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Generic Name: Cutar ()

Cutar Reviews

For Seborrheic Dermatitis "First impression: Just got recommended this by the dermatologist and used it tonight. So far it seems fine, just annoying to apply as a lotion on my scalp since my hair is thick and my seb. derm. is all over in different places on my head it took like 20 minutes. I might use it as a rinse depending if I got in on all the way or not by applying it as a lotion. It definitely calms the itching but feels a little stingy which is common and normal I just have to adjust to it. The smell is not really noticeable it smells a lot better than Tgel. It feels more like a oil than a lotion. We will see if this works! Fingers crossed in the mean time I'll hide in my french beret hat hoping that my head will clear up."

For Dermatitis "Prescribed by my daughter's dermatologist when she was 3 years old. Cutar is used as bath soak and it has made her skin less irritated. She is now six, she still has eczema and we use intermittently throughout the year due to the warnings."

More about Cutar (coal tar topical)

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  • Drug class: miscellaneous topical agents
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Cutar Emulsion advanced reading

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Related treatment guides

  • Seborrheic Dermatitis
  • Dermatitis
  • Psoriasis