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Generic Name: Psyllium for Constipation (psyllium)

Psyllium for Constipation Reviews

Metamucil (psyllium) "This should be a recommendation for most seniors. I never had a 'pooping issue' until I went past 70. I have diverticulosis, gastric reflux, and a hiatal hernia and now constipation that is hardly good for my BMs. I eat a lot of fiber-laden food and still it can be a difficult 'go'. My gastroenterologist recommended Metamucil and what a change. Softer, fuller, and easier to go. Since seniors can get sometimes fatal blockage, this should be the first choice to help prevent that not the stronger Miralax that originally was by prescription, of course once you have been checked over by a doctor."

Metamucil (psyllium) "I was having stool that had a ribbon-like form. I had begun to miss several days of having a bowel movement, which was unusual for me. My gastroenterologist suggested Metamucil. Thank God I'd read a review saying the person's blood would elevate when taking Metamucil. I was desperate and had read that Metamucil could actually lower your blood pressure. I have high blood pressure that's usually pretty controlled with medication. My blood pressure began to increase each day I took Metamucil. Now it's way out of control. Unfortunately, I will need to stop using it. It also gives me really bad gas. It's hard to lie down and sleep. I also have really bad acid reflux while taking it. I suggest anyone with high blood pressure to be very cautious when taking Metamucil."

Metamucil (psyllium) "Growing up, I thought straining to poop and sitting there for 30+ minutes was normal. I'm 25 now, and due to my recently discovered kidney problems, I also discovered that those things are not normal. So, my husband one day asked my mother-in-law to pick up some Metamucil for me at the store on her way to our apartment. None of us knew much about it because we had never taken it before. She bought the sugar-free orange-flavored kind. I started taking 1 teaspoon daily and it has seriously CHANGED MY LIFE. I'm no longer constipated, nor do I get diarrhea, and my chronic nausea has been cured. Usually I go once a day now, but on occasion I have gone 4 times, but all healthy. I love it!"

Metamucil (psyllium) "Someone had mentioned on this forum to take magnesium oxide supplements along with Metamucil, and it really works for constipation. I started taking 500 mg along with 1 dose of Metamucil for constipation, and it’s worked wonders. I had surgery to fix a prolapse but still had trouble going because of internal hemorrhoids, this has helped so much. I’m happy to not rely on stimulant laxatives."

Metamucil (psyllium) "After months of stool softeners and laxatives, I tried Metamucil. Three weeks later, regular BM every day. Hint: put a spoonful in half a glass of water and stir. Putting water into the glass with Metamucil in the bottom of the glass results in clumps that do not dissolve."

Metamucil (psyllium) "I have suffered with constipation and IBS for a while now, and I found out about Metamucil. I purchased the capsules for convenience. I have been using it for 2 days and can tell a massive difference. I have not been bloated at all, which means I have more energy. I used to spend 20-30 mins in the bathroom, now I spend a few minutes, a lot easier now. I only use 4 tablets per day, and it's working well. I would recommend it to people with constipation or those who suffer from bloating and abdominal pain due to IBS. I will repurchase!"

Metamucil (psyllium) "I started using Metamucil as suggested by my surgical assistant after adhesion surgery. Within 2 days of starting Metamucil, I began having muscle pain throughout my whole body. I could barely use my hands because of the pain in my forearms and hands. My feet and legs began hurting, it hurt to walk. Stopped the Metamucil for 2 weeks as suggested by my primary doctor. Pain began to ease off, but constipation returned. Tried Metamucil again for 2 days. This time the pain was back and was worse. My whole body was in pain. I stopped it after talking with primary again, and pain is now almost completely gone. I do not know why this caused so much body and muscle pain for me, but I will never touch it again."

Metamucil (psyllium) "I had a bad reaction to Metamucil until I figured out what to do. I found that taking Metamucil dried up my stool and gave me constipation. I couldn't believe it didn't work because everyone loves it. BUT then I took magnesium with it and it was great. Magnesium diverts liquid to the colon so it gave me enough moisture to pass stool."

Metamucil (psyllium) "I always considered eating certain foods was enough to combat constipation but have found that as I aged, this was not sufficient. I decided to start using Metamucil and found this to be easy to take, tasteless, and the condition has vastly improved."

Metamucil (psyllium) "Metamucil is great, but the new formula with Stevia does not work the same. It's not even close. I won't get detailed, but it simply does not do its job. I feel more bloated after taking it. Do not buy it with Stevia."

Metamucil (psyllium) "Worked good at first, then it caused my constipation to get much worse. Stools became very hard and dry. This leads to bleeding, hemorrhoids, and colon issues. Constipation and dehydration work together. Drink plenty of good water every day."

Metamucil (psyllium) "I was having some serious difficulty with occasional constipation since having my daughter a year ago. After doing many tests and determining I didn't have any underlying conditions, my doctor recommended a serving of Metamucil once a day. It's been a lifesaver! After about 3 days, it started working, and it's been weeks since I haven't had a single issue. I mix it with a glass of orange juice every morning so the taste doesn't bother me. I also started taking a probiotic with it. The combo has improved my energy and digestive health tenfold."

