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Generic Name: Clozaril for Schizophrenia (clozapine)

Clozaril for Schizophrenia Reviews

"My brother was also lucky to be on Clozaril. I was watching a news report on the drug on TV one day. It stated that it brought people back who had schizophrenia. It gave high percentages and stated that they were even able to carry a job. I spoke with my mother and she worked to get this drug for him. He was so normal on it, like he woke up and was himself again. He was able to live in an apartment and work a 40-hour job. On his off hours, he joined a band and played trumpet on some evenings and weekends in clubs and restaurants. He was able to go out on dates. He wanted to complete his degree in music. How wonderful it was for him to have a real life to enjoy."

"This medicine works. We had exhausted every other psych medicine on the market over a period of 6 years. My daughter is functioning again. The paranoid symptoms have disappeared. It is worth the monthly lab work. She's been on for 5 years, and no side effects. I don't think our daughter would be alive if not for this medicine."

"My friend has been on Clozaril (Clozapine) for nearly 18 years. He went more than 10 years without having a single psychotic breakdown, which only occurred when he lowered the dosage himself. Even though the medicine makes him feel fatigued, he has been able to hold down a 40hr/wk job. Nothing short of a God-given miracle!"

"My youngest brother has suffered with schizophrenia for around twenty years, and we have also tried him on many meds - some good, some not so good. The main problem is the anguish he undergoes each time he has to be 'weaned' off one med and put on another. This is because after a while, they all lose their effect and periodically need changing - not so with Clozaril. After being on it for five years, he is still stable, although a recent lessening of his regular dose is causing some anxiety. We hope to have the dosage resumed as previous, but see no need at this time to change him from this excellent medication."

"My brother's schizophrenia manifested itself in 1971 or 1972 when he was around 17. He spent maybe 25 years in a state hospital and was on everything and every combination of medicine over the years. The doctors were baffled. He was one of the first to try Clozaril when it first came out in the 1980s. Unfortunately, he was one of the few who had a severe reaction which nearly cost him his life. So sad... BUT I am very happy to read how others have found Clozaril to be such a 'miracle' for them! The trauma and grief of schizophrenia leaves years of devastation in its wake. I am still hopeful that one day he will have his 'miracle breakthrough' just as others have!"

"My older brother has had schizophrenia since he was 14 years old in the 1970s. He has been on many, many medicines with some or little success. He was then put on Clozaril in his thirties, what a miracle Clozaril was. He was able to live an almost normal life for over 10 years, and within 3 days, his life went from happy to hell again because of his blood test result. We tried to get him back on it, but due to the special list of people who have reactions to it, he is not able to ever take it again. My brother is one of the lucky ones though, he has a family that totally supports him and encourages him to live and do the best that he can. He lives in an adult facility that takes care of his needs and makes sure he gets his medicines."

"My sister was diagnosed with schizophrenia at about 29 after a third suicide attempt and full-blown nervous breakdown. She was eventually placed in a state mental institution for ten years. She only got out due to Clozaril. They tried it on three patients through the National Institute of Health in Washington, DC. She was released to a halfway house within three months. Although she is still very ill, she remains on this medicine for approximately 23 or more years."

"This is the only antipsychotic that worked well with few side effects. The only side effect has been tachycardia, treated with beta blockers. Almost complete recovery after 2 months. Just needs tweaking to get a bit more improvement. Voices and hallucinations gone. Personality slowly coming back. Motivation much improved. Organization skills greatly improved. The worry is that as a daily medication it can be forgotten, and decline is quick without, so it needs someone to check tablets are taken. This is after 5 months of use, but improvement came after one and a half months of use. Try not to smoke."

"Been on clozapine for over two years. Before this, I had tried many different oral and depot medications which helped, then seemed to have run their course with me. Although it can take a while to get over the fatigue it causes, it definitely helps with voices and delusions, as well as just making you feel normal again."

"Clozaril (Clozapine) is the best antipsychotic I’ve ever tried (and I’ve tried many other medications). It lessened my symptoms and now I’m functioning better. I had drooling at night, constipation, sedation. I take Senokot for the constipation, a medication to lessen the drooling (though I don’t use it), and I take the majority of my Clozapine at night to deal with the sedation."

"I had major depression with psychotic features and have been on Clozaril for 11 blessed years. It works so well. I have long ago lost track of all the antipsychotics and antidepressants I have tried."

"I have been taking a small dose of 100mg to treat my schizoaffective disorder. I think it helps lower my agitation and helps me to think more clearly. I don't think it helps with my paranoia."

"Fabulous medicine for schizophrenia"

More about Clozaril (clozapine)

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  • Latest FDA alerts (8)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: atypical antipsychotics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Clozaril drug information

Other brands

Versacloz, FazaClo

Professional resources

  • Clozaril prescribing information
  • Clozapine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Versacloz, FazaClo

Related treatment guides

  • Schizophrenia