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Generic Name: Depakote for Bipolar Disorder (divalproex-sodium)

Depakote for Bipolar Disorder Reviews

"Depakote does wonders for me but have heard it's not well for others. I don't get many of the side effects except for the weight gain. But let's face it, why am I gaining weight? Because I'm not as stressed out anymore. I try and use it to my advantage being a weight lifter/exercise nut. Which is also a good thing for someone dealing with anxiety and depression by the way. I do have to say when I want to read something I can without having to go back and read it over again because I just had 33 1/2 things run through my head during the last sentence. I'm not saying it is for everyone but for me it is life changing. I hope this helps in your quest for finding the right script. I know it can be hell working it all out, but trust me you will get there!"

"I'm bipolar II. Recently started Depakote. Started out at 200 mg, now at 800 mg. So far, so good. Will write another review in another month or two. I was terrified starting this medicine, but it has been great so far. I'm still not at my target dose, but it has already helped racing thoughts, depression, and hypomania. I feel more hopeful, a lot calmer, and less stressed out. NO WEIGHT GAIN AT ALL. Not even a single pound. I've actually lost weight. Side effects? The first week I felt more depressed, but it didn't last. Tiredness, nausea, and a bit foggy after each increase. Easy peasy. I have tried 15 medicines including Lamotrigine, Trileptal, Abilify, Gabapentin, and countless antidepressants. Nothing worked. Fingers crossed. Big hugs to all of you bipolars out there!"

"I have Bipolar 1 rapid cycling, and life was hell. Manic episodes were a little intense, but the depression is what really killed me. It got worse and worse over time to the point I felt numb to the world. Life sucked, and I wanted out. After taking many medications that didn't work (Abilify and Lithium to name a few), so I ended up in a mental hospital where they finally gave me Depakote. It literally SAVED MY LIFE!! I feel normal and stable for the first time in my life, and I couldn't be happier. I'm enjoying every second of my life now. God bless this drug (:"

"If you like being devoid of emotions, then Depakote might be for you and your bipolar disorder. Personally, it makes me feel dead inside. No joy, no sorrow. Nothing. Some might like this numb to life feeling. I like the ebbs and flow of life. Seriously, this has removed all emotion from my being. I enjoy nothing, at the same time, I don't dislike anything either. Bad medicine, stay clear."

"It’s only my first day taking this Depakote medication, and I already love it. I took my first dose of 250mg before bed, and it helped quiet my mind. I didn’t experience any side effects. I took it in the morning with my Lexapro, and it helps in getting rid of racing thoughts and anxiety. I also noticed I don’t have headaches anymore. It feels like a chill pill. I highly recommend you give Depakote a try and don't let the list of side effects scare you, as I have experienced none so far. I am taking this for Bipolar Disorder 1."

"Since I've started taking Depakote I've been feeling great. My mind can slow itself down enough to give me time to process, and my moods are way easier to predict and control. I feel like a completely different person, in an insanely good way. Without any annoying side effects as well!"

"My doc switched me from Prozac & Abilify to Depakote ER 500mg at bedtime. I've been taking Depakote ER 500mg for almost 4 months now. Everyone in my life has noticed a positive change in me. I feel so calm within. My anxiety & insomnia are very much under control now. I've suffered with bipolar since my teens. I am 38 years old. Depakote ER 500 has saved my life! I was done with psych meds & ready to just give up! I'm so glad I have such an amazing doc. No more changing my meds. Depakote ER 500mg in combo with Xanax 1mg 3x a day has me back to feeling like myself again. Also, I don't need to take the Xanax every day or 3x a day anymore. The Depakote ER 500mg works for numerous disorders I suffer from. I could go on about the pros of this med."

"Tried all other bipolar medicines throughout the past 10 years. This one has the least side effects of them all. People tell me my behavior has vastly improved on Depakote. It's hard for me to see myself through other people's eyes. But, sometimes maybe I should. Personally, for me, Depakote has been a lifesaver. I didn't want to live with it but find I cannot live without it."

"I was diagnosed with Bipolar 2 five years ago and have been on many, many medicines. I always took atypical antipsychotics, but never a true mood stabilizer. My new doctor put me on Depakote because I was getting neurological shaking symptoms from the atypical antipsychotic, so she started me on Depakote, and I have to say I love it. I'm up to 1000mg a day now, and as she lowers my atypical, she might have to increase the Depakote to 1500 mgs. No weight gain, in fact, I had weight loss. I was really hungry in the beginning, and I might have gained a pound, but that went away and my appetite changed, vivid dreams (sometimes), but I can deal. I love this, I'm in such a better mood now."

