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Generic Name: Veozah for Hot Flashes (fezolinetant)

Veozah for Hot Flashes Reviews

"Within the first week of taking Veozah, I thought I found the miracle pill! My hot flashes had just about all stopped. I was very satisfied with the results. However, after taking it for about 3 and a half months, things changed for me. The night sweats became increasingly worse and I started feeling dizzy and off balance. So, needless to say, I have stopped taking it. I am very disappointed that it did not continue to work for me, and that I had that reaction to it."

"My 1st dose was on the evening of 3/7/24. I woke up at 6:30 am. The hot flashes and night sweats are gone, day and night! I haven’t slept through the night in 4 years. I did have some side effects: nausea, headache, and insomnia. The nausea has subsided but the insomnia and headache are a problem. I’m now only sleeping a few hours a day if that. A few nights I didn’t sleep at all. I’m going to skip tonight's dose and try taking it in the morning. I hope the lack of sleep is why I still have a headache. I really need this to work. I’ve tried so many off-label drugs in the last 4 years that did not help. If this doesn’t work, I don’t know what I’ll do. My life has been a nightmare for the last 4 years when my last doctor took my HRT away because of my age (62). This is why I need this Veozah to work so badly! I’m hoping these 2 side effects will go away soon."

"I have suffered with severe hot flashes and night sweats for almost 7 years. I tried everything possible with the exception of hormone therapy because breast cancer runs in my family. On to Veozah. After my very first dose, the hot flashes and night sweats were gone. I have been taking it for one month and no side effects. This medication has literally been life changing."

"I had a TAH back in 2012. At the time, I was 48. Just recently, I was experiencing being very hot or very cold at the same time. I had no idea what this was. I was speaking with my sister, who stated, 'You’re having hot flashes.' Because I was feeling extremely exhausted, I noticed that the Veozah commercials were always popping up. I questioned my hot flashes due to me having a birthday earlier this month. I turned 60, so I finally made the call to my gynecologist for an appointment. I explained my symptoms in detail. My labs were drawn the next day. I had a follow-up phone call to discuss my lab results. I was prescribed Veozah. The next morning, I started taking one 45mg tablet of Veozah. My hot flashes/cold flashes turned into having very mild flashes. By day two of taking Veozah, my hot flashes turned into NO FLASHES. I have no side effects. The pill is very small, so the ease of starting this regimen of Veozah is definitely LIFE CHANGING!!!! Thank you, Veozah"

"Was like a miracle from day 1, all hot flashes just disappeared; it was heaven!!!! After taking for 6 months, my hot flashes started coming back, slowly at first, but then with full force, so I stopped taking it. Hoping it will work again if I stay off for a while and then try again. I have figured out that alcohol makes my night sweats and hot flashes much more severe..."

"Going into perimenopause, I was put on low-dose birth control. A month later, I had a blood clot in my leg. So hormones were not an option for me. When I saw a commercial for Veozah, I knew I had to try it. One year later, my life is completely different. The multiple hot flashes that interrupted my sleep with soaked sheets are gone. Occasionally, I get a short 'flush' in the middle of the night, but it isn't nearly as disruptive. Now that I can sleep, my life is so much better. I had to go for a month without my prescription due to my insurance company suddenly deciding to decline my coverage (would they do that if this was a male problem?). In a few days, the hot flashes came back! I was a true experimental design. Veozah works. I read reviews of folks having side effects. I am a really healthy person, I work out and eat well. I have had zero side effects, and as I said, because I now get a good night's sleep, I have more energy during the day. Thank you, Veozah!"

"As someone who has had chronic hot flashes for several years, usually prefaced by a wave of nausea, going on Veozah was great the first month. I still had minor hot flashes, but nothing like before, and the nausea was gone. Started my second month, and suddenly I have nausea and dizziness on and off all day. I'm going to stop taking the medicine and see what happens. I would also recommend if others have this to get their liver enzymes checked."

