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Generic Name: Dificid (fidaxomicin)

Dificid Reviews

For Clostridioides difficile Infection "I have been on the medicine for 6 days with 4 more to go, but I am already 99 percent better. I just hope the next test is negative, because NO WAY can I pay for another round of it. I have had no side effects, but I had been ill long enough that I am still pretty weak but improving EVERY DAY! Thanks to DIFICID 200 mg 2 x a day!"

For Clostridioides difficile Infection "Had c diff for over six months. So angry because the pharmacy didn’t tell me to take a probiotic when I was prescribed an antibiotic. The medical field needs to do better on educating people on the dangers antibiotics can have on the body. Anyway, I was diagnosed in September with c diff, took Flagyl, thought I was fine, relapsed 4 days later. I was then prescribed Vanco, had horrible side effects, nothing really seemed to be getting better while on it. Then I relapsed 2 weeks after that. Saw my GI doctor, had to live with c diff for 2 weeks without meds because my primary wouldn’t treat me. Thankfully he knew what to do. He prescribed me Dificid and told me to take probiotics with it. Took it for 10 days, it’s been 3 weeks, feeling so much better, my stomach gurgle is gone, the horrible pain has gone. The anxiety of it returning is still haunting me, but I’m hopeful! I’ve stayed on probiotics and plan to continue for another couple of months. I never want to go through this again!"

For Clostridioides difficile Infection "Been suffering a long time found out I have c diff I took vansomycin then I started having problems again called the doctor got retested and I still had c diff now I'm on dificid. I'm on day 8 and after the second pill of the day I have had lots of side effects gas, burping, severe headache ,severe stomach pain, severe nausea, just feeling completely ill. My stomach is hurting so bad that's what made me write this review I can't wait till it's over and I hope that I get rid of it."

For Clostridioides difficile Infection "My mother-in-law had C. diff for 10 months. Flagyl and vancomycin were given repeatedly, with C. diff returning after a day or two. I found Dificid after doing some research online. It took the doctors 2 months to agree to prescribe it. She took Dificid for 10 days and has been clear of C. diff for a month and has been able to resume her chemo treatments."

For Clostridioides difficile Infection "I was diagnosed with C diff two weeks after ongoing symptoms. I’m an RN and know about the awful side effects of Flagyl and thankfully my insurance covered the Dificid. I usually have every side effect of medications, but I haven’t experienced any unwanted side effects from Dificid. I’ve been taking it for 4 days and after 3 days I was back to my energetic happy self. HIGHLY recommend this medication."

For Clostridioides difficile Infection "I am on my second run with Cdiff! I took Vancomycin the first time for 10 days and it never really cleared my infection up. I have spent 8 times in the ER trying to find out what is wrong with me! The ER tried to give me Vancomycin the second time but I called my gastro doctor and she prescribed Dificid 200mg 2 x a day along with 2 Florasters per day. I am on my third day of the Dificid and have seen some improvement with my bowel movements as I only go now about twice a day and its not diarrhea but its mushy, but I have terrible stomach pain and cramps and gas. I am having a hard time eating anything which I had gotten my appetite back before starting the medicine. I wish I could be one that said I feel like myself again but I am not that one. I hope by day ten of Dificid I will be able to say that."

For Clostridioides difficile Infection "I contracted c-diff from taking clyndamycin for a dental procedure. I had a round of flagyl that did not have an effect on it. After researching, I asked my doctor to prescribe Dificid. She had never prescribed it before but was willing for me to try it. I took it along with Florastor, a specific probiotic effective with c-diff. After 10 days, on the Dificid, everything got back to normal. I did quit taking the probiotic when I finished the Dificid. I highly recommend it!"

For Clostridioides difficile Infection "After three bouts with C. diff over six months, treated each time with vancomycin, doc changed my med to Dificid with fourth occurrence. After two days, I felt marked improvement, but now on day four, I am experiencing gas, belching, abdominal pain, headaches, and fatigue. I take Florastor along with my Dificid. I’m going to stick it out with Dificid, hoping this will be the last time my C. diff recurs."

For Clostridioides difficile Infection "5th time with cdiff! I demanded Dificid. Took 10 days worth. Yes bad stomach pains and was still having mushy stool. I am about 37 days from starting it. Today first formed but soft stool. Had to use miralax last night. Told I have IBS on 3rd cdif do I take bentyl. Will see. Watch what you eat. Still feel worn out."

For Clostridioides difficile Infection "Had to take this med a few times before and it has worked to cure me in the past with one to two courses. Never had much of a problem with it in the past. But this time is is giving me terrible chills and makes me sweat quite a bit. But worse than that, it's caused me to catch an extremely intense cold. Rhinovirus, also known as the common cold has absolutely taken over my sinus passages to the point that I have to blow my nose every ten minutes. It's also allowed rhinovirus to heavily grow in my throat, to the point that I have an intensely sore throat. A sore throat isn't particularly listed in the official prescribing information. But it's listed on various websites as a confirmed side effect. Certain drugs make the human body extraordinarily susceptible to rhinovirus and this must indeed be yet another of those meds.I feel like I have the flu.That's how intense this cold is. So do beware of this.But don't hesitate to take the med.It highly recommended over any other c diff med by far."

For Clostridioides difficile Infection "I took this for 10 days for CDIFF, had a relapse. Then I went on a long taper dose for nearly 3 months. During that time I had alot of abdominal pain, ended up in the ER. Did not feel well the entire time but after 10 months of CDIFF, I was cured"

For Clostridioides difficile Infection "On my second round of Dificid twice a day for 10 days and I'm about 4 days in now and have seen no change at all. You would think a medication costing over $4,200.00 would be a wonder drug...So far I don't see it"

For Clostridioides difficile Infection "This medication is just making everything worse: Stomache, severe abdominal pain like I never felt before it's horrible, I can't eat or drink, vision lost and the list goes on and on. I am on day 7 and I am in the hospital because of these symptoms!!"

For Clostridioides difficile Infection "This drug is poison! I was on it for C-diff and to say that I had severe pains is an understatement! It felt like I was dying! Labor wasn’t this bad. Extreme exhaustion, nauseated, and pain like I’ve never experienced in my life, shooting from my abdomen around to my back and down my thighs. The GI doc wanted me to stay on this with an antispasmodic. No way. I am now getting scheduled for a fecal transplant. This drug is over $4000 and for what?"

For Clostridioides difficile Infection "I have had undefined illness of my gastrointestinal tract for 4 months, because I had a sigmoidoscopy coming up, I just took dicyclomine to deal with the diarrhea till then. I had my gallbladder removed and so bad bowel movements were nothing new. I was told after that I was all fine and I could have some kind of issue with bile, one stool test later, positive for non-toxic c diff. Pain in the butt to get approval from insurance. But I'm on day 2 and the diarrhea has stopped, mine must have been mild."

For Clostridioides difficile Infection "Developed a severe stomachache six days after starting so stopped taking pending call to my doctor. Feels like a severe cramp."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: macrolides
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Dificid drug information

Professional resources

  • Dificid prescribing information
  • Fidaxomicin (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Clostridioides difficile Infection