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Generic Name: GaviLyte-G (polyethylene-glycol-3350-with-electrolytes)

GaviLyte-G Reviews

For Bowel Preparation "Bad reviews made me very nervous. I followed a low residue diet 3 days prior. On prep day, I had a smoothie then clear liquids the rest of the day. I mixed the prep without the flavor packet and kept it cold. It tasted like salty water. I started the prep at 6pm, taking 8 oz. every 20 minutes. My husband prayed as I drank. I finished the 7th glass before anything happened. I had a bowel movement with pieces and mostly brown liquid, followed by a few more liquid brown bowel movements. I settled down by 10:30 pm and went to bed. At 4am, my tummy sounded like a herd of dinosaurs moaning and rumbling, but there was no release. Then at 5am, I started the second half of the prep. I drank 3 glasses before anything happened and the stool was still brown liquid. I was worried it wasn’t working fast enough. I finished all the prep and took a 20 minute walk. The liquid stools turned clear by 8am. All is well. If you are reading this, then I pray peace be with you and may you be blessed with the same easy experience."

For Bowel Preparation "This is my second colonoscopy prep within one week. I prepped the first time by taking Suprep and it was awful. The taste was terrible and made me so nauseous. So when my doctor ordered a second prep, I was so scared, and the fact that I had to drink 4 liters of a prep terrified me. But I am so glad I read the GaviLyte-G advice and tips on this tread because I mixed this prep with Crystal Light, and it is a breeze!!! I wish I would have known this the first time around."

For Bowel Preparation "In the midst of prep now. Finished the first half and have to get up at 4 AM for the second. It works really well, and I have to say I was very worried, but it had been a pleasant surprise. The taste is not horrible, very tolerable, and yes, I am definitely getting cleaned out. No cramps or nausea. A little bloating, but I would expect that from drinking this much of any liquid in such a short time. I have IBS and was worried I would have a lot of pain, but it’s been the opposite. I know others can have a different experience, but I just wanted to share a positive one."

For Bowel Preparation "Prep for my first colonoscopy. Mixed as directed with lukewarm water and started drinking. Taste got better after a while in the fridge. I was not looking forward to this based on everything I had heard. Started working about 1 1/2 hours after I started drinking. Honestly, not that bad. Tastes like a thick Gatorade (I added the lemon pack it came with). I mean, of course, having diarrhea overnight is not fun, but I was expecting a horrible experience. Just start off with a good mindset and get it done! Good luck to all!"

For Bowel Preparation "The GaviLyte-G worked well for before my procedure. My first poop came shortly after my third dose. As far as the taste people complain about, the secret for a decent taste is to mix it well. After adding the flavor pack, SHAKE...SHAKE...SHAKE. Then add some water, shake the jug up. Add some more water, shake it up again. Repeat until filled. Before pouring it out to drink, move the jug around some."

For Bowel Preparation "Be prepared! It can hit like a tsunami! Try to be as close to the bathroom while waiting, put a thick towel down wherever you plan to be sitting, leave the bathroom door open and the light on, have soft TP available or wet wipes, and if possible, apply a protective barrier cream to your butt before it all starts. Remember, when Mother Nature calls, don't ignore the warning signs and get to the bathroom. I started the second dose several hours earlier to make sure it was done with me. Don't expect to get much sleep the night before the colonoscopy. I found the colonoscopy itself much easier than the prep."

For Bowel Preparation "I read many comments about GaviLyte-C. Quite honestly, I was very apprehensive. After mixing the lemon crystal and water in the morning, I waited anxiously until 4 PM to start the process. The last time I had a colonoscopy, I was given Movi-Prep. I was so sorry to hear it was off the market. It cost $80, but worked great. Now I was being given GaviLyte-C, which cost $11. I was thinking this must be a third-rate prep solution. I started taking my first gulp, and then I chugged it right down. I was flabbergasted. It couldn't be any easier or more pleasant. I took it every 15 minutes, then exactly an hour later I was off to the bathroom. Do not be afraid of this prep solution. It just had a slight salty taste. I can't wait until my next colonoscopy."

For Bowel Preparation "It's not bad at all! Just drink it cold and mix it with Crystal Light lemonade mix! It's just like drinking lemonade or lemon-lime Gatorade. I had a bowel movement about 30 minutes after the first cup. I anticipated it to be so awful, but just drink it with the Crystal Light, it's fine!"

