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Generic Name: Famvir (famciclovir)

Famvir Reviews

For Cold Sores "I've gotten cold sores since I was a little kid. I'm now 19, and they're ruining my life. They caused me so much anxiety until I got prescribed this medication. I usually catch the cold sore when it is red and itchy because they often come when I'm asleep. I take the three tablets (costs me around $10, so very affordable), and during the day, the cold sore continues to swell and throb as though the medication hasn't done anything. By the next day, though, I wake up to a dry red patch instead of the usual huge blistering process. This medication means the cold sore lasts maybe 3-4 days but is so much more manageable as it never processes through the disgusting stages. I always have a packet on me."

For Cold Sores "I have suffered from embarrassing cold sores for years. My doctor told me about a single-day dose of Famvir (1500 mg). He wrote me a script so that I have it on hand when I feel an outbreak coming. As soon as I feel the outbreak, I initiate the therapy, and the cold sore does nothing more than get a little red for a day or so. No more full-blown outbreaks, this has been wonderful."

For Herpes Simplex, Suppression "Famvir works the best. I have a lot less breakouts, and when one is coming on, I take it, and it is gone within a day. I don't have any side effects like I did with the others (headaches and breakouts). It is worth the money."

For Cold Sores "Went to dermatologist 3 days after first sign was only using Abreva with no results. He suggested 1500mg Famvir now, and gave me 3 more to take at the first sign of additional outbreak in the future. Within one day the swelling had gone away and the blister was starting to clear up. I have used other treatments but nowhere as fast and effective as this product."

For Herpes Simplex, Mucocutaneous/Immunocompetent Host "I have been taking Famvir for a year. I had multiple outbreaks in the past, but I take Famvir daily and I have only had 2 mild outbreaks within a year. It really helps not having the pain and depression with outbreaks. It is a great medication and made my life better."

For Cold Sores "Had cold sores since I was in primary school and am now 18. Take a dosage of 1500mg of Famvir in one dose. Works great for me and stops the virus, leaving only a red mark for about 3 days. Side effects: tiredness, nothing serious though."

For Herpes Simplex, Mucocutaneous/Immunocompetent Host "I use famvir since 2018 .Usually 2x500 per 3/4 days and then 1x500 for other 2/3 days depending on the severity. It should be taken immediately and greatly shortens the healing time but causes tiredness or agitation and headache. Avoid the sun. I use it for genital herpes that I have for 20 years 11 on the buttocks. I hope for better medicine with fewer other problems but this helps a lot"

For Cold Sores "I've started medication June 24, 2011 of two 500mg tabs a day and I still have had 6 outbreaks in less than four months. Yes, healing time is faster but I would like to have less outbreaks like 1 to none a year."

For Herpes Simplex, Suppression "Dr ordered tests which revealed Epstein Barr, Parvovirus, and Herpes Virus (forgot the number). He put me on 500mg 3 times a day. I’ve only been on it three months so I don’t know effectiveness. I had genital herpes outbreaks fifteen years ago for about a year but none since. I started the medication and had severe headaches that went away after three weeks. No other side effects"

For Cold Sores "If I get a cold sore, it means that 10 days later I break out all over my body with blisters. The condition is called Erythema Multiforme. It's extremely painful and serious episodes can mean a trip to the burn unit, since each blister is very similar to a burn. Think of a match that burns you beneath the skin. I was diagnosed in 2004 and given large doses of Valtrex and/or Acyclovir to prevent cold sores. Unfortunately, I found these medicines almost worthless. I actually found high SPF lip balm to be more effective at preventing cold sores than these drugs. So in 2012, I gave up on any solution. I googled my condition for the first time in 3 years and learned Famvir cured 3 people with recurring Herpes Induced Erythema Multiforme. I just got meds today, but feel like I'm already rapidly improving. The jury is still out, but if you tried Abreva, Prednisone, Valtrex, or Acyclovir as to treat or prevent cold sores and they failed you, it may be wise to give Famvir a try."

For Herpes Zoster "Helped very bad shingles outbreak in about 3 days."

For Herpes Zoster "I had a breakout of shingles on my abdomen. Took this medicine and the pain and itching went away within a couple of days. I would recommend this to anyone that has Shingles."

For Cold Sores "It worked great for me. 1500mg in one shot, the swelling was almost gone the same day and it healed quickly. What a relief? That was 10 days ago."

For Cold Sores "Causes major headaches for me."

For Herpes Simplex, Suppression "I took Famvir for cold sores ... it is effective and worked fast. "

For Herpes Simplex, Mucocutaneous/Immunocompetent Host "Stopped a lip breakout within an hour. I had gastric stasis from a migraine and I did not get nauseated from this medication."

More about Famvir (famciclovir)

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  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: purine nucleosides
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Famvir drug information

Professional resources

  • Famvir prescribing information
  • Famciclovir (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Cold Sores
  • Herpes Zoster
  • Herpes Simplex, Suppression
  • Herpes Simplex, Mucocutaneous/Immunocompetent Host
  • Herpes Simplex, Mucocutaneous/Immunocompromised Host