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Generic Name: Estrace Vaginal Cream (estradiol-topical)

Estrace Vaginal Cream Reviews

For Atrophic Vaginitis "Horrible itching, burning, swelling from any topical estrogen I tried - Estrace, Vagifem, Premarin. After 3 years of suffering, all with normal cultures (no infection), I insisted on biopsy of vulva - showed probable hypersensitivity reaction from allergy!!! Stopped all estrogens, but atrophic vaginitis returned with different burning and dryness, and painful sex. Then researched and found out that topical estrogens can cause all my symptoms from allergic reaction to the preservatives and other ingredients! My gyn had no clue. I researched this, and told doctor to order Estriol cream in VERSABASE cream base - VERSABASE is hypoallergenic. I AM CURED - the compounded Estriol in VERSABASE has fixed my atrophic vaginitis without allergic reaction. I have my vagina back! Find a compounding pharmacy - I use Estriol 1 mg/gram compounded - daily x 2 weeks then twice a week. Call around as the different compounding pharmacies have huge price differences for the same compound. Good luck!!!!"

For Atrophic Vaginitis "So, I was prescribed this and was shocked when I went to the pharmacy, and she said $135. Dr. never mentioned this. I said, 'doesn't my insurance pay anything on this?' She checked and said, 'It's normally $350.00' or something. I was really angry. Angry, embarrassed and this whole experience is humiliating to women. Why do I think a prescription of Viagra has a co-pay of like $10? IT'S TIME TO STOP DISCRIMINATING AGAINST WOMEN. Especially us older women!! That is ridiculous!! I did not buy it, I was so angry. I may... but I doubt it. I was prescribed this with an oral progesterone -- anyone have experience with these two items combined? Thanks for letting me air that - take heed, Big Pharma."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I'm 71 years old. The tearing and associated pain started a few months ago. Just hoped it would go away but it did not. I would not let my husband touch me. Spoke with 2 doctors I know and they said it's normal but Estrace would help. It did. My prescription is dated 3/7/2013. Within 10 days, the tearing stopped and all was healed. Use 1 gram 3x a week. Nothing bad has happened. My libido nearly immediately was through the roof. I am amazed and nobody needs to try and take this medicine away from me! I'm loving it and my husband is happy too. Yes, my age up there is right."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I'm 65 and had ovaries removed 11 years ago, along with uterus and cervix. Since then, I have almost no sex drive and intercourse was super painful. Estrace Vaginal Cream really helps, and I only have to use a pea-sized dab every other day. Just using a finger to apply at bedtime works great. It seems to me that the dire warnings about using estrogens are misleading since no studies have been done on just vaginal estradiol rather than on oral estrogen, and much higher doses are still prescribed than are needed for maintenance. Without Estrace Vaginal Cream, intercourse would be impossible, and my husband would be very unhappy."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I am 71 years old and my doctor prescribed estradiol for vaginal atrophy. I was reluctant to try it, but my symptoms worsened, so I started the estradiol three times a week. After a few weeks, I was symptom-free and feeling great. However, after three months, my symptoms gradually returned, and now I have burning all day and the urination urgency off and on during the day. My symptoms abate at night. My doctor doesn’t have any answers as to why the medication stopped working. Does anyone else have this problem, and what was your solution?"

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I was using Estrace and was doing very well. Then they approved the generic Estradiol. I can already tell the difference. I’m itching and sex is painful again. Estrace is too expensive now that the generic has been released. Also, Allergan offered free applicators but Mylan won’t even answer an email regarding this. I think it's very unsanitary to expect one to reuse the tubes. Allergan won’t even respond when I asked if I could buy the applicators for the generic. I did find them on Amazon for $33 a bag. Thinking about paying full price for the Estrace to get the free applicator program again. I’m going to try this generic a few more times. If I don’t see improvement and still have issues, I’m stopping it and reporting it to the FDA. Does anyone else have problems with generic but was doing great on Estrace brand?"

