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Generic Name: Norgestimate and Ethinyl Estradiol Tablets-Triphasic Regimen

Brand Name: Tri-Sprintec

Tri-Sprintec Drug and Medication User Reviews

Started taking this kind of birth control recommended by my gynecologist. 4 days in i started vomiting for 3 days straight. Went to a doctor and had told me that the pill was making me feel sick. Currently changed to another birth control hoping it doesn't make me feel sick in any way. I just want to have less painful period and protect myself from pregnancy.

I have been taking Tri-Sprintec for 2 weeks now, and I have had no side effects at all so far, aside from breast tenderness. The bad reviews on here scared me, but after trying it I can say that it is worth a try. It is also very inexpensive, and I don't have insurance.

I have been taking it for one year exact, and even though I took it at the same time every day I still got pregnant.

At first, it was great. No acne, bigger boobs… until the mental issues kicked in. I’ve been on this pill for over a year, and I’ve never cried so much in my entire life. I constantly cried, doubted myself, hated everything, and felt a sense of overall dread all of the time, no matter the pill being taken. I’ve tried therapy, hobbies, and being with friends… but this pill literally just made me dread every single thing and almost cost me my relationship. I was constantly doubting myself and coming to the conclusion that Im not good enough… which just isn’t a good thing to go through after multiple months. To summarize, this pill made me feel like I was literally going CRAZY. As far as effectiveness goes, 10/10… but personally, this pill impacted my mental health way too much to stay on it.

Headaches, nausea, gas, breast tenderness, and high anxiety for absolutely no reason at all.

After taking this medication i now have nerve damage paralysis poor blood flow. Started out severe pain then i collasped unable to walk loss of cordination balance walking dr placed me on this after + utrasound early gest . i miscarried caused birth defects. To unborn children im in physical therapy but the nerve damage is so bad its not guaranteed ill walk right again nor swim or run ever gain never again will i use this medication or any other birth control also had spinal stroke while taking this it ruined my life

This pill has helped me stay from getting pregnant and kept my period regular but omg this pill will make you so moody and depressed. Not to mention all the headaches it gives you and how sick it makes you feel.

I went on this birth control about a year ago and I noticed no changes about my self in the first couple months then i started feeling extremely numb?? i am not depressed i feel like i have no emotion. I also have gotten 2 yeast infections from this birth control which are EXTREMELY painful.

A genuine review from an 18 year old girl. This is a fine birth control for preventing pregnancy. I’ve been using it for about a year now and have been fairly satisfied. I’ll go ahead and make a pro/con list here to show my experience. Keep in mind everyone’s experiences are different since we all have different genetics. Pros: Acne free - I had horrible cystic acne before I took Tri-Sprintec. After three months of use my face had cleared up entirely, including my black heads! Easy to use and painless- just take your pill on time girl it’s not THAT hard. It’s a lot better then getting stuck by a needle, having something shoved up your vagina, or stuffing something up your arm. Also they’re easy to hide. Light Periods- After a year of use I have established a 4 day period with light and mild cramps. Much more pleasant than my periods before taking Tri Sprintec. No weight gain- I have actually decreased in weight after taking Tri-Sprintec with little to no dieting or exercise. I am a little active but I don’t hit the gym. My weight when I started was 155lbs and now after a year I am at 143lbs and it continues to decrease. Good pregnancy protection- I’m gonna be honest. My boyfriend and I have had unprotected sex with no pulling out multiple times while on this birth control and I have not gotten pregnant. This is thanks to the norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol that prevents the release of an egg. Keep in mind, I try to stay on a perfect schedule, taking my pill at the EXACT same time every day forever. Which is a responsibility you take one once you get these pills. If you don’t take them perfectly I do not recommend unprotected sex. Although I try to stay perfect I have still missed a few days, no sweat! Just take your missed pill as soon as you remember and practice safe sex for seven days. Time for the Cons! Cons: Mild hair loss- I’m gonna be honest, my first three months of taking Tri Sprintec I kept losing hair. Not like clumps, and I’m not bald. But every time I was in the shower I ended up picking my hair out of the drain. I still have a full head of healthy hair though. However I have noticed a slight thinning where I part my hair. Lubrication issues- Often my boyfriend and I have to use a secondary lubricant due to the lack of natural lubrication. It’s not a big issue, but it is difficult to fully self lubricate enough to have comfortable sex. Numbness- After taking Tri Sprintec I have undergone random sprees of total numbness. I lack empathy and am totally apathetic to everything. I think that’s depression, but I don’t feel sad, I just feel numb. It’s not all the time though and I’ve been quite happy for like a straight month. Poor Nail growth- This one isn’t major, but my nails don’t grow very fast anymore. They used to grow crazy fast but now it takes forever for them to grow out. That’s all the cons I could think of, really it is a GREAT birth control. If you can dedicate yourself to taking it at the same time every single day you will be healthy AND protected from pregnancy. Thankyou, Hailey

