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Generic Name: Pentasa for Ulcerative Colitis (mesalamine)

Pentasa for Ulcerative Colitis Reviews

"I was first diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 27 years ago. I was put on Pentasa 500mg twice daily. My GP took me off it after 10 years as he felt it was no longer needed. This was a big mistake. I suffered numerous diarrhea occasions over the 5 years I was off it. This then resulted in needing multiple periods on steroids. My consultant put me back on Pentasa then and I've never had to take steroids since. Pentasa has brought normality back into my life. However, I do find I am very prone to picking up infections. I'm not sure if this is linked to the Pentasa or ulcerative colitis. Overall, it has been a lifesaver in that I no longer miss work and can live a normal lifestyle."

"Received a diagnosis last year of ulcerative colitis when I stopped smoking. Two months later, all the symptoms hit: bloated, pains in the stomach, constipation, and lots of blood! I went for a colonoscopy and was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. At first, I was given the rectal foam... I found the process awful, once inserted, you couldn’t move, otherwise it triggered a bowel movement and also caused awful cramps. I then tried the Pentasa tablets, taking 2 a day for 8 weeks now, and what a difference! The bloating and pain in the stomach has gone down loads, bowel movements are more regular, and much less bleeding. I still get the odd niggly feelings and a small amount of blood, so the doctor has recommended upping the dose to 4 a day. So far though, these tablets have massively improved my ulcerative colitis. I’m in the UK and fortunate enough to have the NHS, so I pay £9 for three big boxes. It’s crazy to think people have to pay hundreds for no fault of their own!"

"I was diagnosed with UC in 2018 due to high levels of stress causing serious diarrhea, sharp stomach pain, bloating, and bleeding. I got various tests until the doctors were able to diagnose me with UC. Starting off with steroids for a couple of weeks, I then began taking 4 tablets daily, and the improvements were amazing. I am able to eat any food without any complications. When I find myself stressed out, I do see little flare-ups, but they go away after a day or two max. I would 100% recommend this medication for anyone to try if you have these symptoms due to stress."

"I have had left side colitis since my return from Vietnam in 1970. I have been in and out of the hospital, put on Prednisone so many times, every drug imaginable over the years… Five years ago I had one of my twice yearly bad flares and my Dr. put me on 8 500mg tablets every day. It has been a miracle for me. In remission for 5 years. No side effects. I’m 78 years old, so I have had this a long time. The only negative side is trying to swallow those horse pills… my advice to my fellow sufferers is don’t give up! One last thing… I moved to Costa Rica with my wife 13 years ago. I belong to Caja which is the country's socialized medical system. It covers all the cost of the drug."

"I began taking Pentasa in 1986 when it was still an experimental drug. I have taken over 150,000 250mg capsules! My UC has been in remission for over 25 years now. I still take six 250 mg capsules daily. For me, Pentasa has been a miracle drug, as I wasn't too far from death in the early 1980's. I just wish it was available as a generic. I am now on Medicare, and the prescription part D plans don't pay well. It will cost me hundreds per month."

"Age 37, diagnosed with bad UC at 12, recent years only flares up 2-3 times/year. Currently fighting first bout of the year with pentasa suppositories, taking 1-2/day. Has stopped the bleeding and going less frequently BUT awful headaches (as with Asacol/Salofalk foam enemas). Note to self/others who are sick of drugs: I have found (25 yrs in) that it IS possible to be symptom free if you properly and consistently take care of yourself. This means plenty of rest/sleep, camomile tea/water, gentle exercise, meditation (mindfulness is a cliché/buzzword but there's a lot to it), steamed veggies/rice, avoiding sugar/alcohol/dairy/caffeine (going gluten-free can help some people too) ... I intend to cure myself completely one of these days!!"