"Diagnosed 6 years ago as Bipolar 2 after 20 years of being all over the place. Crazy ups and downs but only ever treated for depression. I was put on a variety of medications in the first year that made me so ill - weight gains/losses, irrational thoughts/ideas, constantly felt ill with colds/flu. Had to keep changing medications and doses to see if they would work. Then given Depakote, and wow, I felt human again within 2 weeks - settled, calm, clear head, no side effects. It's done wonders for me that no other drug got close to. I have my life back."

"I was falsely diagnosed bipolar, which I think was the first issue. However, Depakote on a low dose (750 mg) did alleviate some racing thoughts and was effective. Once a doctor inappropriately put me on a high dose for someone who is not bipolar (over 1000 mg), I was a zombie! It made my depression significantly worse, I gained 50 lbs, slept all day and had no feelings. I am a talkative person by nature, and on this drug I barely uttered a word. I'm sure it may work for those with true mania, but I'd say if on too high of a dose, or even a low dose, weight gain is inevitable and sugar/carb cravings. I also just feel it dulls your ability to focus and suppresses happiness. Of course, that could've just been my depression. Just wanted to warn people either way."

"This is a very effective drug for most people with bipolar and anger disorders. It can be used in higher doses when there is also a diagnosis of insomnia. It does different things to different people but it is generally tolerated well. I'm a RN with bipolar and also work with a psychiatric population. Just a PSA: if you have a loved one with psychiatric issues in a facility because you don't want to/can't deal with taking care of them yourself, you have no right to complain when the facility medicates for behavior issues. 1) You didn't want to deal with it yourself but now you expect others to 2) "behaviors" usually indicate the patient is in a distressed state; nobody hits/kicks/screams/refuses care because they are comfortable and happy. It might upset you that mom can't be away exactly when you want her to be, but it's really not about you. Take her home and take care of her yourself and if you want to stop psych meds when it's your turn, then more power to you."

"Being undiagnosed bipolar for almost 40 years, having many manic breaks until one was so big I wound up hospitalized. I was put on Topamax, Prozac, and Lunesta. With a Bipolar type II diagnosis, I had to change my lifestyle. Already in recovery, I approached mental health in the same way. Topamax soon wasn't enough, so my doc tried Latuda, and it didn't work. Depakote is working great. I am finally myself! Yes, it makes me hungry, I just keep my calorie count the same. The med doesn't cause weight gain - my decisions do. With how well it works, I'd take some curves and feel this awesome any day!"

"I have been through so many medications. It's ridiculous... Most of them didn't work and caused severe side effects. The last one I was on before Depakote was lamotrigine (which really is better for bipolar II, from what I understand). I tend to run very manic (and don't have a thyroid anymore - cancer), so my doc and I decided this would probably be my best option. None of the new drugs worked on me. Depakote has been amazing. I can think a lot more clearly and I'm still me - just a lot more toned down. I've had no negative side effects except a slight tremor, but I'm also on Xanax for severe anxiety, so it's only noticeable when it's time for that. No weight gain, either. In fact, my appetite decreased. I haven't gained or lost, really."

"I have to say some of the side effects to DEPAKOTE ARE TOUGH! But the SIDE EFFECTS TO MY CONDITION COULD BE WAY WORSE. So I've been sticking to it and working through the side effects. It's DEFINITELY a miracle pill. I am only at 3 weeks but I've never felt calm, NO racing thoughts, and I feel HAPPIER. I only have LITTLE anxiety at this time. Before, most weeks I'd end up in the ER 3 times DUE TO A PANIC ATTACK. SIDE EFFECTS: headache, staring, head feels funny like an electric shock, nauseous. My lips and tongue are twitching. I have an instant cold and clammy feeling. BUT I LOVE THE CALMNESS and all these side effects have gone away and I feel like I am living like I've never lived! This medicine is AMAZING."

"I have been on Depakote for about six months for bipolar II after being taken off lithium. I am feeling more like myself but still feel a slight emptiness and falseness. I am also taking lamotrigine and pregabalin for extreme anxiety. I have put on nearly a stone in six months. I am also being tested for ADHD. I am 48 years old and have had this from when I was a child. When you have grown up with this, you do not know any different until you become very ill. Sorry for the rambling, not sure if it makes sense. x"

"By chance, I started taking Depakote around the time that my SAD normally kicks in, and after a month, it had stopped it dead in its tracks; no depression and only very mild manic episodes. I'm also now experiencing a sense of inner calm and mental clarity than I ever thought possible. No side effects other than vivid dreams and some weight gain, which is par for the course for me this time of year anyway and a small price to pay for the improvements I'm seeing."

