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Generic Name: Verzenio for Breast Cancer (abemaciclib)

Verzenio for Breast Cancer Reviews

"I have completed 1 year of Verzenio for stage IIIA lobular breast cancer. While this drug has side effects, I have found it very tolerable, especially after the first 6 weeks. I experienced nausea, constipation, altered food taste, fatigue, and vertigo. These mostly resolved with a dose reduction from 150 mg to 100 mg twice daily. After a couple more months, I was able to increase my dose back to 150 mg twice daily without the return of side effects. My oncologist was very proactive in helping me manage side effects. My blood counts dropped to low normal and have stayed at this point. I have found Verzenio to be a tolerable drug, even if it is challenging the first couple of months. It is well worth taking as it does prolong the time to breast cancer recurrence! I hope that lasts forever for me!"

"I’ve been taking Verzenio for just over 1.5 years and have about 5 months to go. I'm taking it because I’m at high risk for recurrence. I take 150 mg twice daily. I have diarrhea just about every day, often multiple times per day. Imodium helps, but I have to take that sparingly or I will have the opposite problem. I am exhausted all the time and have very low energy. I have terrible GERD also, but Pepcid has really helped that. I will finish this medication because I’ll do anything to have as much time as possible with my family. I feel the side effects are worth the potential benefits."

"I have been taking Verzenio since it became FDA approved. My numbers were in the thousands, years later, my last number was 41.8. It has extended my life with my family. Being a rare male with breast cancer, they told me I would be lucky to make 5 years. I'm on 9 and going. It's the sole reason, according to my original doctor, that I'm still here enjoying my grandchildren. Like I said, I started taking Verzenio since it came out on day one. I can't say enough how wonderful it has been."

"Started on Verzenio. At first, I had diarrhea when eating milk products, including small amounts of dairy in any foods. This was at 150 mg twice daily. The diarrhea got worse and would not stop no matter what I ate. It slowed to a stop when I went on the 100 mg. My lungs have a bit of a problem, my creatinine levels are a bit high, and my white count is down. I am tired and need 1-2 naps a day. But I am managing. I am back to work 1-3 days a week. Loving my job. I found Gatorade and Powerade to help along with my vitamins."

"Have been on Verzenio for 14 months, a dose of 2 pills a day, 150 milligrams. After 6 months, had my first PET scan and my tumor had shrunk 60% and my bone mets were also showing smaller. Had my 1-year PET and Dr. could not see bone mets and tumor had shrunk to around 90%. I have lots more good days than bad, I also take letrozole, still very active, I walk 2 miles 4 days a week, also take one injection of Xgeva a month, so thankful for these treatments."

"I was diagnosed with Stage 2B invasive ductal carcinoma, ER/PR+ HER-. I was on Verzenio 100 mg twice a day for 4 weeks and my liver enzymes went through the roof. My ALT went up to 1077. It's been 3 weeks since discontinuing it and the liver is returning to normal function. My oncologist wants to try again at a lower dose, 50 mg twice a day."

"Verzenio makes me nauseous when I don't have food prior to taking. I found it easier to take after breakfast, with a smoothie, or after dinner. I tried taking the pill just prior to eating, however, the anti-nausea effect of the food was not as effective. I feel Verzenio contributes to weakness in my muscles and stamina. However, with the same side effects as my aromatase inhibitor, a few other medications, and the possibility of these symptoms also being from prior treatment, it is almost impossible to attribute any one medication or method of treatment as the definitive cause of many symptoms I experience every day. There is one definitive side effect that I can directly attribute to Verzenio, and that is the gastrointestinal issues. The ferocity of the violent, very urgent diarrheal response caused the need to stay on top of how my body responds, and when, which is definitely necessary. It took several months for my body to get past this stage. I used Imodium."

"I am taking 150 mg twice daily and anastrozole. Both medications were started at the same time. Side effects have been manageable but have included weight gain, tiredness, and minor stomach/digestive issues. I have not had to take any Imodium."