"2yrs ago very bad colitis spent 7 days in hospital drugs xrays etc I responded well to drugs and I am now on 3 pentasa in the morning and 3 at night, with no side affects and I do eat any thing I want. At the time I went to hospital I was 74 years old and it came on over a period of 2 months in the end I lived on the toilet I did see a specialist and he send me straight to the hospital he said I was gravely ill .I am good now."

"Stopped smoking 9 years ago, noticed days later l was needing the toilet about 10 times a day lots of blood in the toilet, lost 3 stone, left it for 3 months what a fool, well the doctors thought I'd left it too late and would need a bag, well they where wrong, the strong steroids worked. I'm on pentasa 500 mls in the morning and the same at night, got the powered form the tablets would choke a horse, anyway decided to just have the morning tablets, it worked until last year, when my joint where aching and I couldn't walk, not good when your a landscape gardener, doctor said it inflammatory arthritis, and I will get this if I get a bad colitis flare up so I started steroids. After 5 weeks I'm back to normal, and started taking the pentasa morning and night, as of writing this it looks like I'm going to need another dose of steriods joints are starting to ache again. Ps I've put myself down for a trail new drug at a local hospital in Merseyside, if the drug is better I'll get back on to this forum"

"I was given pentasa 2mgs in sachets after having a bad flare up of colitis. After few months of taking it I started noticing a regular pattern of not being able to sleep, a bad case of restless legs syndrome (unbearable) always at night and partly causing the not sleeping, irregular heartbeats and having already asthma it got much worse. So after going on forums I realised I wasn't the only one. I halved the dose to 1 gr , the symptoms receded but I still know/feel it's not good to take long term and I will start reducing. It also makes me feel constantly tired. On a positive note it really is effective for what it what design to do, stop the bad effects of colitis... It's finding a good balance in the dosage along with a clean nutrition!"

"Got diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis 25 yrs ago and they said I had to have a bag which I refused. Then said you have to go on steroids which I also refused , then I gave up smoking ! Wow 4 months later UC kicked in with a vengeance ended up losing a half glass of blood can honestly say the toilet was my best friend for 4 months ! I plucked up the courage to go to the hospital had a colonoscopy was put on Pentasa 4 tabs a day - bearing in mind I hadn't taken any tablets except Paracetamol occasionally, I put on too much weight which I didn't like that ! So it was decided that I cut down to 2 tabs a day, anyway still didn't feel right so I went to the chemist and showed my belly he gave me water tabs said take 1 a day so off I went next morning I couldn't believe it I had a half solid stool ! I thought that's odd ! Now for 2 weeks I'm doing great 1 Pentasa tab and 1 water tablet and my weight is levelling off and my stools are normal ! My experience maybe not good for everybody !"

"I just was diagnosed with UC recently. My doctor has me on 1g 4 times a day. Everything was going great for the first couple weeks. No immediate need. Normal looking stools and no blood. After the first 2 weeks however the bleeding has come back and I'm using the toilet more than ever. Will be reaching out to my doctor to see if we are over dosing."

"Pentasa has been a lifesaver. I have been taking it for 23 years with no side effects and have been in remission for 12 years. Pentasa is extremely expensive but works as a maintenance for UC. Now, I am forced to look for an alternative due to costs."

"This drug made my colitis worst... more flare ups and extreme pain... I do not recommend this for ulcerative colitis"

"Pentasa works good for me but I have to follow diet of no fat, no acidic no spices, no outside food ."

"Newly diagnosed, but this has really helped me feel normal again. So far so good. I do struggle with the amount of pills needed though - right now I'm taking 4 in the morning and 4 at night."

"Taken to curb a flare up. I’d had UC before about 7 yrs ago and no problem until now (2022). I was on the loo ten times a day until I went back on Pentasa"

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: 5-aminosalicylates
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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  • Pentasa prescribing information
  • Mesalamine (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Crohn's Disease, Maintenance
  • Ulcerative Colitis, Maintenance
  • Ulcerative Colitis, Active
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  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis