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Generic Name: Excedrin (acetaminophen-aspirin-caffeine)

Excedrin Reviews

For Osteoarthritis "Excedrin is the ONLY pill I have found that can take away the osteoarthritis pain in my lower back (doc says its lower back is disintegrating at my age 79. Also takes away aches and pains from muscles since I am heavy gardener. It has been the ONLY way I can stop headaches, and nearly all aches and pains. So grateful that it is on the market. It has saved me from a painful life."

For Migraine "I had the worst experience taking Excedrin for the first time. I ended up in the hospital shortly after due to having a bad reaction to the caffeine in this medicine. My heart began racing and jumped to 130 bpm and kept rising. I began feeling faint and was rushed to the hospital. Although my migraine went away, it was not a pleasant experience. Be aware if you are sensitive to caffeine."

For Pain/Fever "Excedrin is my go to for headaches and general aches and pains. When it wasn't available for almost a year I tried everything else. Nothing works as good.. I even prefer it over some prescription medications for pain."

For Migraine "I want to express how much I appreciate this medication! I get migraines every now and again that even prescription medications didn’t help. But excedrin seems to help almost 100 percent of the time and I am So grateful because I am able to actually function and get through the day without having to suffer!!! Thank you so much!!!"

For Migraine "I had a horrible experience with Excedrin Migraine. Shortly after taking it, my heart started racing super fast, I got extremely anxious, and my body started shaking. Like other people are saying, if you are sensitive to caffeine do not take this medicine. It didn't take my migraine away either so it's not worth it at all."

For Migraine "I’ve had a migraine for about 4 days now. It was helping in the beginning, but I took it and now my heart rate is sky rocketing. I feel dizzy and can’t fall asleep. I’m hoping this goes away soon, it is a very odd sensation. It kept me up all night. I just want to sleep! :("

For Migraine "I've taken Excedrin for headaches and body aches since 1972, when I was in the US Army. Works very well most of the time. The only time I had a problem, was many years ago, I got a bottle that must have turned bad or expired. Had a vinegar smell, and caused dizziness within a short time of taking it. Advice, if the medicine has a sour smell, the aspirin content may have been altered, by age, or moisture, etc. Do not use."

For Migraine "I've used regular and migrane vesions of Excedrin and they have both work effectively. The pain relief is realized within 15 minutes of taking. I swear by this product and have used countless others when I did not have Excedrin at my disposal. I highly recommend this product."

For Migraine "I have used Excedrin for approximately 15 years and it does the trick in probably about 95% of my headaches. There are a few that it does not stop but the trick really is taking it at the first sign of a headache and not waiting. Usual relief comes in approximately 15 to 20 minutes."

For Migraine "I got this medication from my doctor to treat weekly migraines. However, I found that this medication has only made my migraines more frequent! If I take it one day, it’ll return the next day. I never used to wake up with headaches, but now every morning is tainted with migraine. If I can catch my headache in time, it gets rid of the headache but introduces shakiness, dizziness, and stomach pain. If I wait too long to take the medication (i.e. wake up with a full-blown migraine) then it still causes these side effects, but combined with the headache, nausea, and dizziness of migraine, I feel 10x worse. Without my headache, side effects are bearable. With it, though, I really just want to blink out of existence. Take with caution or avoid all together. My migraine days have increased 7-fold since taking this medication."

For Migraine "I don't normally get headaches in general but when I do, they're horrible. I took an Excedrin after I developed I really bad headache upon getting off work for the day. My headache was gone in about 30 minutes tops. However, the side effects of this pill outweighed how fast it fixed my headache. I took the pill in the car on the way home and by the time I reached my home in 15 minutes I began feeling woozy. I started to feel light headed and felt this weird feeling in my stomach. I assumed it was because I was hungry but after forcing myself to eat food it only made things worse. I felt so bad that I just laid down early for the night so that when I woke up the feeling would most likely be gone. Nope! I woke up & vomitted shortly."

For Migraine " I have spent more than 14 years with migraines that have taken me to the hospital numbing my whole body, vomiting and intense pain, until I tried Excedrin and I have been taking it for 6 months when I want to get a migraine and I am gone in 20 minutes I love it finally I can lead an almost normal life."

For Migraine "I woke up with a Migraine and took this, it dulled it, but never went fully away. When I was able to take my next dose I did. Soon after my vision started to blur, my face was flushed, I felt light headed, dizzy, the room was spinning, my heart was racing (over 180bpm! Well over that), & I felt like I was about to pass out. Turns out it was a reaction to the CAFFEINE in this. I am not a caffeine free person and had never had this experience before, but the doc said the caffeine is a high dose in this. I now take Aleve or Maxsalt for bad migraines, no issues."

