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Generic Name: Nostrilla (oxymetazoline-nasal)

Nostrilla Reviews

For Nasal Congestion "Very effective in enabling me to breathe through my nose. But is very easy to get hooked on this spray. I went for 30 months using this medication. Had to quit cold turkey. Took me almost 2 weeks to get my nasal passages back. Very effective, but beware: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES USE MORE THAN FOR THE RECOMMENDED PERIOD OF TIME."

For Nasal Congestion "I will never buy this product AGAIN. I could not figure out how to get the ridiculously-designed pump to WORK. Most nasal sprays have a simple screw cap. Not this one. Thew it in the GARBAGE. Worst waste of money in a long time."

For Nasal Congestion "I've used this product for about 15 years, as I have chronic nasal congestion at night. I would have given it a 9 until the new bottle design, which is so HORRIBLE I have to give it a 2. I love your product. It would be nice if I could still use it. The cap is wayy too hard to wrestle off for people who don't have great hand dexterity, and that whole "line up the tiny white plastic groove with the other tiny white plastic groove" thing is awful. I need to be able to use it in the dark without waking up my spouse. I will switch to another brand if I must."

For Nasal Congestion "Don't buy! The bottle is freakin' impossible to open especially when you can't breathe and all you want is relief. Tried everything to get lid off. Eventually I got it off with my teeth as this was only way I could keep the bottom half from turning as I twisted lid. I still ended up with medicine in my mouth because leaked while I was trying to turn lid off. Most stupid design ever, go with a different brand, trust me!"

For Nasal Congestion "Wish I did listen what others said after reviewing their experiences. Can't even open it and I don't think so I am dumb lol. So this is just in regard to their useless container. I also broke the container and applied to my kids nose which he woke me up in the middle of the night saying that his nose burn. Stay away this product but if you don't listen, be my hero to open the container as well as burn your nose."

For Nasal Congestion "This stuff is easily the best nose spray I've used. However, the cap is nearly impossible to open. Part of the problem is the base (trigger) moves while you are trying to remove the cap when you first open it. You also need a strong grip to squeeze the sides as directed on the cap to remove it. Highly recommended, but you will spend some time trying to open it when you use it for the first time."

For Nasal Congestion "I suffer from terrible allergies and my Dad purchased this product for me & I ran with it for a good 8 years solid. Like clockwork, every 12 hours my nose would start to get stuffy and I would NEED my nostrilla. My friends actually joke about it a lot now that I don’t need it. Definitely an addictive product. Amazing! But addictive. I almost had to retrain my nose to clear on its own for a while (which we all know is miserable). So please, enjoy as we all did/do, just don’t go longer than needed."

For Nasal Congestion "This is the only nasal spray that I've used over the last 25 years. I hope the product never gets discontinued. It is effective with minimal side effects. I don't leave home without it - ever. It's a good product. As with all nasal sprays, overuse will get you addicted. Just use it twice a day as directed and it will be effective."

For Nasal Congestion "I have been using NOSTRILLA since the 80s, through all of the formula changes. This last "New Formula Fast Relief" formula change added Polyethylene glycol, and with the addition of this my hair has started to fall out again and the area around my nose is very itchy. This did not happen with the "Original Formula Fast Relief". I wish they would go back to the most current "Original" formula!"

For Nasal Congestion "This is by far the BEST nose spray I have ever used. Anytime I get a stuffed nose, Nostrilla knocks the snot right out of me! I will always use Nostrilla and I will recommend it to anyone for a stuffy nose because of a cold or sinuses! Its AMAZING."

For Nasal Congestion "Nostrillla nasal spray pump is very useful for nasal congestion, but the bottle it comes in has become increasingly difficult to use. When Nostrilla changed their spray bottle in early 2016, it took a bit of maneuvering to open, but I managed. Now this new sprayer bottle from early 2019 is impossible for me to open. I purchased the newest Afrin spray and their new sprayer bottle is just a tad harder to open than last year's model, but I manage it. Why are these people making sprayer bottles like breaking into Fort Knox? Now I may have to switch to Afrin in the near future, because I can't open the newest Nostrilla bottle."

For Nasal Congestion "I have tried many of the other brands. Nostrilia works much better for me than the more expensive other brands."

For Nasal Congestion "The nasal spray is very effective and not harsh. However, I do NOT like the new pump spray bottle at all."

For Nasal Congestion "First they change the formula so it burns, then they make the bottle cap impossible to open. My devotion to this effective product is being sorely tested. I still can't get the bottle open."

More about Nostrilla (oxymetazoline nasal)

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  • Reviews (14)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: nasal antihistamines and decongestants
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Nostrilla drug information
  • Nostrilla (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Afrin, Afrin Original, Zicam Sinus Relief, Afrin NoDrip Severe Congestion, ... +25 more

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Other brands

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Related treatment guides

  • Nasal Congestion