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Generic Name: Actemra for Rheumatoid Arthritis (tocilizumab)

Actemra for Rheumatoid Arthritis Reviews

"I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in 2008. I was put on methotrexate almost immediately. My first stab at a TNF inhibitor went well for about a year. Then, there were a couple of tries with different meds (including the dreaded prednisone for flares). My PA thought that we could 'do better'... so, I researched and she researched... together, we came up with Actemra. The stiffness in the morning is GONE! I haven't flared in over a year! I'm SO lucky to have found Actemra. The only thing that kind of bugs me is that the week before my next infusion is due, I get a little stiff and more tired than usual."

"I have received 3 months of IV infusion of Actemra because my doctor promised me this would be the 'ONE' after trying so many. I have needed prednisone every day going on 10 months! Doses as high as 20mg for months! Now I have the dreaded side effects from all that prednisone in my body! What's next? Why bother putting all this poisonous biologicals in my body if none of them work? I've tried some that work on TNF cells and Actemra that works on IL-6 cells. Even tried one that works on JAK cells. I have an appointment for my 4th month Actemra infusion this Wednesday. I will be letting the doctor know this will be the last one if nothing still does not change! No RA drug is helping relieve this every single day nightmare flare! The only thing that does work is the prednisone! But I cannot be on that forever either. What do I do?"

"Previous experience with other medicines that were ineffective were Enbrel and Humira. I was on methotrexate for 5 years but was taken off as it caused an enlarged liver. I've been on tocilizumab now for 7 months. It's fantastic! No stiffness and no flares! Took about 8 weeks to kick in fully. I've suffered a few side effects including sores on my hands and feet, bleeding gums, and upper respiratory tract infection. Side effects are subsiding now though and seem insignificant due to how good my rheumatoid arthritis has been since on tocilizumab. I feel fantastic!"

"It put me in the hospital for 9 days, 2 weeks after taking the infusion. My lower right leg swelled, and I started having blisters pop up all over, like softball-sized! They finally figured it out, it was a chemical eruption from the Actemra infusion! I could have lost my leg! Worst experience ever! 2 weeks, and I'm still bedridden, cannot walk on it, and blisters are still forming. This medication is nothing to mess around with! Wish I could post a picture with this message!"

"I had tried Orencia, which worked for three months and then quit. Next, I was on Rituximab, but after a year and a half, my rheumatologist and I decided to switch, as it was not helping enough. My rheumatologist suggested Actemra and life has come back to me! I have only been on it a year and a half, but during this time, I have felt so much better. My C-reactive protein went from 38 to 1 and my SED rate has gone from 18 to 0.1. Interestingly, the IL-6 protein was my culprit and Actemra targets that protein. With today's Vectra-DA blood test, studies are finding which biologic medications can work the best for you. Rheumatologists are also finding the sooner they turn down your symptoms, the easier it is to control inflammation caused by autoimmune disease."

"I previously gave this drug a 10, but after the 11th month, I had a heart attack and a week after that two stomach perforations causing me to vomit blood. Although Actemra helped my RA, my doctor immediately discontinued the drug after the heart attack. After the upper GI bleed, my doctor permanently discontinued Actemra due to the serious nature of the side effects. I think the drug needs more study and trials to determine if it is safe. I would not take it again."

"I was diagnosed with RA over 15 years ago. At my worst, I sat on the couch with my pain pills in one hand and the TV remote in the other. I was unable to stand or walk without assistance. I was approved as a patient for the clinical trials for Actemra, and for me, this was a life-changer, a total reversal of what my life had become. I finished raising my two sons, work full-time, and even earned my degree in the last ten years since taking Actemra. While I still have some flares at times, my overall life has improved 100%. My SED rate dropped from 130's to under 5, the only thing I still struggle with is the insomnia and fatigue. I have been truly lucky as I have not experienced any side effects in the 10 years I have been on Actemra."

"I have very active rheumatoid arthritis. I started Actemra in May 2010. It took 8 or 9 months for it to start working. In March 2014, I had a low white blood count called neutropenia. I stopped Actemra for 3 months, and now I'm on a half dose. I tried many other meds over the years, but nothing worked like Actemra for me. I hope I can keep taking it. Only time will tell. There are many side effects to look out for. I am a 55-year-old female on Medicare."