"It has made me very tired. I’ve gained weight. I only had a little bit of diarrhea, but did have constipation occasionally. My hair has thinned a lot and my nails are horrible! Despite all of this, I think I’ve tolerated the medicine well. I’ve been on it for 15 months at 150 mg twice daily. Only time will tell how well it worked."

"I've been taking this drug for 4 months with Letrozole for BC liver mets. I take 150 mg twice a day. I had terrible side effects - severe diarrhea, sore eyes, and fatigue, which improved with time. However, I had to have a 3-week break due to another illness, and now it feels like starting again. Hopefully, it will ease again and become more manageable, although my eyes never improved (it's a rare side effect). The great news is that my tumors had shrunk by about 25% after 3 months, so I'll keep going!"

"Stage 2A no lymph node breast cancer dx Oct 2022. Mastectomy only. On Verzenio 50 mg bid and Anastrozole 1 mg daily. For 3 months. Only side effect decreased WBC and neutrophils. Run 3 miles daily, vitamins, psyllium seed and vegetarian diet, meditation, PEMF therapy. Doing great so far. As long as neutrophils stay within low normal. Verzenio my choice instead of chemotherapy."

"My experience has been very good. The med started working for me immediately after I started taking it. My dosage was lowered after about a year due to increased vomiting and diarrhea. But the lowered dose is working great. Very few side effects and little diarrhea."

"I have taken Verzenio for five years. Due to neutropenia, my dose has been cut down to 50 mg twice a day. I have a compromised immune system, and my main side effect is fatigue. I am able to tolerate going out in public. This drug has kept my Stage 4 cancer at bay and has kept me alive. I am very grateful to Lilly for their program in supplying the drug at no cost."

"It caused damage to the protective cover of my brain. Causing memory problems and cognitive abilities. I ended up in the hospital 2 times. I no longer can take cancer medications or anything that can cause problems with my brain like anesthesia."

"I started on the highest dose, and now I am down to 50mg twice a day. I take weekends off. I have very few problems with it now. I have been on it for a year. It is in my spine and pelvis. Recent scans show no activity in the pelvis and no change to my vertebrae. I will stay on it as long as I can. I believe it is helping me."

"Verzenio is the hardest drug I've been on. So many side effects I'm too tired to mention. Reduced to 100 mg, still the exhaustion is the worst side effect. Came off for radiation and felt amazing. Forgot how great I used to feel before this shitty drug."

"Mother has been using it for 4 months so far. Great control on all Tumors. Some acceptable side effects such as Fatigue, mild anemia and elevated creatinine levels, but things are getting better with time."

"Found one sacrum bone met around 1.4cm on April 2022 since my initial dx of March 2016 lobular cancer HR98%/PR 97% HEr -, I started zometa and verzenio plus Fasadex injection because I was taking letrozole for 3 years since 2016. Dr said not to use letrozole again has mutation resistant so change to Fasadex. On July,22 PET scan my pet scan show not activity and also bone is healing by filling osses Dr want me to take more Vitamin D3"

"I have been on Verzenio for 14 months. After 2 months, it shrank my tumor by 60%, and after 12 months, bone mets were almost gone. A 12-month PET scan showed no active cancer cells."

"Verzenio has worked after my wife’s initial treatment failed and her cancer returned. She had some initial diarrhea, but our doctor adjusted the dose, and now all is going well."

"This drug Verzenio shrank my tumor in my sternum a lot. I have now had it successfully removed."

"Side effects can be troublesome. I have learned to deal with side effects so I can enjoy life."

"I experienced stomach cramps, severe diarrhea, elevated blood pressure, and stomach bloating while taking this."

"Some diarrhea. And fatigue. Otherwise it’s easy to take and doesn’t bother me."

More about Verzenio (abemaciclib)

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  • Side effects
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  • Patient tips
  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: CDK 4/6 inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Verzenio drug information

Professional resources

  • Verzenio prescribing information
  • Abemaciclib (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Breast Cancer