For Migraine "Do NOT take if you are even the slightest sensitive to caffeine or have anxiety. I took 2 pills and almost immediately after I experienced the worst brain fog, dizziness, and hand numbness. I had a friend rush me to urgent care because it felt like a near death experience. It was the scariest thing that had ever happened to me"

For Migraine "I love excedrin migraine. I get migraines on and off but when I get them they last for a week. Excedrin gets rid of my pain in 20 minutes and I can go about my day. You could get stomach ulcers is from taking too much of it or taking it every day. It’s meant to be used every once in a while. Also had a fever and it got rid of it and my body aches in 20 minutes."

For Migraine "Ive struggled with headaches for as long as I can remember and nothing worked for me. When I found excedrin, I was hooked to the fact that it was the best. I've never use anything else since. I have introduced everyone I know to it and they always come to me, because they know I always got a bottle of excedrin with me. I just wanted to say Thank You. Your product has made headaches to me just a pain that soon go away when I take my excedrin."

For Pain/Fever "It does work beautifully to relieve awful headaches, but the side effects are enough to make me use this medicine only as a last resort. The aspirin in it gives me nosebleeds and bruises, and the caffeine, while not a lot at 65mg, hits me much harder than caffeine from coffee for some reason."

For Migraine "I've had terrible migranes since I was 5 years old sometimes lasting 4 days and I'm 18 now, I've taken everything you can think of all of which had absolutely no effect on the migraine at all! I found excedrin at a dollar general and I only to half a dose and within 15 min my migrane was completley gone. It's like Magic. To bad it took me 11 years to find it!"

For Migraine "Great migraine/headache relief. I never had a headache before I turned 30, but I have had tons of morning allergy related headaches/migraines. Nothing helped until I tried excedrin migraine forumula or extra strength (both have the same ingredients). Often get relief from one pill. It has a mix of caffeine, aspirin, and tylenol that works great."

For Migraine "I had been having some bad headaches for a few days, so I decided to take Excedrin. Took 2 pills & drank a cup of coffee thinking the extra caffeine would help. Headache was still there so I took 1 more Excedrin a few hours later. Bad idea. I felt sick to my stomach all night. My heart was racing but I couldn't sit still because I was jittery & anxious from the caffeine. Felt like I was going to pass out. Very scary. Almost called 911."

For Migraine "32 yrs of migraines; Excedrin Migraine is helpful at the first sign (I am able to work as a night nurse). I do not drink/eat anything w/ caffeine so causes some jitteriness, but doesn't cause drowsiness (eating helps). I have food trigger/hormone trigger migraines, working with my Dr has taken time as my migraines have increased in intensity/duration. I take Excedrin Migraine day 1; after 24 hrs I need Sumitriptan (can w/ naproxen; Sumitriptan should not be taken with other pain med). Day 3, I use fioricet. When my symptoms wane, I use Excedrin Migraine. I talk with my pharmacist to avoid any med interactions (also advised a safe less drowsy motion sickness med for imbalance. There is not anything available for vision blurriness, but Excedrin Migraine does not intensify that symptom. I had my blood work/MRI done to rule out any underlying symptoms. My Dr advised Excedrin Migraine and it is very helpful."

For Migraine "When I get headaches it is so bad I have taken every headache medicine I know of but none of them worked for me till I try Excedrin. I hadn't tried it till last month. I tried it and my headache was gone in about 15 mins so ever since then I brought me a bottle of Excedrin and now I barely even get headache. I even wake up now in the morning feeling better then ever so now when one of my friends comes to me and say they have a bad headache I give them a Excedrin and I tell them to buy Excedrin my days have been so much better n I barely have headaches now thanks so much for the product"

For Pain/Fever "I have used for at least 15 years with excellent results for head and body aches. The Extra Strength is great in the morning since I don't drink coffee. It relieves the morning bodyaches and gives you a perk up. I use the Back and Body at night. There's no caffeine and you don't get the 'side effects' of evening medications. Only drawback is occasional stomach bleeding (evident in stools) and occasional heart burn. Works better than Vicodin for me."

For Migraine "I'm off painkillers because of this. Works incredibly well for my condition, every single time I need it. Excedrin has been a lifesaver. It only takes 1 pill of extra strength. And headaches are soon gone! Also helps with my sinus pressure for some reason. The caffeine may keep you awake if you're sensitive to, so 9/10! Great medicine."

For Migraine "Miracle over the counter drugs for migraines. It makes me wonder why I haven't heard about this drug until I saw the commercial on TV lol/ Don't drink coffee with this though, it made me very shaky--to the point where my latte was visibly shaking in my grasp :("

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  • Drug class: analgesic combinations

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  • Excedrin Migraine

Related treatment guides

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Pain/Fever
  • Migraine