"This is the 3rd treatment for RA I have tried. The 1st was Remicade, which helped considerably, but I had an allergic reaction, so I couldn't use it anymore. The 2nd was Orencia, which didn't have any impact. The Actemra is working, but I'm experiencing all sorts of side effects like an increase in cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as blisters and boils all over my body. Kind of scary as it's only been 2 treatments."

"Actemra eases my RA symptoms for approximately 2.5 weeks from a 9 to a 6 on a scale of 10 for pain, stiffness, and fatigue. The week prior to an infusion, it creeps back in more and more, day by day, and takes a few days to get it back to a 6 after the infusion. I use Celebrex and Advil to deal with it, but my rheumatologist has recently started me back on methotrexate with the Actemra infusions. I have taken almost every drug for this disease over a 26-year period. None of them have put me in remission, and the disease has progressed despite taking them all compliantly."

"I have had RA for nine years that was managed well with Plaquenil for eight, and it stopped working. I tried Enbrel with Methotrexate and Prednisone for nine months. The Vectra-DA test showed high RA disease activity, with Interleukin 6 protein as the main culprit. I discontinued Enbrel and began Actemra self-injections. Two days after the sixth dose, I woke up nearly pain-free. It has continued to improve over the last several weeks, as well as reduced stiffness and fatigue. The only side effect has been an occasional mild headache. For me, the Vectra test and Actemra have been game changers in the management and treatment of my disease. I could not be more pleased."

"I started Roactemra (tocilizumab brand in the UK) 4 months ago for RA, previously been on Humira and Enbrel, which did not work enough. I also tried methotrexate but can't seem to tolerate it, so then I got Roactemra. Started to work after the 3rd injection and has been working very well to control my RA. However, I now experience a feeling of not getting enough air, get very fatigued and feel weak, also some dizziness and headaches approx 2-3 days after injection. So IDK if I can keep on taking this drug. I'm not even sure if it is Roactemra causing this, but I might have to go off medication to find out, since I can't really function in my daily life - meaning I have no stiffness or joint pain, but can't breathe properly, so I can't enjoy it."

"Started taking Actemra 5 months ago for RA after trying 4 other biologics. The Actemra had helped dramatically with lowering my CRP levels (which have been incredibly high for over 2 years), however, I now have intense stiffness and joint pain, which never seems to dissipate. The pain in my feet has increased to a point where I can hardly walk. Additionally, I've developed iron, vitamin, inflammation, aplastic, and hemolytic anemia. I have decided to stop this drug and switch back to one of my previous biologics, which didn't help with the inflammation, but at least my pain wasn't so extreme, and I wasn't dealing with the anemia."

"Do NOT take this drug!! 6 months after taking it I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer. No warning then that it would do that now the FDA studies shows it does. How did they not know this? I’ve had gene tests genetically I’m not predisposed to it. I’ve been going through chemo now 6 months. Even my Gyn eOncologist believes it was the Actemra that caused this. Please if you have gotten sick from this drug report it so we can form a class action lawsuit against the maker. We need to push back against these drug companies. 18% of women over 60 are getting Ovarian Cancer from this drug (taken from FDAs own research). I was 51 and now planning my own funeral so family doesn’t have to."

"I did one Actemra injection. After injection I could not walk straight and was so tired. Thought it was side effect. Woke up with swollen face and eyes! Wheezing in my chest. Called my doctor he said prednisone and Benadryl. It’s been 4 days and I am still so tired and nauseous"

"I have had RA for over 30 yrs. It was one of the most efficient ones I have taken, although I developed septic shock within the last 4 months from a local wound, and the medication had reduced my immune system to the point of this terrifying experience."

"This medication has given me my life back. I had gone through 7 medications, 4 biologics, in 3 years and was starting to doubt I would ever feel somewhat normal again after being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. My flares are infrequent, my symptoms are so much milder, and I have energy to resume regular activities and physical activity. I've experienced no side effects. I inject at home once a week and it's super easy. This drug only treats RA, which may be what I needed. I highly recommend for those frustrated in identifying drug to manage their RA."

"Worst biologic experience yet! This is a weekly injection and I had severe nausea on this. My rheumatologist thinks it was more of an interaction on this and my methotrexate (although MTX has caused me any issues in the nearly 3 years I’ve been doing those injections). This was like horrible morning sickness all day everyday—I lost 6 lbs the first week I was on Actemra due to nausea. Week 3, I woke up the day I was to do injection #3 (which I do at bedtime) and my face was puffy, my legs were COMPLETELY swollen to the point where it was difficult to bend without discomfort at hip and knees, my belly was swollen almost to the point of rigidity. My doctor wanted to see me rather than send me to the ER and turns out this is a rare side effect. Stopping immediately and had to go on diuretics to help reduce swelling. Risk of stomach and bowel rupture was a concern since I’ve already had sepsis after an undetected appendix rupture several years ago."

