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Generic Name: Orajel (benzocaine-topical)

Orajel Reviews

For Oral and Dental Conditions "I had a tooth ache after a deep filling I figured it was from a high bite but orajel didn't seem to ease it much but the new orajel toothache mouth wash did take pain away. I did swish it about 5 times a day but it did help 60%."

For Oral and Dental Conditions "I used orajel after I needed to have a tooth pulled and had to use it along my entire bottom gum. It numbed the area very quickly, but it went away just as fast. It lasted maybe two minutes. I would not recommend the product to anyone."

For Oral and Dental Conditions "Bought this medicine after reading about it. Tried it on the areas needed but it took forty five minutes before it took effect. I've only done this twice today after buying it but have now noticed a rash on my cheeks and around my mouth. Will not be using anytime soon and will be returning it back to HEB for complete refund!"

For Oral and Dental Conditions "I have had teeth pulled, roots dune, the works. I used In-between dental visits and it helped the pain for short periods of time. I have had to use it more then 4 times a day due to mouth pain but it's the only relief in the whole world for a bad tooth. I get my tooth pulled Monday and it's the weekend befor Monday so I'm stuck with a bad wisdom tooth. The jell makes it easier to do my job at work. I eat and drink with the jell in my mouth nothing bad happened to me. Just had to re apply once I was dune eating or drinking . ( letting you know what every day people do ) I did get light headed at work and almost fell but I held onto something but again, I'm useing more then I should because it's a tooth that needs pulled . ( wisdom tooth ) but like I said its good to use for people waiting to get their tooth pulled or worked on. It kills the nerve pain for a minute or two"

For Aphthous Ulcer "I had a sore on the inner part of my bottom lip, and of course right where my retainer likes to rub. I only need to wear my retainer at night so Orajel was a huge help numbing and reducing the swelling so that I could wear my retainer and fall asleep. Definite life saver."

For Oral and Dental Conditions "I bought some orajel after painkillers didn't seem to be working. It numbed up really quick but went away in 5 minutes.after a day I was left in more pain, it caused me to sweat and the only thing left is back to the dentist."

For Oral and Dental Conditions "I have several teeth that need to be pulled, and while waiting, this stuff is the most relief that I get on a daily basis. As others have said: It doesn't last a very long time...but if I'm trying to eat or trying to go to sleep, it does allow me to do so. No negative side effects, and I also swish with the Orajel Toothache Rinse before each application, which seems to help it last longer."

For Oral and Dental Conditions "Use about 1/8 inch length strip from applicator and apply with your pinky to the affected gum line. Try not to swig, in fact spit out your saliva. This stuff can stay in place for 25 to 45 minutes so you can fall asleep. Goodnight and goodbye."

For Cold Sores "I put some Orajel on my lip, as soon as I felt the cold sore coming on. It instantly numbed it and I can go on with my day without thinking about it."

For Oral and Dental Conditions "Did very little for painful mouth"

For Oral and Dental Conditions "I used it and it did not help a bit. Waste of money"

For Oral and Dental Conditions "Does not work on toothache, just make it worst in fact! oregano oil is by far better in relieving pain"

For Aphthous Ulcer "Worked well on me but made me a bit woozey, effective for short term pain relief but be carefull not to exceed dose, morning, lunch, evening and just before bed is enough, then see a dentist."

More about Orajel (benzocaine topical)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: topical anesthetics
  • Breastfeeding

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Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Benzocaine (Topical) monograph
  • Benzocaine Gel (FDA)

Other brands

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Other formulations

  • Orajel Dry Mouth Moisturizing

Related treatment guides

  • Oral and Dental Conditions
  • Aphthous Ulcer