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Generic Name: Erbitux (cetuximab)

Erbitux Reviews

For Colorectal Cancer "I have stage 4 colorectal cancer with mets to the liver. After 2 years of chemo, it wasn't really working anymore, so they started me on Erbitux. Side effects are mostly cosmetic - severe acne rash/redness on the face and milder spotting on the chest and back, extremely dry flaky skin. I did have a badly infected foot for a few weeks - eventually found the right antibiotic (cephalexin). However, the CT scan after 8 weeks of use showed a 20 - 30% reduction in tumors! So for me, it is worth the skin hassles."

For Head and Neck Cancer "My father-in-law was diagnosed with metastatic squamous cell head and neck cancer. Had 6 weeks of radiation, but cancer had spread. Conventional chemo did nothing. Had large tumors, one breaking through the chest wall. Could not do daily tasks. He started on Erbitux infusions, and within four weeks, two of the tumors had disappeared, and the larger ones had shrunk. Didn't need pain medicines anymore. Side effects he experienced: blood infections from the PICC line, electrolyte imbalance, rash on his body. He is happy with the drug. He has lived several months longer than anticipated, but he must stay on Erbitux or the cancer will come back."

For Squamous Cell Carcinoma "This seemed to help a lot in shrinking my tumor in my throat. Not much side effects, in fact felt good. But the doctor said I had the max amount, went off of it and the tumor blocked my throat again in 2 months. Now they say nothing more can be done for me. The pain is horrible, no one should have to go through this terrible cancer. I pray for some kind of help again. "

For Colorectal Cancer "I have stage 4 colon cancer with liver mets. After 11 treatments of 5 FU and oxalliplatin stopped due to neuropathy. Some tumors disappeared and others shrunk, but my CEA was not going down. After a "break" for a few weeks one dominant liver tumor started to grow. Began new chemo regimen of 5 FU, leucovorin, irinotecan, and erbitux. My CEA started dropping drastically, my liver tumors shrinking, and the liver inflammation completely gone. I have 4 more treatments maybe more. My biggest complaints are dry, rashy skin and some fatigue. Totally worth the results I'm getting. My CEA is down to 41! Hoping for 0 soon! Beware, double check with your insurance, the erbitux is super pricey!"

For Squamous Cell Carcinoma "Taking for inoperable squamous cell thyroid. Will find out couple days if worked on tumor. Side effects severe dry flaking skin sores in mouth, facial rash and fatigue. Worst constipation I have ever had in my life....all worth it if it helps shrink tumor!"

For Colorectal Cancer "Was also diagnosed with stage four colon cancer that had spread to my liver, was on heavy cancer meds for about 10 months and then they switched me to Erbitux which showed definite improvements. Do have the dry scaly face am using Queen Helene cocoa butter but not really pleased with it, skin still dry."

For Colorectal Cancer "Was on eurbitux for 8months and it was working but it was taking a toll on me. Doctor took me off. How long will it take for it to get out of my system ? I have been on chemo for 6 yrs. Now and doctors felt that . My system needed a rest and put me on something new that is not supposed to have any side effects"

For Squamous Cell Carcinoma "Erbitux was prescribed weekly for my head & neck SCC Stage IV (lung metastasis) after Keytruda and prior radiation and platinum-based chemotherapy failed. It is given with Benadryl to ease side effects, which have been hoarseness, coughing, clearing of throat, facial rashes, and fatigue. The effect hasn't been fully evaluated yet, but my oncologist believes it has helped. If it can slow SCC progression and extend my life, then it is certainly worthwhile."

For Head and Neck Cancer "I heard good things about this drug for metastatic head and neck cancer (mine began in my tongue and has moved around my mouth and into my neck - I'm a 30 year female with no risk factors), but had a severe allergic reaction during my first infusion. I felt a hot flash move from my midsection to my head, then everything started swelling, until finally my throat began to close. It was instantaneous. I only had about 10-20 cc's. Luckily, my nurse was prepared and flushed the line immediately and gave me meds to stop the reaction. My doctor has already ordered panitumumab to replace it, "

More about Erbitux (cetuximab)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: EGFR inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Erbitux drug information

Professional resources

  • Erbitux prescribing information
  • Cetuximab (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Head and Neck Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma