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Generic Name: Fluorouracil topical for Skin Cancer (fluorouracil-topical)

Fluorouracil topical for Skin Cancer Reviews

Efudex (fluorouracil) "I have been using the Efudex cream for 10 days now. I have come out in red spots on my face, but I am in no pain, as yet. I am wondering if I am using it correctly. The blotchy spots are crimson but not sore. Will it get worse because I was scared to use it, but so far so good as far as pain is concerned. I do look weird though with these red spots everywhere."

Efudex (fluorouracil) "Age 66 - spent many years at sea and, as you can imagine, my facial skin was a mess. Doctor put me on Efudex (how it is called here) two weeks ago and the results are amazing. Of course, it is not a pretty sight, and sleeping is a bit difficult, the reaction was clearly pictured in the brochure that I was given at the clinic - but it does not truly describe the actual sensations associated with the inflammation. A little concerned, I browsed for reviews and found this site - after reading the experiences of other users, I feel much relieved - thanks to all for sharing their experiences, now I am looking forward to seeing the end result. Stay safe and keep well. Thank you."

Efudex (fluorouracil) "Before I started with Efudex, I googled pictures and reviews. On seeing the pictures, I decided to do one part of my face at a time. I did my lip first, and now I've just done 2 weeks on the right side of my face. I'm glad I did, especially because I work in retail. The pain of feeling like you have cold sores all over your face, thank God for makeup is all I can say. I will do my right side once my left has healed, and then my forehead followed by a microdermabrasion. I think this product is amazing, and the way it keeps working after you stop applying. Those who did your whole face all at once, I take my hat off to you."

Efudex (fluorouracil) "After completing my Efudex treatment, my skin seemed to get better, and then it turned out to get worse and worse, with red spots where I had applied the cream. My doctor could not understand why and prescribed me cortisone cream, which turned out to be much worse. Another doctor said I am cancer-free, but from now on, I have constantly broken capillaries on my face, and I am not able to do any inversions or put my head down. My skin is still irritated after 6 months since I stopped using Efudex. With very sensitive skin, you should be aware that this cream is not always the best option."

Efudex (fluorouracil) "Two weeks after Efudex, my skin looked incredible - soft, and everyone asked if I got a peel! One day later, on day 15, there were burn abrasions, raised cuts, and I went to my scheduled two-week check-in with the doctor. She said it’s “working beautifully” and to continue for two more weeks. During week 3, I had small “cuts” all over my face where I applied the cream twice a day. Small scabby cuts also appeared on my scalp and chest, even though I didn’t apply the medication there. The doctor said that was strange, but I read in the leaflet that it’s plausible. I had a horrible taste in my mouth and felt sick to my stomach within 20 minutes of applying it. I’m in horrible pain, look awful, and have two more weeks to go. I had SCC with two Mohs surgeries and then reconstruction of my nose and head earlier last year. I'm 47 years old and grew up in California sun. Hope this prevents future SCC."

Efudex (fluorouracil) "Used Efudex on my whole face 10 years ago. I think it was for 4 weeks. Week 2 the redness turned into lesions on my whole face, especially my left side (driver's side). Hurt like hell. I play poker sometimes at a casino. I didn't have to look at me so my appearance wasn't my problem. After the lesions healed, my face was as smooth as a baby's butt. A couple of the players were surprised I was still alive because I looked like I had full-blown AIDS. I recommend it as I had no idea my face was such a mess. It is an ordeal. Using it on my ear now, started 6 weeks ago and in the last few days. Fingers crossed. Not pleasant but hopefully I can avoid surgery and plastic surgery."

Carac (fluorouracil) "I have used Carac for 4 weeks. After the 1st week, I began seeing flakiness, redness, burning, and itching. Taking a warm shower was painful, being in a car with the heat on was painful. But I've gotten through it. Layers and layers of skin have peeled off. Underneath, my skin is as soft as a baby's bottom and clear. Compared to having these lesions continually burned off, this short-term uncomfortable condition was a better method."

Efudex (fluorouracil) "At 65 years old and a lifetime in the sun and numerous treatments including surgery, cryotherapy, etc., the doctor said I would have to use Efudex on my whole face as I had untold AKs plus Bowen's Disease. I was told it was a 'brutal' treatment. He was right. All I can say is that this treatment was the most painful experience of my life. By week two, I was in agony but forced myself to continue with the three-week treatment. A word of warning: under no circumstances get this stuff on your genitals. I did, and it was agonizing. The pain was so intense it sent me into depression for 3 months. Results were excellent, however, I have no regrets."

