes you drowsy fast. "

For Migraine "I was nervous about the pain, and even though it's needle-free, I have a bit of a needle phobia and the idea of any injection (even without a needle) was pretty rough for me to get over. After talking myself up for about 30 minutes, I was finally able to give myself the dose. It hurt a lot more than I was expecting, and bled more than my neurologist and pharmacist said it would, so immediately after administering it, I was pretty apprehensive. I felt the side effects most people have reported (weakness, dizziness, heaviness, etc.), but I also had some nausea and I was really tired. I felt near-immediate relief of about 50% of my migraine, and then took a power nap for about 45 minutes. When I woke up, I felt like a completely new person."

For Migraine "I love this medicine, when it works. Recently I've had a problem with it failing to inject. I will press it on my leg and nothing happens. I've reported the problem to ENDO and never heard back. I also reported the problem to CVS. In both cases I turned over the non-working needle less shots. I really depend on this medicine when I have migraines because it works like a charm but i find the injections to be unreliable..."

For Migraine "After years of migraines that lasted three days at a time and nothing working to get rid of them this is awesome. I was worried about being able to do the injection myself, but it wasn't bad. It felt like a bee sting. Within a minute it felt like the top of my head was going to explode. Within 10 minutes it was subsiding. It was completely gone in less than an hour. There was no "buzzy worn out feeling" like I normally have after my migraines. I had plenty of energy and felt great. The prescription discount card is a great help too!"

For Migraine "If you are a migraine sufferer this is a MIRACLE DRUG! Yes the "injection" is sort of painful (for like 10 secs) and I only experienced a little soreness in the spot afterwards.. But within 15 mins of the injection my DEBILITATING MIGRAINE WITH NAUSEA AND BLURRED VISION WAS GONE! I was able to head to work and put in a full 10 hours as normal! No nausea, no follow up dosage, no pills, just a little sleepiness. I'm a 35 yr old female that suffers from 1-4 migraines with vomiting, light sensitivity, blurred vision per month. Yes, they are expensive, but I am lucky enough to have great insurance coverage thru my employer and only pay $15 per mon for 6 of these"

For Migraine "I have had migraines for quite sometime, and my doctor tried the Sumavel today. I felt a little dizzy and heavy but 15 minutes later migraine was completely gone. I immediately called my mom who has suffered from migraines for 15 years to tell her about it. Highly recommended!"

For Migraine "I have had migraines for over 10 years and have tried many different drugs. My doctor gave me Sumavel to try about a week ago (just in time for another migraine attack). The initial injection did hurt but the relief that I was able to get only 10 minutes later was well worth it. I did have the "burning sensation" in my face for a few minutes and felt weak for about 30 minutes but for me that is much better than the pain of a migraine. The only problem that I had was it seemed to only work for a few hours for me the first time I tried it. I'm willing to give this medicine time to work because it has by far done so much more for me than any other medicine that I have tried."

For Cluster Headaches "These Sumavel shots are amazing. Whenever I wake up with a cluster headache, I take one of these and within 5 minutes, the headache is completely gone. The injections site swells, and is sore for a while, but I'll take that over the headache any day. My neck and shoulder on the side of the cluster pain end up feeling exhausted after I take it, like I've just been working out, but since the headaches typically wake me up, feeling exhausted helps me get back to sleep pretty quickly. My insurance only covered so many shots, so the last box of 6 shots were out of pocket at $100 a piece."

For Migraine "I am 53 and have suffered migraines since high school. Nothing I could administer myself has ever worked even the tiniest bit. After going to my Dr for a Toradol shot he told me to try the Sumavel Dosepro injection. He told me it was far from painless. The injection feels like being stung by a bee, but is tolerable because you eventually get use to it. It is far better than laying in bed for three days in the dark and vomiting. It bruises and sometimes causes slight bleeding, but even with that and the injection pain...totally worth it. The first time I had an injection it took half an hour for relief, but now my headaches are gone in 5 minutes. It is a miracle drug for me. I love it. I pay $60 for a box of 6 and ins. pays $1,000."

For Migraine "I have suffered from migraines since I was 20 and am now 34. I have tried countless abortive medicines. Sumavel is the best one by far because it relieves the pain and nausea fast (usually within 10 mins for me). The injection is painful and leaves quite a welt but far worth it to get relief. I do sometimes have issues with it not firing properly but it could be just me pulling back at the last second when I anticipate the pain coming. I have wasted quite a few shots this way."

For Migraine "I have suffered from terrible migraines for the past 7 years and saw no relief in sight. Once I tried this needless injection it has changed my life for the better. I was nervous to give myself the injection but I had my sister help me for moral support. The injection did sting and bleed just a little but any migraine sufferer would not mind a little sting over the pain of a migraine. I did get lightheaded/dizzy for a few minutes however my migraine was gone within 5 minutes. Awesome medicine it gave me my life back, I highly recommend it!"

For Migraine "I have a serious issue with Migraines. Almost 6 a week. When the device was first prescribed back in 2010, I did not have a problem since they were coming from San Diego from Telegenics. Once ENDO started producing the product, all I have are failures. I have had as many as 5 of 6 in a box fail to work. I have had several that after I tried to use them, they spontaneously "went off" on the bathroom counter. Luckily not in my face. I have contacted ENDO, at this point now early August 2016, I have not received even 1 replacement for the 18 that failed. You know the cost. My insurance will stop paying for them in a couple of months. I reported every one to Endo. But the issue is getting worse. I have reported this chronic issue to the FDA"

More about Sumavel DosePro (sumatriptan)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: antimigraine agents
  • Breastfeeding

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  • Sumavel DosePro drug information

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Professional resources

  • Sumavel Dosepro prescribing information
  • Sumatriptan (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Imitrex, Tosymra, Onzetra Xsail, Zecuity, Zembrace SymTouch

Related treatment guides

  • Cluster Headaches
  • Migraine