For Atrophic Vaginitis "For those who commented about burning from using Estrace... I also had burning from it. My research led me to believe that the propylene glycol and/or glycerin in the product were the culprits. I switched to a hypoallergenic form of estradiol from a good compounding pharmacy and that solved the problem. No burning and the estradiol was so helpful."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "Just posting an update from my last post a few months ago. The hypoallergenic estradiol (basically, a compounded version of Estrace from a compounding pharmacy) continues to be very effective for me - relieving vaginal burning/pain and urinary urgency/frequency. For women out there suffering those issues in perimenopause (when it hit me), know that it was suggested that I had interstitial cystitis and that I was off-base when I told doctors I was reacting badly to propylene glycol and glycerin, ingredients in many vaginal products. The compounded version of Estrace has been SO helpful for me and after many painful, difficult months, I feel myself again."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "Very sexually active until severe abrupt menopausal symptoms at 55. AV symptoms the most bothersome as overnight I shrunk up, dried up, itched, burned, and tore. Intercourse was out of the question. Dr. gave me a sample of Estrace Vaginal cream. I admit I was afraid to use it and had little faith that it would help, so I used only a pearl-sized amount on clean, dry skin every night for 2 weeks. That amount is sufficient to cover all the external parts and more, it emulsifies. I am COMPLETELY healed as far as pain with intercourse and also pain upon urination. It was a MIRACLE for me. Side note: If you stop using it (3X a week after the initial 2-week nightly use), you'll be back at square 1. I give Estrace a 10+ rating C: A tube lasted 6 months"

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I am 50 years old and post-menopausal - basically in full menopause. I was prescribed this cream for thinning of the vaginal wall. I had increased urinary tract infections. I believe it helps with my libido which had dropped to zero! I hope this review helps. I didn't have dryness or pain with intercourse. My urologist prescribed it for me. It is really great to have doctors who 'KNOW' what we are going through as females."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I've been married for 35 years. After menopause, intercourse became impossible due to dryness and pain. I do not go to the doctor as often as I should, so I suffered for years and tried to find 'natural remedies' on my own to no avail. I finally gave in and went to a gynecologist. I was embarrassed to even tell him, but I knew I had to do something. He was familiar with the problem and put me on Estrace cream. Within days, I was a new person. Saved my life and my marriage. Excellent results and fast!"

For Atrophic Vaginitis "Help! Can anybody who has had burning after using this horrible cream tell me how long does the burning last? Anyway how do you stop the burning? I put it in once and have been burning for 24 hours... any way to stop the burn?"

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I was experiencing very painful intercourse with tearing. I have used this medication exactly 3 times. It has improved sex 99% already. Some pain on insertion, but none during intercourse for the first time in years! I have no doubt it will get better as my body's estrogen levels improve. So thankful. I am 55 years old."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I am 53 and had a complete hysterectomy 27 years ago and have been taking oral Premarin. Dr. Put me on the Estradiol patch which gave me headaches, so we just stopped all HRT. A few weeks later, I developed a UTI and had extreme vaginal and urethra pain. I was put on Estradiol Cream which irritated all of my skin, so they switched me to Estradiol vaginal tablets. I have been using it for 10 days and I am burning, aching, and it feels like something is stuck in me. I do not like this cream and am wondering if the Premarin cream would work better. I keep wondering if this pain will ever go away. Has anyone had symptoms for over 10 days while using the cream?"

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I felt like I had a UTI for several months and was losing sleep due to the sensation of needing to urinate constantly. There were also lots of BV and yeast infections, so it was frustrating. I found an official OBGYN who was a godsend. I’m replying early on with this medicine because after a few days, all of the old symptoms were gone. I’m into it a bit over a week and feel normal again. When I started it, I think I was so dried out that my skin could not even absorb this internally as I’d see it the next morning (I assume it was the cream), but even with that, it has helped and I hope they don’t stop prescribing. Quality of life and comfort are important for mood stabilization, etc. No point in living to be 100 if it’s painful every day. Love this cream."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "At 46, I began having UTIs, urinary frequency/urgency, and burning vaginal dryness. I was prescribed Estrace, but the standard formula caused me burning as well. However, a compounded version of estradiol in a hypoallergenic formula has been very helpful. My vaginal burning has stopped, and the urinary urgency/frequency has improved dramatically over the last 2+ months. I think Estrace can be very helpful, and if you're sensitive to it (the propylene glycol can be an irritant), a compounded version can be extremely helpful."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I'm 48 years old, and my doctor has recently prescribed me Estrace Vaginal Cream because intercourse was becoming unbearable. Very painful, and I was tearing! Geez! So far, the vaginal pain and dryness seem to be decreasing, as I've only been using the cream for the past month. I have no side effects at all so far. That's a good thing! However, I do find the cream very expensive!"

