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Generic Name: Doxepin for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (doxepin)

Doxepin for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Reviews

"I have battled stomach pains so bad it sent me to the ER. Tests were run and always the same thing, liver enzymes up off the chart or sugar levels not right, white blood cell extremely high, but by the next morning everything was back to normal. Sometimes I didn't eat for a day or even weeks. I suffered for 13 years without any doctor saying a word about irritable bowel syndrome. I was the one that took it to my doctor and he put me on doxepin. Within 24 hours, I felt like a new person, can eat a normal diet and go where I want and live life again. Started with 25mg and only because it made me drowsy the second month I went to 10 mg. I love it! Thank You."

"I have had IBS-D my entire life. Would get extremely sick as a kid and lose a lot of weight in short periods of time. The pain is sometimes unbearable at times. Nothing helped but to not eat for a few days. I've tried lots of different meds. Was put on this one for insomnia and wham, it fixed my IBS in one dose. 10 mg dose. I now poop like a normal person and can go out and not worry about where the bathroom is all the time."

"I was diagnosed with IBS just a few weeks ago, it has been so very depressing. I love to cook and eat, I cook lot and make jam every season. This has not made me feel good, pain and all the rest went with it. I went back on my anti-depressant DOXEPIN 50mg. for my depression, and I have been so much better with this IBS, it was really just by accident that I started taking my Doxepin again. Thank you so much, I had so much trouble with my stomach since September 2019, I hope I continue to get better."

"I was prescribed 10mg of Doxepin for IBS-C (on top of the 100mg of Zoloft I was already taken for depression). This has, for the most part, given me my life back. I'm barely in any pain, and my bowel movements have gone back to a normal schedule with complete evacuation, which is unheard of, considering I tried Linzess with no effect whatsoever. The only downside is I am EXHAUSTED day in and day out and feel like a zombie; so it makes it difficult to get through the day without feeling like I'm going to fall over; but it's way better than living in pain!"

"Had symptoms of IBS D for years, after a bout with a bad colon infection. Following many tests, medication trials that all failed, a great GI specialist suggested doxepin, it was a miracle. Try it, it's cheap, few side effects, and it's effective!"

"After 10 years of IBS, I had a normal poop today morning. 10 years of IBS, pain. went to 100 different useless doctors, a lot of medication. Then a specialist recommended doxepin to my friend who had same symptoms. I then asked for some too and last night took one 10 mg doxepin and miracle happened. Gas went out easily and at morning normal bowl movement."

"I took 1 yesterday approx 11am (I work nights). It's 18:22 now & I'm still exhausted. Slept all day, night and today. I also had nightmares! HORRIBLE!! I'll NEVER take this again."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: miscellaneous anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Doxepin capsules, oral concentrate drug information
  • Doxepin (Oral) (Advanced Reading)
  • Doxepin Tablets
  • Doxepin Capsules
  • Doxepin Oral Concentrate

Other brands

Sinequan, Silenor

Professional resources

  • Doxepin monograph
  • Doxepin (FDA)
  • Doxepin Capsules (FDA)
  • Doxepin Oral Solution Concentrate (FDA)
  • Doxepin Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Sinequan, Silenor

Related treatment guides

  • Insomnia
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Anxiety
  • Depression