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Generic Name: Dostinex (cabergoline)

Dostinex Reviews

For Hyperprolactinemia "Taking Dostinex (UK). Prolactin levels prior were 29,000! Now around 300 after 5 months. 0.5 mg tablet taken in two doses (half tablet a week). Pituitary has shrunk, no face ache on laying down, nose/sinus is not blocked now. Had extreme sexual desire, thinking about sex 24/7, a bit better now. Having virtual reality dreams, like LSD effects. Feel like a 20-year-old male (I'm 64), like a teenager again! Having a lot of memories coming back from years ago. Wife feels like my girlfriend instead, like I'm young again. Going swimming now. She says I'm like Jekyll and Hyde, odd moods. Pituitary team Monday, so hopefully can stop it."

For Hyperprolactinemia "I've used Dostinex for years now to treat high prolactin hormone levels. When I was younger, they had me take Propranolol, which made me so sick to my stomach! Dostinex has really no side effects that I've experienced, and I only have to take it twice a week!"

For Hyperprolactinemia "Three months ago, I have used Dostinex for 4 weeks, two times a week, half a pill, so one pill a week! Before I started to use Dostinex, my prolactin level was 589! After I used it for 4 weeks, my prolactin level dropped down to 36. I was stupid, I guess, and I stopped using it. Now I am back on Dostinex again because my prolactin level went up to 600. Please, if you are using Dostinex, regularly check with your doctor. That is my strong advice: don't be stupid like I was. Dostinex helped me with my prolactin. Thank you all."

For Hyperprolactinemia "This drug reduced my prolactin levels really quick. I did not have a visible prolactinoma on my MRI, but my doctor suspected it was really small. After 2 months, my prolactin levels decreased from 2000 to 150. In the first month, I felt a bit dizzy and wanted to sleep a lot more than usual (I had a few cat naps, which is heaps out of character for me - I never usually sleep during the day). This went away after about a month, and I generally feel fine taking Dostinex. I've been taking it for about 6 months now. I recommend you give it a go!"

For Hyperprolactinemia "I have been taking dostinex/cabergoline for 14 years. The main constant side effect is headaches. It feels like an ice pick is stabbing me in my head for a couple of seconds and then it goes away just as quickly as it started. It only happens maybe a couple times a month. I also find I get tired more easily and sometimes need to rest during the day. in addition, my vision has worsened. I stopped the medicine for about a year now and I'm getting dizzy quite often lately and my vision is worse. I fear my tumor has grown and need to see my endocrinologist again. God bless all"

For Hyperprolactinemia "Before I was using parlodel which is the same medicine for reducing prolactin. My prolactin is 49 and facing irregular periods. Previously I faced horrible side effects but with dostinex I am very happy no side effects just feel sleepy some time."

For Hyperprolactinemia "I used dostinex 2 years ago for a few months. I had nausea and vomiting the first few days, but I continued taking it for a year and the side affects went away. My prolactin went from just over 200 down to 94. It also helped me to lose weight. I had to stop taking it because it was too expensive. I started taking it again 2 weeks ago and the only side affect I have is mild headaches."

For Hyperprolactinemia "i just started dostinex , it is my second week and the side effects are headaches and dizziness, I feel sick as ever, I did not get sleep, it is better to take it with meal at night to get less side effects. My prolactin was 77.4 waiting for next week to see if it decreases . I used parlodel 5 years ago but I stopped because of side effects and it has not decrease my prolactin, .So far dostinex is better"

For Hyperprolactinemia "After getting nauseated and not being able to function well on the other 2 Dopa agonists I tried, No nausea and no noticeable dizziness on this. Immediately upon starting cabergoline, I slept like A BABY. It was a very noticeable change. Then after a few months, I became an insomniac. The other persistent things were that I developed a stuffy nose when my dose was due and for about a day after taking it (every 4 days). I was also more tired the day after I took it (always at night). A good side effect was being able to drink very little with full effect. My temper was better than it was prior. It may have boosted my libido slightly. Eventually got my dose down to about an eighth of a pill, then a couple of months ago I lost my bottle. Withdrawal was sleeping incredibly poorly for about 4-5 nights. I’m not lactating, as I did every time when stopping it over the years, so maybe middle age is working for me. Cheaper in Canada, but recommend you get brand Dostinex only."

For Hyperprolactinemia "I am 30 years old and taking Dostinex for the last 13 years since I was diagnosed with macroadenoma. The first years I was taking 1mg weekly and the last years only the half dose - 0,5mg per week. What is really negative about Dostinex is its high price. I would like to inform users that I buy it from Bulgaria where the price is 4 times cheaper than in Cyprus (17 EUR per 8 tablets). In regards to the side effects, I used to have depressions and changes in the mood but I think is impossible to know if it comes from Dostinex or not. I wouldn't say there are strong negative side effects on me. I can easily concentrate and memorize. I have heard Dostinex is known to stimulate concentration and develop motor skills. I don't encourage nobody to take it without reason, but I believe beside negative there are positive side effects as well."

For Hyperprolactinemia "I used it for almost a year, for the treatment of prolactinoma. After six months I did an MRI and the tumor is smaller but the effects are terrible, fatigue, sick stomach, foggy mind, depression I do not know what to say. I am very tired, I do not know how it will go like this. Next month I have a appointment with my endo and I will say that I cant use it anymore"

For Hyperprolactinemia "Avoid this drug at all costs! I took it to bring down my prolactin levels which it did but I had some extreme side effects. Severe depression, fatigue, lack of motivation just to name a few."

For Hyperprolactinemia "Ive been taking Cabergoline for 7 years and it has helped keep my prolactin level normal. I can take it anytime of the day and it doesnt bother my stomach, i do get dizzy easier on this medicine."

For Hyperprolactinemia "My mood change in a blink, felt so happy in a while then I will feel depressed again... It made me feel tired during the day."

For Hyperprolactinemia "I'm being optimistic about dostinex, I hope it really does work for me. I have side effects like blocked nose and severe arm aches. Can't wait to be totally free."

For Hyperprolactinemia "good drug for dysreflexy in spinal cord injurieds"

For Hyperprolactinemia "Pituitary tumor diagnosed at 19 yrs . Used bromacriptine for many years worst side effects ever. 33 years later happy on dostiex thanks."

For Hyperprolactinemia "I was told this drug would fix my symptoms in 12 months but I had to take it for almost 10 years and my hormone levels fluctuated greatly over that time."

More about Dostinex (cabergoline)

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  • Reviews (18)
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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: prolactin inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Dostinex advanced reading

Professional resources

  • Dostinex prescribing information
  • Cabergoline (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Hyperprolactinemia