For Atrophic Vaginitis "This cream has been a miracle. I had a hysterectomy 20 years ago and have been off estrogens for at least 15 years. About five years ago started having all kinds of vaginal discomfort. I think I was also battling a bacterial infection. Tried everything for that too. Finally settled on using boric acid capsules once a week for quite some time and the Estrace three times a week. I used about 1 gram. After several months, finally I was able to stop the boric acid. I also was able to cut my Estrace back to once a week 1 gram. Before using this, I was so sensitive that I would be burning and itching just from wiping with toilet paper. The tissue was so thin it looked shriveled up down there. I noticed I had what appeared to be blood blisters on my labia, which have gone away. The skin has plumped up too and is so much healthier. I would give this a ten except the cost is ridiculous."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I am a healthcare provider in women's health and I prescribe this like crazy. Vaginal atrophy is no joke. Some people are allergic to whatever else that is in the cream, but for the most part, it is well-tolerated. It is estradiol, which is identical to the estrogen in your body."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I'm a 56-year-old postmenopausal woman. I've been postmenopausal for 4 years and have been using Estrace for the last 2 years. I use a minimal amount (2 mg once a week). This has greatly helped with my vaginal dryness, as well as keeping the hot flashes in check (a surprising, yet unexpected side benefit). I have had no bad side effects I am aware of. Prior to using Estrace, I was taking 2 or 3 oral hormones (with some side effects), plus I was paranoid about the cancer risk with those. I discontinued the oral hormones and tried using NO hormones for about 6 weeks and couldn't stand it, so my doctor prescribed Estrace."

"I had one area inside my labia that bothered me after sex. The doctor said he thought it was Lichen. He gave me a sample of Estrace cream. I only massaged a small amount in the affected area. It took a few days for the discomfort to fade. After a week, I noticed that my labia was tighter, not so flabby. My libido increased too. I wish I could bathe in this! It's a 'facelift' for your vagina."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "The patches stopped working, so this was last on the list to try. Dr. gave me a sample to try. Not very effective and way overpriced. Will be trying compounded version. Wake up, drug companies, there are a lot of us baby boomers suffering from menopause who will not go quietly into the night. Especially when we're expected to keep working until 66."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I'm 58 and recently started on this medicine. Almost immediate relief of vulvar dryness and pain. Not sure yet if the painful intercourse will be relieved but this looks optimistic to me after many months of intense pain. Medicine does not seem gooey or even noticeable when used. Really like it so far."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I am a 57-year-old female who started using Estrace for vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, and almost immediately noticed falling hair. I asked my doctor who assured me that it would never cause hair loss. After 3 months, my hair was so thin that a rubber band no longer stays put. I quit Estrace almost 2 months ago, and the hair continues to fall."

For Atrophic Vaginitis "I am 59 and postmenopausal. Started using the Estrace cream yesterday. I have other health issues (Lichen sclerosis) which are bothersome. The cream almost instantly increased my libido and relieved the dryness. I am prescribed 1/2 gram intravaginally once to twice weekly. I hope it continues to help my condition."

More about Estrace Vaginal Cream (estradiol topical)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: estrogens
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Estrace Vaginal local drug information
  • Estrace (Estradiol Vaginal Cream)

Other brands

Yuvafem, Vagifem, Estring, Imvexxy

Professional resources

  • Estrace Cream prescribing information

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Other formulations

  • Estrace

Related treatment guides

  • Atrophic Vaginitis
  • Atrophic Urethritis