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Generic Name: Diprivan (propofol)

Diprivan Reviews

For Anesthesia "I had foot surgery in '09. This was my very first surgery ever. I had never been put to sleep my entire life. I was given Diprivan (propofol) as the anesthetic. I would have to say that if I ever needed another surgery, I would request this anesthesia. It was wonderful. I remember absolutely nothing about the surgery at all, and it felt like it took like 2 minutes. However, I remember the anesthetist saying one of the side effects was I was going to feel rushed or in a hurry when I woke up. I had the complete opposite effect. I was nice and comfy in my wheelchair and wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon, apparently. I was in a very happy place. I would recommend this to anyone very apprehensive or nervous about any kind of surgery."

For Anesthesia "I had my first screening colonoscopy with propofol. I was out within a few seconds of the administration of it. I woke up after 30 minutes with no side effects. I was up and around within an hour and I had a normal meal after. I did feel unusually 'high' or happy afterward, I don't know if it was the propofol or the good results of the colonoscopy."

For Anesthesia "I was given this drug in 2012/ I've been experiencing dementia stages, delirium eight weeks post surgery. Then again dementia stages within a year, then again dementia stages with two days of delirium. Then I had another episode about 3 to 5 Day dementia like symptoms. 2016, I was experiencing dementia symptoms seven days straight, then was found on the seventh day and delirium stage hospitalized, drug culture came back with no drugs in my system. There are told to put me in restraints never Happened my family was holding me down, two security guards on my feet, and then a nurse came in said I was spitting, she came down on me with an elbow knocking out my top teeth bottom tooth on the left side of my jaw! I need help and answers. Many others out there. No help from no one, doctors neurologists etc. do not want to address the issue."

For Anesthesia "Diprivan was successfully used to anesthetize me for a minor procedure lasting 5-10 minutes. It worked beautifully. I don't remember a thing, and 'waking up' was actually pleasant. No side effects - it wore off quickly, and I was running errands within hours. (Probably shouldn't have, but I was able to). I would recommend this drug to my friends."

For Anesthesia "I am a fifty-year-old female getting a colonoscopy for the very first time, and the doctors used this drug to 'put me under,' and it was the greatest feeling ever. This is the way to go for all needing to get this procedure done!!!"

For Anesthesia "I was given Diprivan as an anesthetic during a recent breast lumpectomy. Apart from some post-anesthetic shivering in recovery (nurses gave me a pre-warmed blanket, which worked well), I had absolutely no side effects. Woke feeling bright, alert, and hungry. My anesthetist agreed it is her anesthetic of choice."

For Anesthesia "I recently went under the knife for gross in my nasal pharynx. The anesthesiologist went through all of my allergy list and propofol was one of them gas was another. I told him if anything is on the list that he wanted to use he couldn’t because I was severely allergic to them. He asked me what kind of allergies I had with them and I told him they cause seizures they cause tremors they make me throw up and I can’t eat or drink for days on end . It causes depression and causes many aspects to where I don’t want to relive. I am now writing up a case history for the administration of surgical anesthesiologists. Most anesthesiologist are supposed to go by your allergy sheet I’ve had two instances to where they did not. I am tired of having surgeries if I have to have another one I will never have another one. I have now had multiple blood tests because of bacterial contamination and blood poisoning from this medication it has caused me nothing but pain"

For Anesthesia "we used regularly in ICU, very few side effects, patients fell asleep quickly & returned to alertness quickly. Dosage needs varied between patients. We also used for what is called 'conscious sedation' for out patient procedures. Again dosage needs do vary between people and it is not just height and weight. It takes an experienced practitioner to use in conscious sedation. I worked in the ICU for 7 years. I had for upper endoscopy w/o side effects during or after procedure."

For Anesthesia "I had a minor procedure done to remove a piece of food that stuck in my throat. I also am on the fentanyl patch for the last 10 yrs for my constant pain. After about 2-3 minutes the first shot didn't have any effect on me. I was not sleepy at all. To make a long story short because of my pain management medicines they had to give me 4 shots to put me under."

For Anesthesia "My pain doctor gave me 12 shots in my cervical spinal nerve roots. He used this on me - after a couple of minutes then up to five minutes (according to him) I still was fully conscious and alert. I told him this and I told him that I didn't think the medicine was working on me. He decided to start the injections and after the first injection (6" needle) I screamed and told him I could feel the the entire pain effects from the first shot. The anesthetist said he would give me a second dose (did he? I don't really know) and then we waited for a few minutes - he gave me a second shot - and I told him I was still fully alert and the medicine wasn't working."

For Anesthesia "I have a psuedocholonesterase Def. (allergic to normal anesthesia). I had a laparoscopic procedure done while under Diprivan and had no side effects from this. Psuedocholonesterase Def. can be deadly so check this out as an option."

For Anesthesia "I had Diprivan recently for carpal tunnel release surgery. The only bad side effect I had was a minor sore throat the next day. Also, it slowed my bowel movements for the 2 days after surgery, but I suspect that most general anesthetics do this."

For Anesthesia "Looked forward to having administered felt completely refreshed on waking as if had slept solid 8 hour in 15 min. Lately, having difficult breathing, waking, and low oxygen saturation after surgery sometime overlooked by nurses. Have severe headache and disorientation afterward lasting several days requiring absence from work. Don't know if cheap generic is being substituted that is not pure and cut with something else or different supplier due to pandemic."

For Anesthesia "I had Diprivan for a colonoscopy. I was out instantly, and the procedure was completely painless. I woke up very quickly afterwards and felt great. I would recommend Diprivan for colonoscopy!"

For Anesthesia "I received propofol today for a colonoscopy, and it worked wonderfully. I was very worried, as past anesthetics caused severe nausea afterwards, but no side effects at all with this drug."

For Anesthesia "I have had propofol forced on me for several procedures and surgeries. It has permanently damaged my long term and short term memory especially when combination of Fentanyl. It's a horrible drug."

For Anesthesia "No problem with Diprivan sedation. I didn't remember a thing and was unaware of any time passing during my surgery."

For Anesthesia "Did not even notice initial administration of this drug. Woke up feeling perfectly fine."

For Anesthesia "Had Diprivan for a colonoscopy. Woke up feeding normal without any drowsiness. Highly recommend."

"I was given Diprivan at the start of a colonoscopy. It worked very quickly and I awoke to no side effects."

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  • Reviews (20)
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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: general anesthetics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Diprivan drug information

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Professional resources

  • Diprivan prescribing information
  • Propofol (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Anesthesia