Metamucil (psyllium) "It helps. Take lots of fluid afterwards! It works better then. Contipated for 30+ years. Now have severe diverticulous. No other health problems. This helps greatly. I also use it with yogurt and a natural juice, ie. Carrot or pomegranate. And take lots of fluid, 8 cups / day. I Eat a healthy diet, lots of fruit, veggies and fiber (oatmeal). Little or no meat. This helps. Good luck!"

Metamucil (psyllium) "My son has suffered from major constipation for almost a year. He is 2 years old. Every doctor told us to use prunes, apple juice, no dairy, etc. We tried them all. But Metamucil has worked its wonders! He poops every day and does not have to strain so much. It's doing really well, we give him half of a teaspoon in his water once a day, and he doesn't even drink all of it."

Konsyl (psyllium) "I had been taking psyllium caplets (five 3x a day) for many years for my IBS-C and they were working fine. One day out of the blue I had a very hard BM that caused an anal fissure. I had never even heard of those! Went to see a colorectal doc and she said the powdered form of fiber is best and the Konsyl is the best on the market. She said is has to do with how it is milled. At first the taste made me gag, but I find if you use very cold water, the taste is almost nothing and it is easier to drink. I also chug it down quickly. I have to take it 3x a day for it to work for me; breakfast, lunch and one more in the evening to keep things "moving". It can be pricey and I never see sales. I buy it at Target to save 5% with my Target debit card."

Metamucil (psyllium) "My first experience mixing it with water was disgusting. I felt bloated, belching, and thought I was going to throw up. On the second day I mixed it with 2 teaspoons of plain yoghurt and ate with a spoon with a 300-mill water chaser. Perfecto! Works well on gut poo management. Good to go."

Metamucil (psyllium) "Metamucil worked for me after 48 hours. It is sugar-free and has an orange flavor. I took a rounded teaspoon for two mornings and I plan to take it every day for my constipation problem. I was lucky has I have had no side effects."

Metamucil (psyllium) "I used the powder twice and had pain in the bowel and an increase in reflux. I then tried the capsules but still got the same results my stomach upset and bowel pain. I will not use this product again"

Metamucil (psyllium) "I take Methadone and I took this Metamucil with it and it made me very sick each time. Horrible headache for 2 days and chills like I was getting a really bad flu virus. I would suggest anyone taking Methadone not take with Metamucil. Thx"

Metamucil (psyllium) "I love Metamucil, it works very well. But please find a way to stop the embarrassing passing uncontrollable gas. I work in a quiet setting and it scares me to think I may loose my job over this embarrassing gas that I have no control of. l Love the product but dislike the uncontrollable gas. Thank you"

Konsyl-D (psyllium) "I was experiencing severe constipation this past summer and straining extensively during bathroom visits. I tried several other things first—flaxseed, drinking hot water, and eating more vegetables. Nothing worked very well. I began Metamucil (two heaping teaspoons in the mid-afternoon). Within a day, I began having substantial bowel movements every morning—often a little frightening in size. I reduced Metamucil to every other day, and that has still kept me unconstipated and experiencing easy and very smooth movements. I now swear by Metamucil."

Metamucil (psyllium) "Well, I have been to the ER twice with abdominal pain, only for them to tell me it's constipation. I don't believe them because I thought the same and added prunes to my diet with no relief. The last visit, after going through a battery of tests, they found I was as healthy as a horse. I took PegLyte, I was clean as a whistle and still in pain. Anyway, the ER doc recommended Metamucil. So far, it seems to be helping. So far so good. 1/2 a teaspoon a day. Good bowel movement this morning. No straining. I must update this review in a month. If you have any stomach issues, I empathize with you. It is very hard to be taken seriously, especially if your blood work comes back OK. My quality of life is greatly affected."

Metamucil (psyllium) "After months of constipation, 1 on the Bristol scale, my doc gave me Metamucil, unflavored. I take one tablespoon with water. At first, it tasted terrible like cardboard, and I had gas, bloating. However, within 1 day I had normal BM, 4 on the Bristol scale. And I feel 10 times better, my energy is back, and moods are much better. Over time the gas and bloating are gone, and I've gotten used to the taste, now it tastes like chocolate milk. Definitely the best laxative I've ever used."

"Severe constipation for a long time. I am 85 years old and have tried all various suggestions (except Metamucil). They didn't help. I tried Metamucil recently and it has changed my life! I no longer sit for a long time straining with a red face and exhaustion afterwards. Thank you Metamucil for giving me a more normal life and bowel movement. xoxoxo!"

Metamucil (psyllium) "Metamucil has been a total game changer for me! Can’t recommend it highly enough. One tablespoon per day has made all the difference in the world! PS: drink lots of water with it too."

More about psyllium

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  • Reviews (92)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: laxatives
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Psyllium drug information
  • Psyllium Capsules
  • Psyllium Powder
  • Psyllium Wafers

Other brands

Metamucil, Laxmar, Hydrocil, Natural Fiber Therapy

Related treatment guides

  • Diarrhea, Chronic
  • Constipation
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Dietary Fiber Supplementation