"I am on day 14. I am doing my whole face at once. Luckily, I work from home because it looks terrible. I refuse to go out in public, that is why I am doing the treatment in January. I did not realize how much damage was on my face until I started the treatment. I started out by putting it all over my face, then, once it attacked the 'bad' spots, I just put it on the areas needed (which is my whole forehead, nose, and some of my cheeks and chin). My skin feels tight and really dry, with some scabbing. Very slight burning, no pain. After 14 days, it feels like it is taking forever, and it does not look as though it will heal anytime soon. So, be prepared for a long process."

"The reason we treat our whole face is because if there is precancer, or worse, cancer, then the fluorouracil finds it! I look like someone beat me up, but it's better than the surgery. It is painful if you do have sun damage, but after a month, it should be better. Certainly, it's tolerable. I did have a few side effects: leg cramps, but better than cancer!"

Efudex (fluorouracil) "Being a white Aussie girl who loved being outside, my skin was a mess. I’m now 58. I’ve used Efudex several years ago with great success. Started again due to scaly patches on my face that never went away. These reacted instantly and then disappeared. After having a break, I started using it on pigmentations on my face. These too reacted, interestingly, I started getting reactions on places I didn’t put the cream. So I started putting the cream there too. My face is a mess, very itchy, sore. I certainly wouldn’t recommend using this on large areas at a time due to the uncomfortableness of the process. I know it will be worth it, so I will continue on. I have some lumps on my head, once my face is done, I will be doing my scalp."

Carac (fluorouracil) "This is the 2nd time using this cream...more for a pre-cancerous treatment. I used it only on my nose 8 years ago. I am 10 days in on using Carac cream for my whole face. I thought there would be only a few areas but I have a lot of sun damage all over my face. Nothing on my nose (already treated), forehead less because I had bangs most of my life. During the day I use powder foundation to cover most of the dark red blotches so I can look normal. At night I take NyQuil to sleep. So far I can tolerate it all."

Efudex (fluorouracil) "Used years ago on my arms and it was successful for a time, after healing. But my arms look like they once did. I have red hair and freckles from growing up in Arizona before sunblock was used! Now I'm using it on my forehead. It's miserable, but I hope it works. All I can say is take it one day at a time. Keep battling."

"Age 70, male, excessive sun exposure. The dermatologist suggested 'Blue Light' on my face, but after the painful experience with this same treatment on my arms, I chose to use fluorouracil. I applied it for two weeks to my face, neck, and ears. On day 13, I went to the dermatologist with fears of open sore infection, plus I could barely open my mouth to eat. I was prescribed a topical antibiotic, a topical steroid, and Benadryl to reduce swelling, and an OTC product called CeraVe Healing Ointment. The CeraVe provided immediate comfort and relief from my misery and allowed me my first decent night's sleep in over a week. I started by applying CeraVe twice a day and then saw even greater benefit by applying every three hours or so. Aquaphor did not work as well as CeraVe for me. I have been restricted from sunlight and leave home only after the sun sets totally (no twilight) to run errands. Looking forward to healthy skin again and daylight hours."

Efudex (fluorouracil) "Efudex successfully combated skin abnormalities that my doctor had cancer concerns about. I used Efudex for ten days and then stopped because of blistering; they were small, but covered my face. It's been almost two months after my treatment and I still have an unsightly, coarse rash. The steroid cream I used five days afterwards eased the appearance of the rash, but because of concerns over skin thinning, I could not continue with the cream."

"I was advised to use this on my face, neck, chest area, legs, and arms. I started on my neck and chest area. Applied twice a day for 5 to 7 days. I was able to do 5 days but not able to touch the area any longer. On day 6, the entire area looked like I had a very, very bad chemical burn, and the pain was unbelievable. I’m tough and have been through a lot of surgeries. I can deal with pain. But this pain was beyond anything I ever experienced before. I tried using an Aquaphor spray to help. It felt like a blowtorch was being used on me. After the initial pain of application, I did not notice any relief. Not gonna use it anymore. The only relief I am getting, I’m on day 11 since first use, is warm Vaseline, heating it up with my hairdryer makes it a lot easier to apply painlessly. I will not be using it on any other part of my body. And I wish I had found this site prior to using it because I would not have used it."

Carac (fluorouracil) "I have had great success with Carac treating pre-cancerous condition on my entire face area. The results were astounding! I am currently one week from finishing treatment on both forearm areas and looks like the results will be similar."

Efudex (fluorouracil) "I was prescribed Efudex for squamous carcinoma. Was told to do both arms from elbow to fingers. One at a time, of course. I'm just over three weeks of using it, and it has not worked at all. Doctor can't understand why."

Fluoroplex (fluorouracil) "Like many other topical creams for skin cancer, it has a burning effect. Dryness, then flaking on the areas applied. It helps when the flaking has stopped and your skin has had time to repair the dead drying, and sometimes a bit of bleeding in my cases. But seems to get rid of the skin cancer. So for about a week, you will look a little scaly, best used before or after any family photos."

"I'm a 57-year-old former sun worshipper. I'm 2 1/2 weeks into 4 weeks of treating squamous cell and basal cell carcinoma on my legs, and actinic keratosis on my face, applying fluorouracil twice per day. I'm covering the spots on my legs with micropore tape. After the fluorouracil has been on my face for 45 minutes, I cover my face with Aquaphor to ease the crusting and dryness. I'm anxious to see the end result. Regarding the cost... USE THOSE FREE PRESCRIPTION DISCOUNT MEDICINE CARDS! And the cost can be different with each card."

Efudex (fluorouracil) "I'm treating slightly raised warts which only partially respond to tea tree oil, EGCG cream, tazarotene, and many herbal ointments containing thuja plus etc. essential oils. To those wanting to use Efudex, there are articles stating 1% /0.5% are better tolerated compared with 5%. But Carac is magnitude more expensive. I guess the lower % is less irritating as normal cells are not absorbing as much. If you have deep growth, 5FU may cause significant inflammation/edema that may be excruciatingly painful. I found using oral Serrapeptase 120k Ux2 (empty stomach) helps a lot in terms of managing inflammation and pain. It seems the warts are responding dramatically."

"Used months ago on my upper chest, now my skin looks 20 years younger there. I just had surgery, so I took advantage of a week prior to starting it. Areas I would have never thought were the worst, and I am thankful I used the product to help prevent and stop or slow an issue that would turn to cancer."

Efudex (fluorouracil) "Have attempted this 4 times now and always get a systemic reaction immediately. This made me so ill even though I was only using a small amount for very small area on face. Sickness, flu like symptoms, pounding headache, fever, hair loss and bed bound. I usually make it to day 18. Dermatologist has advised me to stop using this because of the severe systemic reaction. I can put up with the redness and blistering no problem. I would much rather have surgical excision than this cream. For Acintic Keratosis I just have cryosurgery. Tried Solareze recently for three months but had no localised reaction , it just made me wheezy."

"I am on week 8 using 5% fluorouracil once a day for 6 weeks, M-F. Thank goodness I had weekends off, or I might not have stuck with it -- weeks 5 and 6 were exceptionally painful. My chest is still red and flaky, and there is still pain/itching (reminds me of shingles, just not as intense). And I'm able to sleep through the night again without waking due to pain when shifting in my sleep. I'm glad I stumbled on this site. I'm stopping on the way home for vinegar and moisturizer since several of you seem to have found relief."

Efudex (fluorouracil) "I have lived outdoors most of my life, helping on our farm as a youth, and just being exposed to too much sun, as an adult. As I reached my 60's I began to see areas of my face that would become crusty and flake. When skin cancer screening came to my site of work, I was told that there were some areas in which I should get checked out by a dermatologist, and so I did. These areas were immediately recognized (and verified by biopsy) as being basil cell and one squamous cell carcinoma. After going through about 5 surgeries (over several years) I asked about any other way to catch and destroy this cancer, before it came to the surface. That is when my doctor prescribed Efudex 5%. I used Aquaphor 1 hr after application, to help calm the skin. After the 17 days of use, it healed nicely. Now nearly two years after use, my skin is very soft and never peels or flakes like before. I have no hesitation, as I head into round two, nearly two years after first usage."

More about fluorouracil topical

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  • Reviews (296)
  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: topical antineoplastics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Fluorouracil topical drug information
  • Fluorouracil (Topical) (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Efudex, Carac, Fluoroplex, Tolak

Professional resources

  • Fluorouracil (Topical) monograph
  • Fluorouracil Cream (FDA)
  • Fluorouracil Topical Solution (FDA)

Other brands

Efudex, Carac, Fluoroplex, Tolak

Related treatment guides

  • Actinic Keratosis
  • Basal Cell Carcinoma
  • Warts
  • Keratosis
  • Skin Cancer