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Generic Name: Combivent Respimat (albuterol-ipratropium)

Combivent Respimat Reviews

For COPD, Maintenance "I could not live without Combivent. Now they come up with this Combivent Respimat, takes half a container to finally get the hang of it, and it's $238.00. I need to find something else for me because I cannot afford this every month."

For COPD, Maintenance "I am a veteran and also retired from the Dept. of Veterans Affairs. I have been using inhalers since 1986. I have to tell you, this is one of the most difficult inhalers to use. It takes two good hands to use. Think about all the veterans returning from combat with missing upper and/or lower extremities. Think about going back to the drawing board."

For COPD, Maintenance "Well... I have found a workaround for the inhaler not giving you the correct amount of dosages. If you are crafty open up the clear part of the inhaler and and remove the threaded part including the red pointer and small piece above so it won't lock on you, put it all back together, give it a good shake, and twist it normally with the inhaler straight up and down and push the button, it's been my experience that it's should last almost another week at least. But remember you will have no indication when it does actually run out so have a back up when leaving the house. Shush don't tell anyone. I'm only telling because my inhaler would not give me the number of doses as advertised I got tired of running out and the pharmacist would not refill. Hope this helps you"

For COPD, Maintenance "My doctor switched me to this Combivent Respimat inhaler after I contacted her because I couldn't breathe. She wanted me to go hospital, but I refused, due to COVID-19. She put me on steroids, antibiotics (one week), Combivent & gave me an oximeter ( with instructions that if my oxygen level goes down to 90, that I'm to go to emergency room. As soon as I got inhaler, used it, within 15 minutes I started coughing stuff up (phlegm) which I've done every morning. However this was different. 2.5 hours later, no coughing. I might cough now & then, but nothing like before! Plus, I am now able to really take a breath in and blow me nose! This has changed my life! I've heard people complain about the taste, or getting dizzy, etc. Thats temporary. I've got my life back!"

For COPD, Maintenance "This drug about killed me! It worsened my condition and had to go to ER on Christmas Eve the second day I had taken it. I was down for 1 week put on antibiotics and prednisone. Eight months later my lungs are worse off than previous to taking this medication. It has obviously caused by lungs more damage."

For COPD, Maintenance "I have had constant problems with the new apparatus. Turning it to get it ready is hard for my arthritic hands. Half the time I accidently hit the button and send a puff into the air making me have to turn it again to get another puff again. I never coughed when the old one delivered its dosage but this one makes me cough immediagely. What's with that? I even have trouble getting the lid open. I just hate it."

For COPD, Maintenance "Not real impressed don't know if anyone else has had this issue but when it gets to the red mark stops dispensing medicine, and of course can't get it replaced. Also has been a few times when it didn't seem like any thing was coming out so had to double the dose so than you have most of that months wasted.Not happy at all have to wait for refill because of course you can only get one a month at a time so than you have to go without your medicine real fun fighting to breath. Company really needs to go back to the designers and come up with a better dispenser."

"The design of the new inhaler needs to be changed. I noticed when the twist mechanism stops and says it has zero doses left, there is still plenty medicine left in the capsule. Either increase the amount of twists the inhaler can do or change it back to something less mechanical, like the old push inhalers."

For COPD, Maintenance "I used to take Combivent aerosol inhaler and it was wonderful. They decided to make it non aerosol and it does not work. First off anyone without two hands, or arthritis, or wrist issues could not even work the inhaler thats WRONG. I have 2 good hands, thank goodness, but The inhaler malfunctions all the time. At first lots comes out, then slowly less and less over a month until I get no med. it doesn't help like it used to. Clogs up. Runs out before it says empty due to waste because of design flaws. I hate it. I don't even pay for it! Those paying hundreds-thats messed up its not worth $10 now."

For COPD, Maintenance "At first I loved it because I had been smoking for years with asthma. Am I bad? However when I quit smoking before, my lungs returned to normal. Combivent was a miracle at first, but now that I've quit again I still need to use it. I want to wean myself off but feel that there's something in it that requires or has made my body dependent on it, if that makes sense. So in the short term, it's great. Long term: well, I'm on here because I have my doubts. I have great insurance and was floored when I found out what some people have to pay."

For COPD, Maintenance "I have COPD, going on 7 years and have used the Combivent Respimat since being diagnosed. I was on oxygen at first, ask to be removed from it, the Combivent was directed to be used 4 times a day, or as needed. I only used it 2 times for the first couple of years. I was also put on a maintenance inhaler, Advair FHA that I didn't bother using, didn't seem to help. Suddenly I read that Combivent has a class action lawsuit because they were not honest with how many puffs for each inhaler. I have had good results with it, up until the last 3 months, I have no problem using it, except now about every other time I twist it, I can't get it to expel the mist, if I turn it a bit more, it expels it before I can get it to my mouth. ...take care all!"

"I was give combivent for bronchitis and it’s not the easiest inhaler to assemble. The mist chokes you when you try to inhale, so you don’t get any benefit from the drug. The only reason I can see the company developing the Respimat is because there can be no Generic for some time. I don’t know what they told the doctors but they (doctors) just need to write Rx for the Generic of Combivent inhaler."

For COPD, Maintenance "Respimat has been a bad replacement for Combivent. It has a short time relief for breathing."

For COPD, Maintenance "I love the Combivent Respimat. I'll admit it was a little different at first but once the pharmacist instructed me I was fine. I even like it better now than the old one."

For COPD, Maintenance "Combivent is a horror of a drug. I cannot even inhale it. It makes me cough. It is too hard to use. You might as well throw respimat or whatever away and quick."

For COPD, Maintenance "Have been using the above for a short period and is worsening my COPD. Had to go on a regiment of Prednisone to get my breathing back to the already poor condition I'm in. Never again!"

For COPD, Maintenance "somewhat effective, not affordable for most people"

More about Combivent Respimat (albuterol / ipratropium)

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  • Reviews (17)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: bronchodilator combinations
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Combivent Respimat inhalation drug information
  • Combivent Respimat (Advanced Reading)
  • Combivent Respimat

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Professional resources

  • Combivent Respimat prescribing information

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Other formulations

  • Combivent

Related treatment guides

  • COPD, Maintenance