"I have ADHD and Bipolar Type 2. I started seeing Depakote's first signs of mood stabilization after a week on 500mg daily (a very small dose). It was great to have a clear mind. At the low dose I've been on, I would say my Bipolar symptoms are about 75% under control, which is great. I can also sleep easier. In terms of side effects, all I've gotten are vivid dreams on a nightly basis (not nightmares, but sometimes uncomfortable) and very brief auditory hallucinations (hear a loud bang, like a door closing, stuff like that). The hallucinations happen about two times per night, but I've been through worse hallucinations on SSRIs, so I am not too concerned. I also take between 20 and 30mg Dexedrine ER per day for my ADHD. It's been 3 weeks."

"I was just newly diagnosed with bipolar. I started feeling the effects of my antidepressants as they made me feel too euphoric and unhinged. There are days when I feel as though I can conquer the world and nothing can stand in my way and days when I feel low, as though the world is on top of me. Sometimes, I can laugh and then cry out of nowhere. It's like a roller-coaster ride that seems to get out of control. Anyway, I tried the lamotrigine and I could feel that it was stabilizing me, but it caused brain zaps. Now I am on Depakote at 250 mg twice daily and I feel really good. It just depends on your system. Everyone is different. You have to find what is right for you."

"Best medicine ever for me. Started with lithium after diagnosis for bipolar. Lithium gave terrible side effects so after switching to Depakote, life became much easier for a chemically challenged like me. Took almost 1 year before 100%."

"I have been on Depakote for 10 years. I can tell that it does calm me down. As most people are saying in this forum, it does make me very tired. The symptoms that I have had for 10 years are extra sweating (it seems to be coming from my scalp and down my face), weight gain that I can't seem to lose, and I'm wondering if anyone else has a ringing or drumming in one or both ears. I've been to many doctors just about my ear but they can't find anything wrong."

"Although reading the possible side effects can be scary, this medicine gave me my life back. I had a little hair loss at doses above 1000mg, but it's been great in stabilizing my mood swings. If I go off of it, I have an episode within a month. I had no weight gain (actually lost weight I had gained from taking Seroquel previously). I take it with Wellbutrin SR and a little Abilify. But the Depakote is by far the most effective. I've been on it for over 3 years."

"I would give Depakote a lower rating based on my personal experience with it, but I don't want to skew the overall rating. For whatever reason, I did not respond to Depakote as a mood stabilizer. This is surely not the case for everyone. The problem is that while taking this medicine, I gained 30 pounds, as I constantly felt hungry. I was warned ahead of time that this tends to keep the brain from perceiving fullness (or something to that effect). I noticed this within a few days of starting Depakote but continued taking it because I didn't have many other options at the time. The weight gain created an entirely new aspect of depression. Just something to keep in mind if you're just starting it and weight gain is an issue."

"I recently found out I was bipolar 2 at the age of 24. I was 16 getting panic attacks, didn't think anything of it. Finally, I started getting more stress as I got older. I was on an antidepressant for 4 years not knowing I was bipolar. Someone who is bipolar should not just take an antidepressant because it will just put them into mania. That is what was happening to me. I checked myself into the hospital for intrusive thoughts. I'm not depressed, I don't want to hurt anyone or myself, but didn't know why these thoughts were coming so often. I also suffer from severe anxiety. I now take 40mg of Prozac, 500mg of Depakote, and 0.5mg of Ativan twice a day. My medicines are starting to work wonders for me. I'm me again!"

"I'm on Depakote 250mg in the morning and 500mg at night. I am also on olanzapine 5mg and fluoxetine 20mg, which works wonders together. I have bipolar, and while on Depakote, suffered a bad spell of depression, so was put on fluoxetine, which has changed my life. I'm such a happier, calmer person now."

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  • Drug class: fatty acid derivative anticonvulsants
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  • En español

Patient resources

  • Depakote drug information
  • Depakote (Divalproex Long-Acting Tablets)
  • Depakote (Divalproex Sprinkle Capsules)

Professional resources

  • Depakote prescribing information

Other formulations

  • Depakote ER
  • Depakote Sprinkles

Related treatment guides

  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Mania
  • Migraine Prevention
  • Seizures
  • Epilepsy