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Generic Name: Sudafed 12-Hour (pseudoephedrine)

Sudafed 12-Hour Reviews

For Nasal Congestion "If you have any sort of history of anxiety or panic attacks I strongly suggest reconsidering taking this medication. It kept my sinuses clear but it made my heart rate skyrocket, kept me from sleeping, and made me feel like I was constantly having a panic attack. If you are like I was and you took this and you are now reading reviews desperately trying to figure out if you are losing your mind- you aren't. Stop taking the medication and give it a couple days to return to normal. My doctor prescribed a small dose of a beta blocker (propranolol) for a couple days to help with the fast heart rate and it worked amazingly to help to get it under control. After about a week I'd say I was completely back to normal. If you are sensitive to stimulants (ex. caffeine) or have anxiety/panic attacks I would try not to take this medication unless absolutely necessary and be prepared for the side effects."

For Nasal Congestion "120mg of pseudoephedrine in one tablet is quite a lot and to be honest I needed to have a valium just to stop the jitters and extreme energy this tablet packs - I'm from Australia where codeine is sold over the counter and you can still get 120mg of pseudo in a tablet and it was definitely a case of the pharmacist making me out to be a criminal out to make meth....HOWEVER. IT WORKS!!!!! amazingly. Absolutely no congestion, I could breathe well and I had no issues with a runny nose. Again, downside was I felt like I was legitimately tweaking a bit, but other than that okay. Definitely for a few days' use at a time only"

For Nasal Congestion "I have been suffering from a post cold congested sinus and took two caplets of Panadol Sinus which has 30 mg of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride and 10 minutes later my heart beats went crazy... glad that was during the day since I also suffer from Restless Leg Syndrome at night... but it helped my sinus congestion"

For Nasal Congestion "Had sinus surgery a year ago and now have constant post nasal drip and congestion. I found that Sudafed was the only product that gives me long lasting relief. But I get bad restless leg syndrome when I try to sleep. How Can I avoid that and still take the med."

For Nasal Congestion "I think this drug is a person-to-person basis. For me personally, I took it at 12:40 p.m. It says non-drowsy, but it made me KO for 3 hours (probably from it being strong). I woke up and my nose was still stuffy and thought to myself, 'What’s wrong with me?' because it works for everyone else. I haven’t found one review that says it didn’t clear them up. Well, it DOES WORK, but weirdly for me. Laying down, it works 0% stuffy both nose. Sitting up, it works 50% (1 nose unclogged, 1 clogged). And standing straight up walking around, both of my noses are 95% cleared. So it does work! And the side effects part that I’ve read a lot of people be experiencing, I don’t have that. I do tend to get panic attacks a couple of times a year, but I did not get a panic attack from this medication. I did, however, feel very dazed. Like I’m zoning out, but not thinking of anything. I think it’s also because the dose, in my opinion, is high. In conclusion, it works. Try it out!"

For Nasal Congestion "Took a pill at 5 pm it’s now 3 am and I am wide awake with no relief of my sinus pressure or congestion. Feel like crap."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: decongestants
  • Breastfeeding

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Professional resources

  • Pseudoephedrine monograph

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Related treatment guides

  • Nasal Congestion