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Generic Name: Glucophage XR (metformin)

Glucophage XR Reviews

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I started Glucophage XR on February 20. I cannot believe how much better I feel. Before Glucophage, I spent every waking minute thinking about what I would eat next. For the last 5 years, I stayed under 1000 calories a day, and my readings were 175 or 83. I was up and down like a yo-yo all day and night. I gained weight constantly. I weighed in at 196 lbs on Feb 20. Now, 2 months later on Glucophage, I have lost 29 lbs, and I eat like a normal person. I cannot believe the difference. The first week on it, I had some nausea, but it went away, and I now have no side effects. I keep thinking this is a fluke, a pill cannot make that much of a difference. I feel better than I have in 20 years. I now have energy because I am eating enough, and my readings are amazing."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I have been taking Glucophage XR for 4 weeks. The first couple of weeks, it made me very sick. I was told this was normal and to try to hold out and the side effects would stop. They seemed to, and then the dose was increased, and I am sick again. It works really well to get my sugar down. Before I started, it was an average of 146 or 6.7 for A1C. Now the average is 101. Since it is working, I am going to hold on for a few more weeks. I have been told that some people get used to it much faster than I have, and some people take a few months."

"Diagnosed with PCOS at 30 years old after years or struggling with irregular periods. I was constantly exhausted and sick feeling. My family doctor ran test after test and had zero results for me. Food would make me sick and I felt terrible all the time. Finally I went to a gyno instead of my family doctor and had answers within a month! PCOS with insulin resistance. I am on week 2 of Metformin Extended release 1500 mg a day. Day 1 I felt a little sick to my stomach but after the first afternoon I felt AMAZING!! I fell better than I have felt in years. I have so much energy all day and my muscles aren't fatigued like they used to be. I hope it keeps up!"

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Been taking 1000XR x2 for 6 months. diagnosed with horrible stats : A1C 9.8! and cholesterol. I'm not overweight and BM is less than 24. Insulin levels ok but terrible resistance. My biggest problem: low muscle mass. Metformin helped in reducing A1C along with exercise and carb counting to A1C 5.6 within 6 months and statins reduced my cholesterol to half. That's the good news (statistically), the bad is that unlike others with diarrhea I have had had hard pebble poop (classed as constipation) from day one, plus lack of energy in the morning. Now my dosage is 500mg in the evening but problems with my stomach persist although the lower dosage allows me to work on my body mass : proteins + heavy exercise and it really works. A year later A1C is still below 6 (5.8) which is very good news plus I have more muscles that I put to training every hour and every day. I am now looking for alternative Metformin manufacturers to get rid of chronic constipation. It is different for everyone..."

For Polycystic Ovary Syndrome "The first week of taking Metformin (Glucophage) I was extremely sick! But after that intail first week of taking the pill, I was better. I take 1000mg in the morning and at night; making that 2000mg a day. So far it hasn't given me any issues. Haven't noticed much weight loss but so far I am happy with it."

For Insulin Resistance Syndrome "Blood glucose and HbA1C were normal. LDL cholesterol and triglycerides were low, HDL cholesterol increased. There was weight loss with metformin."

For Polycystic Ovary Syndrome "I started taking this medication for PCOS. I would suggest the XR to help with the side effects. Stick to it because the side effects are bad the first 1-2 weeks, but after that, it gets easier."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "The glucophage tablet is good and diabetes is normal"

For Polycystic Ovary Syndrome "Did not resolve polycystic ovarian syndrome completely, but did improve quality of life by treating my subclinical insulin resistance. Metformin extended release 1000mg/day."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: non-sulfonylureas
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Glucophage XR drug information

Other brands

Glucophage, Glumetza, Fortamet, Riomet, Riomet ER

Professional resources

  • Glucophage XR prescribing information
  • MetFORMIN (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Glucophage, Glumetza, Fortamet, Riomet

Related treatment guides

  • Diabetes, Type 2