"I took the first dose of Actemra and felt a little dizzy, but that did not last long. My stiffness was reduced, and for the first time in two years, I felt like myself again. The only problem is that my lip was slightly swollen, but it went away in about two days. The medicine lasts for about 4-5 days, then I started having severe pain in my joints, especially my elbows and shoulders. I had to take pain medication, which did not help much. Overall, I love this medication, and I can't wait for my weekly injection."

"I was diagnosed with RA in 1987 after giving birth. Since then, I have tried almost every drug available, and my RA continues to ravage my joints. Actemra is working pretty well, but I have had to go off of it for a time because my white blood count dropped too low. I've been back on it for almost a year, I had to reduce my methotrexate in order to keep the WBC up and take 3 mg of folic acid daily and 1 mg of prednisone with frequent use of meloxicam. I am on Medicare. I cannot get assistance for the drug that worked well, Simponi. J&J did not offer assistance, and I could not afford the high copay. The best thing about Actemra is the compassionate patient assistance team. They are always caring and helpful when I call them."

"I have been on Actemera for almost 2 years. Before taking it my blood levels were all over the place and was physically drained. Since then receiving infusions every 5 wks. and have had good results and blood work is MUCH improved! I have been lucky to NOT experience the side efforts I've read about. I have also heard from my Dr. that 30% of patients can develop a resistance to the drug. I am doing well but my dr would like me to do better. Might try switching me off in time. I initially I have tried prednisone and embryle with no results. We shall see."

"I had some positive experience from receiving Actemra . However about 1 year ago I suddenly developed pulmonary hypertension and RT sided heart failure, suddenly developed severe dyspnea, chest pain, chest & throat pressure, unable to lay flat or symptoms worsened. I was referred to a cardiologist who performed blood work. The BNP result being 982, a chemical stress test, a right sided heart cath that showed high pressure in the right side of the heart. I was referred to Dr who specializes in pulmonary HTN. After about 6 months he ordered repeat testing, Where we discovered the pulmonary HTN had subsided. Normal heart pressures and BNP decreased to approximately 200. No other RA meds taken since."

"I am 39 years old and have been diagnosed with juvenile RA at the age of 15. Now my diagnose is seropositive RA. I have been on all existing meds but my problem is that they work for some time and then stop working completely. I had to wait for years to be put on biological therapy. Now, I have been taking Actemra for 1,5 year and it worked I would say between 4th and 9th month. The last six months I see that it's no more effective for me. I am again in a lots of pain and I can't function normally. I said it to my rheumatologist and she gave me Arcoxia as a NSAID to be taken and maybe cease the pain. It's not helping at all, so she said that we do a switch to another drug. Hope it would work better for me this time."

"Actemra has worked very well for my RA - the first 18 months I was self injecting the 162 ml shots, and all was well. I often would go three weeks between shots rather than two. I just was switched a few months ago to the infusion once a month due to a different insurance. I now have hemolytic anemia, which is a first for me in a 42 year case of seropositive RA. So, will find out what the doc says soon, and may need to change amounts of the infusion, or switch to something else. Since I REALLY dislike the once a month infusion for an hour, I would love to find something else that doesn't require that."

"I have been on ACTEMRA for years, but had to stop because no physician is willing to write for this drug and refer me to see a rheumatologist. Because of this, I have to fly out of state to see a rheumatologist, as there are none in my state to see me. I have been off for three months, and I am already starting to stiffen up, especially in the AM. I am desperate to restart this medication as it has done a great job in eliminating my symptoms, and I have not had to endure the crippling physical effects to any great extent because of this med. Being off of it, I am rapidly experiencing these changes."

More about Actemra (tocilizumab)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: interleukin inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Actemra drug information
  • Actemra (Tocilizumab Auto-Injectors)

Other brands

Tyenne, Tofidence

Professional resources

  • Actemra prescribing information
  • Tocilizumab (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Tyenne, Tofidence

Related treatment guides

  • Giant Cell Arteritis
  • COVID-19
  • Cytokine Release Syndrome
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis