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Generic Name: Gabapentin enacarbil for Postherpetic Neuralgia (gabapentin-enacarbil)

Gabapentin enacarbil for Postherpetic Neuralgia Reviews

Horizant (gabapentin enacarbil) "I suffered with trigeminal neuralgia for over a year before I was diagnosed. They call it 'the suicide disease' for a good reason. Such awful pain on the left side of my face, like someone had taken a club and hit me on the side of my head. At times it also felt like a hot poker was lying on my teeth. All I could do was go in a dark, quiet room. Sometimes sound would set it off, but usually, it would just happen all by itself. I had tooth fillings taken out, dental X-rays done, trying to find the cause. It's a rare disease. The doctor gave me 600 mg Horizant ER samples and I took one a day after dinner at 4. It worked! Then they tried to fill my prescription with generic Gabapentin at the pharmacy. No good! Didn't work! Back on Horizant. :)"

Horizant (gabapentin enacarbil) "I have Nerve pain from shingles (postherpetic Neuralgia)The side effects of this medication were terrible for me. I gained 15 pounds in 1 month, am so extremely tired that I can't function during the day, and my blood pressure had dropped significantly. I was on blood pressure medication and had to stop it. My blood pressure range is now 78/54 to 87/60. I am awaiting for a call back from my physician today. The fatigue is terrible. I decided that I will suffer with the pain and titration off of this drug (I have only been on it for 1 month). The side effects are too devastating."

Horizant (gabapentin enacarbil) "After a nearly fatal car accident I have been in PAIN Management ever since. PAIN was controlled, but never able to quiet the damaged nerves. For years I had pain in my L leg from hip to down to my toes, never stops. Pain Management gave me the sample of 600 mg Horizant took away the nerve pain, I had been dealing with for so long. Very expensive, but I did NOT get same result from Lyrica or Gabapentin. Horizant is time-released. I did develop a rash/itch. Above I read, someone was cutting the pill in half? Not recommended as it is time released. That could be dangerous. Side effect most bothersome, confusion, distraction, forgetfulness (I would also comment there is a 300 mg. dose) which they recommend to start with. Pain Management can work with you on "samples" and certain Pharmacy that can give you HUGE discount. I would highly recommend this, for me it was really like a "miracle". Can cost upwards of $900-over $1000"

"They were prescibed for chronic pain in the nerves, they leave you impotent. They don't work and they are the worst drugs to get off. Like ssri's people need to start complaining about all the negative side effects of all these new drugs like trazodone as well. If you read this "You have been warned" they are very addicting and you will spend a lot of time trying to get off this crap that doesn't work. They all need to be sued in a class action lawsuit."

Horizant (gabapentin enacarbil) "Since I had my bilateral groin hernia, I have been using Horizon for nerve pain. Was the only medicine works for me. I have to stop using for 2 months because was so expensive . My co-payment was $300.00 . My dr found this pharmacy in CT that sell me for $20 per month prescription . My insurance pays and they give me for only $20 a month. I take the 300 mg because the 600mg is too strong for me."

Horizant (gabapentin enacarbil) "This medication saved my life. After a cervical fusion, my nerves never healed back to normal and I am stuck with permanent nerve damage. The constant burning and cervical headaches killed my career and I lost 3 years of my life. I was more dead than alive due to constant burning pain at the base of my skull down my neck and into my shoulder and upper back. I received Horizant as a sample and thought nothing of it. I had been trying different meds for 3 years and they never worked. I woke up on day 4 of taking Horizant and thought what was that odd feeling in my neck? It took a few minutes to realize I was feeling muscle aches and NOT BURNING. My burning stopped for the first time in 3 years. I started a whole new life. This medication gave me a second chance to live. Unfortunately, my insurance won’t pay for it and I have challenges getting it filled. Today, I paid $226 for 14 pills. I have been without and the pain is back. I could only afford a partial refill."

"Have been on Neurontin for years, never happy with the results. I have rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, extreme anxiety panic disorder etc. No RLS. Talked a doctor into letting me make a lateral move to Horizant. It makes me extremely nauseated but the results are miraculous. No medication works the same for everyone. It’s like rolling the dice. Does the benefits outweigh the risk? Yes for me"

"Diagnosed with fibromyalgia and had tried so many different meds for it without any good results. Finally got prescribed Horizant and have been on it for 4 days now. Started at 600mg first night and had a bad experience . Doc gave me new prescription for 300mg once per day and slowly I believe it is starting to work. My pain has improved a little bit every day and my sleep is improving also. Since it has been only 4 days I'm hoping to see more improvement as time goes by. Doc wants me to stay on 300mg for a month then up it to 600mg. If I continue to feel better I think I will up it after a week and see what happens. I will post updates."

Horizant (gabapentin enacarbil) "Been taking for about one year Worked like a miracle from first day I started it but now I’m having RLS at night I’ve been on 600mg I’m so distraught because it’s starting all over again Has this happened to anyone else?"

"I prefer this extended release version of gabapentin. The standard Gabapentin made me much too drowsy. Although, this Med doesn't work as well in relieving my foot neuropathy, I can tolerate it much better in the extended release. So, considering feeling less drowsy with relief or being in a fog with more relief, I prefer the Horizant."

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  • Drug class: gamma-aminobutyric acid analogs

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  • Gabapentin Enacarbil

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  • Alcohol Use Disorder
  • Restless Legs Syndrome
  • Postherpetic Neuralgia