For Bowel Preparation "Just finished the full 4 liters of GaviLyte-G and must say it wasn't all that terrible of an experience. I prepared it the night before and put it in the refrigerator. About 45 minutes before starting my prep, I put it in the freezer and got it as cold as I could without ice forming. I drank it in 8-ounce increments about every 10-20 minutes. Best to drink it through a straw, hold your breath, and gulp it. I always finished the entire 8 ounces in two 'gulps'. I also kept a piece of hard candy in my mouth the entire time, and the taste of that pretty much overtook the awful taste of the liquid. Seems to have worked quite well as all bowel movements are clear. Now to just sit back and enjoy the rest of the day, and get up early and have my procedure."

For Bowel Preparation "I survived my prep. Thank God for the tips I got from the internet, or I couldn't have done it. Use a straw, two-day prep was easier (less pressure). Lemon drops immediately after drinking the glasses of prep took the bad taste away. I just sucked on the lemon drops for a few seconds after each glass. Thank you to everyone who posted their advice!"

For Bowel Preparation "I can’t overstress the importance of lemons during the prep. Get a bag of lemons and cut them in quarters. Suck on the lemon quarter, drink the solution through a straw, suck on the lemon, drink the solution, etc. You will not even taste or smell it. Also, schedule your exam in the afternoon. You will be able to drink 1/2 of the solution the night before and 1/2 in the morning. Very tolerable way to get through this!"

For Bowel Preparation "I just started bowel prep. I have been scared all day reading online comments about how bad it tastes and how it makes people throw up and gag. THIS STUFF DOESN'T EVEN TASTE BAD??!?!?! It's actually borderline sugary and good. Wow... I can't believe I got scared of reading online comments. I'll never do that again. This stuff is not so bad whatsoever! I'll post another update when I start going to see if it causes cramps/bloating/pain/nausea."

For Bowel Preparation "Y'all, this stuff is terrible!!! However, I found a way to take it all down without any problems. Have one glass of your GaviLyte, and then a separate glass of chicken broth. You can make your chicken broth from chicken bouillon. Anyways, breathe deep and drink a 4 oz glass all the way without breathing. And then take a big sip of the chicken broth without breathing. I know that this sounds weird, but it works. The only time you'll taste the nasty is the first sip you take of it. Then the chicken broth will cover it all up because it's so strong. Hope this helps y'all like it did me!!"

For Bowel Preparation "I don't know what the fuss is about with the taste or smell. I didn't even use the lemon flavor packet that it came with because it contains saccharin, and I hate the aftertaste. I didn't refrigerate it. I drank it room temperature with no flavoring, but I did use a straw. It was not bad at all. It tasted like funny-tasting water that was a little salty. I drank it through the straw really fast, and I had a butterscotch hard candy after each glassful. The reason I didn't drink it cold was that it goes down easier at room temperature."

For Bowel Preparation "THE GOOD: It works well... THE BAD: Too well.... THE UGLY: Tastes awful, lemon or not. It's like a salty/chicken/soap/cattle stable smell flavor. Hard to drink that much. (Hard to drink that much of anything, much less this gross stuff.) I chased it with ginger ale shots. By glass 3, you will be getting rid of as much as you drink. It's miserable... Not going to lie. 4 liters worth total, so it's actually MORE than a gallon. Took me 5+ hours... The first glass and the last glass are the hardest. Causes hemorrhoid flare-ups and extreme chafing rash. Not pleasant... But my doctor said it is the best cleanse you can do. Hence the '7' rating... Very effective, but not pleasant."

For Bowel Preparation "Taken for colonoscopy prep. Received the generic GaviLyte-G. I didn't use the lemon flavor packet. Prepared the container the night before and left it in the fridge. At 4:00 PM, started drinking 8 ounces every 10 minutes. I don't find the taste off-putting at all; it's like slightly fizzy, slightly salty water. It started working after the 3rd dose (30 mins after starting). By the 7th/8th dose, I was on an every 10-minute schedule - when I left the bathroom, it was time for the next dose. 17 doses later (4 liters ÷ 8 oz), I'm confident I'm quite cleaned out; clear going in, as clear as I can imagine might be possible coming out. Lots of volume, but it works."

For Bowel Preparation "Was prescribed the half-dosing method. Drank the 1st half in 1.5 hrs and it's been 4 hours and nothing. Stomach pain, headache, nausea and sporadic chest pains. Drinking lots of water thinking it will help but it is just making me more uncomfortable. Dread drinking the 2nd half tomorrow and hope I don't have to reschedule. It's not been a good experience."

For Bowel Preparation "One the day before the colonoscopy I woke up and took my high blood pressure pill with a sip of water. I ate 2 gelatin at 3pm and drank a glass of Welch's white grape juice. I mixed the GaviLyte Solution the day before so it could get nice and chilled. At 5pm I drank the 1st 8 oz every 10 minutes for the next 3 hours until consumed. To my surprise it went smoothly. I didn't experience any nausea or vomiting but I felt a bit lightheaded at first. The trips to the bathroom came after about 45 minutes and I was able to catch a few zzzz's later in the night w/o too much interruptions. (I had a colonoscopy last year and found some precancerous polyps so I'm going back for another checkup today). GaviLyte G with lemon pack is the best!!! "

For Constipation, Chronic "I can't imagine how it must taste plain. The way I prepared it was not bad at ALL. I made homemade lemonade, LOTS of lemon juice and some sugar. Probably not super healthy, but it's all comin' out anyways! All you need is 1&3/4 cups white sugar, 6 cups of WARM water, and 1&1/2 cups lemon juice for each batch. The water *HAS* to be warm, or the laxative won't dissolve right, and it will be a nasty texture like many other people have complained of. Give it a taste test before you add it to the jug. The more lemon-y it is, the less you'll taste the saltiness of the meds. Lemon >sugar taste I promise! Hope this helps someone :) Chase it with a bit of water, and the only aftertaste will be a light lemon flavor!"

For Bowel Preparation "Second time drinking Gavilyte prep in a month, the first dose didn't work - I had minimum bowel movement. The second one not working either!!!! Now it is the morning of my colonoscopy......nothing again!!!! My doctor is going to hear about this!!!"

For Bowel Preparation "Super easy and not bad tasting at all. I heard so many negative reviews that I was very nervous to drink this solution. I drank it cold and through a straw. It was hard to get the last glass down before I started having a BM, but then it was a breeze to drink. I drank half tonight, and I will have the other half in the morning. I've been in the bathroom for roughly 4 hours thus far, but that's to be expected since that's what it's for. "

For Bowel Preparation "The taste extreme horrible, it smell and taste like chemical . I can't hold it . I throw up few times taking it. I had to take 4 liters. The lemon package won't even helps. How come it smells and taste so bad ?"

For Bowel Preparation "I got the prescription on June 25, 2018 for a July 30 colonoscopy--and without preparation--stored it in the refrigerator. The day before drinking it, I prepared it with tepid tap water and the lemon flavoring that came with it. I agitated the mixture until no powder or crystals were visible. I put the mixture back in the refrigerator. Using a measuring cup, a soft-drink cup with a lid and straw, and a minute timer, I consumed 8 oz of the GaviLyte-G in one continuous suck. Then I set the timer for a 10-minute rest. Once the ten minutes was up, I repeated this process until about half the bottle was consumed. I put the rest back in the fridge. I consumed the remaining half of the GaviLyte-G approximately four hours before the scheduled procedure. I found this process not very stressful and the taste of was fair, like a flat Gatorade, Fresca, or Pocari Sweat-which I really like."

For Constipation, Chronic "I have suffered with severe constipation for years and I use 2 tbsp GaviLyte-G in 16 oz of water twice day (both glasses at night a few hours apart) and I go regularly now. It has helped me so much! No cramping, a little gassy but doesn’t hurt. This stuff is a life saver!"

For Bowel Preparation "I started taking GaviLyte-G in prep for my colonoscopy. I had to drink 2 liters the night before and 2 liters the morning of. I drank the 2 liters in 2 hours as directed and then began to vomit. After vomiting I did have diarrhea for several hours. The taste was pretty nasty. It tasted like baking soda, salt, and metal. It was difficult to drink but I continued to meet the guidelines of 8 oz every 15 minutes in order to consume the 2 liters in the prescribed 2 hours. Having this much liquid in such a short time causing blotting and nausea."

More about GaviLyte-G (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes)

  • Check interactions
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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: laxatives

Patient resources

  • GaviLyte-G patient information

Other brands

GoLYTELY, Plenvu, PEG-3350 with Electolytes, NuLYTELY, ... +4 more

Professional resources

  • GaviLyte G prescribing information

Other brands

GoLYTELY, Plenvu, NuLYTELY, Suflave, ... +3 more

Other formulations

  • GaviLyte-C
  • GaviLyte-N

Related treatment guides

  • Bowel Preparation
  • Constipation, Chronic
  • Gastrointestinal Decontamination