I began taking this medication after coming off an implant. This decision was the worst decision. The side effects were worst than the implant. I gained about 30 lbs in about 4 months while continuing to be super active as I have always been. Overall, I did not feel like myself. I did not suffer from any depression or mood changes, but the weight was too much for me.

I used to take tri sprintec years ago before having my daughter. I started tri sprintec again last month. I had the worst flu like symptoms after taking it right away. I had on and off nausea, no appetite, moody, bloated for about 1-2 weeks. After that i felt great. Hoping it will help with my hormonal acne but so far haven’t seen much improvement. It’s only been 4 weeks though.

I have been on this birth control for about 3 years now and I use to be 125 pounds and since being on the pill I am now 180 pounds. It has made me super moody and depressed but I never got acne from it and it regulated my period very well until I tried skipping the sugar pill to skip my period and now my period is all over the place and is just very wonky and painful. It’s probably my fault but it still is ugh lol.

I was on this pill for about 10 years. I had extremely regular periods every month. (Started on Wednesday during the sugar pill and ended by Saturday night). I didn’t have any weight gain, no symptoms, I wasn’t emotional or have cramps during my period. And my period was extremely light. The few days I had it every month was easy and light. I genuinely enjoyed the pill, but went off it after the 10 year mark just in case the theory of effectiveness being reduced after 10 years was true. I was sexually active throughout the 10 years and never had a pregnancy scare. I highly recommend.

I am not sure if anyone else started to feel numb and a tingly feeling throughout their whole body I just started taking this pill yesterday and I am just now coming off my depo shot so I’m also not sure if that’s a side effect problem as well can someone please give me an answer ??

I am in my second set of this birth control and I am feeling the side effects of my body getting used to the pill. I used to take ortho tricyclen awhile back but I am having bloating, irregular spotting, and brest tenderness. I hope this dissipates.

I don't like the packaging I miss when it was round that made it so much easier but by it being rectangular I accidentally keep taking the wrong week of pills

The birth control itself is extremely effective, however it has caused me to get cystic acne which I have never dealt with in my life until now. The first month wasn't too bad as all I had was more frequent mood swings but as I have just finished my second pack my acne has increasingly gotten worse. I know it would take at least 4-6 months for my skin to become more clear as my body is still adjusting. However, my acne has only gotten worse destroying my confidence. I am currently on the placebo week of the 2nd pack deciding if I want to continue or find a new birth control

I took Trinessa for about 10 years and never had any side effects that I noticed. It got discontinued on 10/2018 at Walgreen's pharmacy. They gave me the generic they said "Tri Sprintec" I was a bit nervous switching, but they assured me it was the same no difference. After about 2 weeks of taking it I felt a little irritable. My Mother and sister both told me I was having big mood swings. This went away after 2 months. Since October of 2018 I have put on about 15-20 pounds. In the last year I have been eating less and activity level is the same. My bra size also went up 2 cup sizes. My stomach and breast area is always very swollen feeling. I'm not sure if it has to do with this birth control. I'm hoping because there is no reason that would explain all of this. I had read other reviews similar, I wish I would have thought about this sooner even though they say you shouldn't gain weight. We will see I'm stopping it immediately! I really hope I start losing weight and bloating! =(

I love this pill because birthcontrol-wise it does the deed, my periods are short-lived & I don't have any mood swings. HOWEVER, I have gained 15 lbs. around 4-5 months into using the pill, and no it's not me overeating and blaming the pill. My appetite is the same, my moods are the same, my food habits & amounts are the same, I actually have a more physically demanding job now yet I'm still the heaviest I've ever been. Aside from that, sometimes my sexual drive will disappear completely every so often.

I’ve been on it for a month and a week only cons I have are super dry mouth and my lips in turn are dry, sex drive very high other than that I haven’t experienced anything and it’s cleared up my skin as well