"So far, so fantastic! I've been on Veozah for about 6 months, and it is a LIFE SAVER! I was having 10-20 hot flashes a day and night. I couldn't sleep without ice packs. I couldn't get through a meeting without stripping off clothing (thank goodness for Zoom meetings ;-)). I started taking Veozah and within days, I was at 70% fewer hot flashes, and now, 6 months in, I'm down to a few 'warm' flashes a day. I might have nausea, but I also have IBS so can't tell if it is Veozah related or IBS related. Bottom line, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this drug!"

"Started Veozah right before the winter months and it has been working great until now. (SPRING) No side effects that I can tell at all. Hot flashes are starting back during the day and night. I'm afraid to stop it for fear of really suffering but not sure it's worth continuing to put into my body."

"Within the first few days of taking this, my hot flashes stopped. I have not touched my bedside fan ever since I started this medication. I only noticed my blood pressure was higher than normal, but it may not be due to the medication."

"My doctor suggested I try Veozah for 4 weeks and assess how I was feeling. It was not until 2 months in that I noticed nausea and upper stomach cramps. Some days it does not bother me, but other days it does. My flashes are bad and have been since I gave birth 29 years ago. My cycle stopped 3 years ago at 55, and the flashes got worse (if that's possible). Not sure if I should just wait it out to see if the nausea and sporadic stomach pain stop. Wish me luck during these 100 plus degree summer days."

"I reluctantly started taking Veozah after hearing the possible side effects it can cause. So now, I am writing this review about the effects of insomnia that I'm experiencing. Although I do have fewer hot flashes, I either have sleep! I am going to stop taking this medication before another unwanted side effect pops up."

"Started it 3 weeks ago after experiencing nighttime hot flashes (7 pm-5 am) for months. Unable to take HRT but Dr. recommended it as an HRT alternative. So far it's been life-changing! All hot flashes disappeared after 4 nights and have rediscovered a good night's sleep. Have experienced no side effects to this point. Still early but can't recommend it enough right now!"

"Back in July of 2012, I had a TAH. I was 48 years old. After I started HRT, I found it to be effective, and my hot flashes became far and few. One night, I was having a conversation with my younger sister, explaining my symptoms. Immediately she said, 'Sissy, you’re having hot flashes.' And being that everything was out of the playground, I said, 'No way.' Within the next couple of days, I called my gynecologist's office to ask if I could have hot flashes at my age, even given the fact that I had a TAH. I was told to make an appointment to see the doctor, to discuss my symptoms and have labs drawn to check my TSH and LFT levels. The next day, I checked for my lab results and followed up with a phone call with the RN of my gynecologist's office to discuss my results. That day, a prescription of Veozah was sent to my local pharmacy. I started Veozah the next morning. That day, I had a slight sensation of a hot flash, the second day, I went to having NO flash. So far, I’ve not had any side effects! Thank you, Astellas Pharma."

"I’ve only been on Veozah for about a week, and I haven’t sweat during the night at all since I started taking it. I did feel a slight headache on maybe day 5, but nothing too bothersome. I felt like it worked almost the same day. After taking my first dose, I didn’t have a single hot flash for about half the day, and then I still experienced hot flashes, but not nearly as bad. It also doesn’t help that I’m in Arizona in the middle of summer. I’m hoping as time goes by they lessen their intensity, frequency, and duration. Overall, I think this can be life-changing for me and possibly others."

"I was having hot flashes constantly. I would have them the worst at night, causing lack of sleep. Which I don't sleep that great at night anyway. I met with my gynecologist and told her about my hot flashes, and I didn't want to take any hormone medication. So, she suggested Veozah. I have been taking it about 3 weeks now. And I have noticed I have very little hot flashes. However, it is causing my stomach to cramp and feel bloated. That is one of the side effects I am experiencing. It's not too terribly bad. But, I would rather not have my stomach feeling that way. I'm considering stopping taking the medication once I run out of it. I guess I may have to go back to having hot flashes."

"It works great for hot flashes and night sweats, but I have sciatica and it made my tailbone hurt like no other pain ever!!! So I guess back pain is my side effect."

"Nausea and random stomach pain. I also still get a bit hot at night and in the afternoon."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: miscellaneous central nervous system agents
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Veozah drug information

Professional resources

  • Veozah prescribing information
  • Fezolinetant (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Menopausal Disorders
  • Hot Flashes