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Generic Name: Dilaudid-HP (hydromorphone)

Dilaudid-HP Reviews

For Chronic Pain "Given instead of Oxycodone was told it is much stronger/potent since I started requiring higher doses because my body became use to the dose. Did not help me made me nauseous and gave me a headache. I get the whole government trying to crack down on opiate abuse but for those of us that live in constant intolerable pain it is an endless battle to get pain relief wether it's from DR ,Insurance Companies , pharmaceutical companies manufacturing bad generics that don't work sometimes I feel it would be easier to well you can image"

For Anesthetic Adjunct "For years whenever I had surgery, minor or major, I would be very very sick afterwards as in vomiting for hours and having to be hospitalized after minor out patient procedures . An anesthesiologist figured out that Dilaudid might be the answer . Bless him for that discovery. I have not been sick since."

For Pain "It was administered in the lowest dosage for post-op pain. No side effects and very effective. Motrin, Tylenol and other OTC pain relief is lacking compared to this. Morphine IMO is not even clo se to effective..I have a low tolerance for pain (distracting at the least). I have a hard time understanding why proven pain meds are so restricted when very low doses are twice as effective long term over generic, higher dose, low effect pain meds.Given a choice, this has been the best chronic pain relief I have experienced. Demerol was discontinued for inpatient use by Morphine..go figure."

For Pain "Twice within a calendar year I was admitted to the ER with gastric distress, accompanied with nausea. Dilaudid was used the first time, the pain went quickly away and my nausea stopped. The second time I was given morphine, but it did not work. I asked for Dilaudid specifically. It was given. The pain and nausea went away. I was able to rest/sleep, and after a couple of hours I felt fine, and played golf the next day. For information, alcohol was involved with the first episode but not the last."

For Anesthetic Adjunct "The only medication that works towards a quality of life that is good with no side effects! I have had chronic pain for multiple reasons including cancer. Thank you to my Doctor for understanding and finding the pain relief that is right for me!"

For Pain "I have many years experience on both the patient and as care giver. Dilaudid is an excellent chronic and acute pain medication. Well tolerated and easily adjustible. All around I give it a score of 9 out of 10."

For Chronic Pain "I had surgery that was out patient but was put under general anesthesia which to me means it is serious. Vicodin does not work 4 me. I am allergic to Percocet. I specifically asked for DEMEROL. My doctor gave me Dilaudid. THE WORST!!! Nausea, Lightheaded, no pain relief or positive effects but he claimed it was stronger therefore should be better. I'm not a Dr. BUT I know what works on MY BODY. He could have just given me a smaller Dosage of Demerol. Instead of 30 that don't work, I would have taken 12 that do."

For Pain "it's very a good medication to relief the pain."

For Pain "Pain management is moderate. Side effects are awful. Dizzines, nausea and feeling of floating and not being present. "

More about Dilaudid-HP (hydromorphone)

  • Check interactions
  • Compare alternatives
  • Latest FDA alerts (11)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Dilaudid-HP advanced reading
  • Dilaudid-HP

Other brands

Exalgo, Palladone

Professional resources

  • Dilaudid-HP prescribing information
  • Hydromorphone Hydrochloride (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Exalgo, Palladone

Other formulations

  • Dilaudid

Related treatment guides

  • Pain
  • Anesthetic Adjunct
  • Chronic Pain